They’re letting me out of my cage … again!
I AM Fest is short for Independent Arts and Music Festival. It is not a gathering of narcissists. Saturday, August 17, will mark the 11th year they’ve done it and, the good Lord willing, will be their 11th successful run. The entire fest encompasses two venues; House of Blues by day and then The Elbo Room by night. I will be at The House of Blues. There will be music, artists, authors, photographers, people who do stuff I don’t understand, and much more. Doors open at 2:00 PM and the festivities kick off at 2:30.
Unlike most book events I do, this one will have booze, if you’re of legal age, and food available for purchase.
This is the most fun you can have legally, while upright and clothed.
More below.

Next Monday kicks off Cyril Brown’s Hybrid Zero Fanart Contest. “What’s that?” You ask shyly while peaking from behind the curtain, “Is this another one of those things where I have to be naked and ride a giant, mechanical, squirrel?”
The answer is no. For a change you get to draw any of the beings, naked or otherwise, who inhabit the Hybrid Zero universe. There will be a special web page showing the characters but you can check them out in all their glory, sometimes literally, via the links below.
Hybrid Zero: Juggernaut follows the adventures of Little Zoe as she and her weapons grade family try to save the universe from a multidimensional demon, and not have sex with their relatives. It’s not as easy as it sounds. Hybrid Zero: Jungle Grrl is the fun story of a rebuilt Earth which now serves as a sex park for people who want to have sex with humans, aliens, dino clones, or all of the above. More importantly, it’s the story of Jungle Grrl and her BFF Barbarian Girl as they try to figure out who they are, their purpose in life, and try to discern the essence of existentialism as it relates to beer.
There will also be characters from Cassandra and the Changeling Sword. While not for sale yet, we’re still proud of it and want to share with you. It’s a nifty tale concerning Cassandra, her life after she dies, her time in a monastery, her changeling sword which sings to her, and all the people and demons she kills along the way. It’s as close as we’re going to get to a family friendly story. Well, by our standards. You may have, ethics, morals, and stuff, so your view may be skewed.
Plus, and this is the cool part, there will be cash and prizes for the winners, not just internet cred.
Reply to this email with any questions.
More below.

I have overstock of all my titles cluttering up my living room. I will ship anywhere in the world, just ask first if you’re not on U.S. soil so I can figure out the extra costs. All titles shipped in the U.S. are delivered via U.S.P.S. media mail and usually arrive within seven calendar days of ordering.
Currently, I have the following titles available.
Svarozic – A woman trapped inside a man, a god trapped inside a human. Since they’re all one person, she’s got issues. This is a very TEEN FRIENDLY comic. I wrote it to give trans kids a superhero of their own. It’s even got a Gypsy circus. Because every comic set in Russia needs a Gypsy circus.
Juggernaut – Set in the distant future, Juggernaut is the story of a human/alien fusion and her strange family. They live in an era where sexuality, in all its myriad forms, isn’t taboo but violence is. This group of aristocratic soldiers, who just happen to be related, must face down their own petty, in the grand scheme of things, problems and stop a trans-dimensional creature before it destroys the universe. Or not. It really depends on their mood at the time.
Legends Parallel – This is the perfect comic series for those who think quantum physics isn’t violent or sexy enough. Five earths and one woman wants to rule them all. This is the story of the man, his mom, and her lover who have to stop that from happening.
Jungle Grrl – In a distant future sex is encouraged, violence is frowned upon, and our hero, her bestie, and their dino clone, try to eke out a living in a sex park while figuring out the meaning of life. The existential poetry based on beer should be enough to make you grab this one.
Ruh Roh Rangers – This is the parody that’ll ruin your childhood but make your day. Those four meddlesome kids are now four meddlesome adults.
More below.

Finally, just in case you need more, I’ll remind you to tune in every Friday around 9:10 AM (CDT) to WBIG 1280 AM to listen to me on The Big Wake Up Call with Ryan Gatenby and to read all my nonfiction – mostly science, sometimes funny science, occasionally pop culture – over at The World News Center.
If all of this isn’t enough, I suggest you seek medical help.
Until then, see you next week!

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