Welcome to my world of apocalyptic whimsy!
It has come to my attention that asking people to click THIS LINK to get all the rules and character samples for Cyril Brown’s Hybrid Zero Fanart Contest is asking too much. I know this since I keep getting questions which are already answered in the posted rules. So, I’ll make it a little easier.
CLICK HERE to read Hybrid Zero: Juggernaut for free online and get an idea of what it’s all about.
CLICK HERE to read Hybrid Zero: Jungle Grrl for free online and get an idea of what it’s all about.
Look, it’s my job to make this easy and fun, not to judge. Full rules are in the graphic below.
More below.

I’ve been asked for updates on SPLICE, the film script I wrote. We recently received all the beta reviews and comments and I’ve begun incorporating them into a final document. This will take a little bit as I strive to close plot holes, enhance motivations, make the bleak parts bleaker, ramp up the suspense, beyond the merely heart stopping levels it was at, and clean up some dialogue.
Since we, according to the renowned quantum mechanician Judy Tenuta, live in a finite universe I’ve been keeping the final edit to approximately two hours long. So, for every scene added an equal amount of time needs to disappear. It’s arduous work, but it’s turning into something amazing. I’ll keep you posted as it develops further.
More below.

I have overstock of all my titles cluttering up my living room. I will ship anywhere in the world, just ask first if you’re not on U.S. soil so I can figure out the extra costs. All titles shipped in the Continental U.S. are delivered via U.S.P.S. media mail and usually arrive within seven calendar days of ordering.
Keep in mind that Jungle Grrl is currently in a limited edition American Manga sized comic. Once they’re gone they’ll be gone forever. Future editions will be printed in the same magazine format as Juggernaut. Which is cool, but not as deliriously cute.
If you’re not sure if you want something, you can read every title for free online justy by clicking the appropriate link.
Currently, I have the following titles available.
Svarozic – A woman trapped inside a man, a god trapped inside a human. Since they’re all one person, she’s got issues. This is a very TEEN FRIENDLY comic. I wrote it to give trans kids a superhero of their own. It’s even got a Gypsy circus. Because every comic set in Russia needs a Gypsy circus.
Juggernaut – Set in the distant future, Juggernaut is the story of a human/alien fusion and her strange family. They live in an era where sexuality, in all its myriad forms, isn’t taboo but violence is. This group of aristocratic soldiers, who just happen to be related, must face down their own petty, in the grand scheme of things, problems and stop a trans-dimensional creature before it destroys the universe. Or not. It really depends on their mood at the time.
Legends Parallel – This is the perfect comic series for those who think quantum physics isn’t violent or sexy enough. Five earths and one woman wants to rule them all. This is the story of the man, his mom, and her lover who have to stop that from happening.
Jungle Grrl – In a distant future sex is encouraged, violence is frowned upon, and our hero, her bestie, and their dino clone, try to eke out a living in a sex park while figuring out the meaning of life. The existential poetry based on beer should be enough to make you grab this one.
Ruh Roh Rangers – This is the parody that’ll ruin your childhood but make your day. Those four meddlesome kids are now four meddlesome adults.
More below.

Last, but certainly not least, I was recently added to a team to help create a series of Y/A comics. The company’s been in business since the ’90s, is fully funded, and thinks I know what I’m doing.
Two out of three ain’t bad.
I’ll share more info once ink dries and everything’s filed in the correct folders. But, in the meantime, this is an exciting new venture for me and I can’t wait to start dropping samples for you to check out.
See you next week!