I haven’t been pumping out newsletters at my usual pace. That’s mostly because more stuff is happening behind the scenes, and there’s nothing I can share. However, several of you worried that I’d had another health issue and were kind enough to write me and share their concerns. Long story short, I’m fine. In fact, thanks to my fine physicians, I am in less pain than I have been in over a decade.
Still and all, fun things have happened. A famous metal act follows me onĀ TikTok. The thing is, I don’t know if it’s the band members or just some staff running promo. The reason that’s important is they posted, in a conversation thread, “Real metal heads will read McSciFi.” I don’t want to credit the band and find out it’s not them. That happened to me a couple years back and things got messy for a moment. So, better safe than sorry. Nevertheless, that is one cool quote.
One fun thing I did was post an accurate history of Friday the 13th. You’ll be surprised to learn it’s a recent phenomenon, and it got its start in America after 1900. People just retrofitted prior events to make it seem like a historical thing.
The Kirkus Reviews thing is still going on and appears to be accomplishing our goal of bringing The Brittle Riders to a wider audience.
Anyway, thanks for checking in on me. I should have some real news to share in short order. As always, stay safe, sane, and keep coming back.