Hi Everyone.
Today I’m going to breeze through all the fun ways you can support me, get cool stuff, or just ogle the awesomeness of everything.
First up, the Kickstarter for CROSSTITCH ALPHA: THE “7” BOOK ONE: ENVY is live and looking for love. Just a reminder, with Kickstarters you do not pay a penny unless, and until, the project is fully funded. So go ahead, take a risk, have some fun, and make a pledge for, the completely safe for kids, CROSSTITCH ALPHA: THE “7” BOOK ONE: ENVY without worries.
Envy is the first story in the New Wave Comics’ series, The Seven Deadly Sins a/k/a THE “7.” I will be writing all of them so please join in the fun.
All you need to do is CLICK HERE to get started.
More below.
If, however, you’re looking for something a little more mature, and slightly less spiritual, I’ve got you covered. Cyril Brown, the creator of the Hybrid Zero multiverse, has added a store where you can purchase a plethora of original, and eye popping, comics and posters.
Just CLICK HERE to revel in the majesty of his imagination.
Just to cue you in, Cyril’s art tends towards the NSFW side of things so you may not want to pop that link while you’re sharing your screen with your boss or something like that.
You’ll be pleased to learn that Cyril has an industrial printer, and custom packaging, so you can request any item to be autographed at no additional cost.
Go ahead and BUY NOW!
More below.
Last, but far from least, I will be appearing at The Book Fest this weekend along with Jonathan Maberry, Raye Mitchell Esq., Ora Nadrich, Danny Trejo, Sara Winokur and many others. The whole she-bang is presented by The Greater Los Angeles Writers Society and The Writers of the Future Contest.
This event is completely free, you just need to sign up.
On Saturday, October 24, I’ll be live and answering questions about multiverse theories, or anything else that has your attention, at 6 PM (CDT).
When I’m not there in person, I’ll be there in spirit, and you can watch a video of me reading, my original horror short, FUN TIMES AT THE APOCALYPSE A GO-GO. Funny note about that; I wrote it to be an unreleased showcase piece in my book of short stories, Stuff About Things. Two hours after I’d announced it existed, it got bought by Sci-Fi Lampoon magazine. Yeah, I know, first world problems and all that. This will be my third appearance in that revered tome.
Anyway, since there’s no such thing as too much McSciFi, I’ll also be leading the whimsically entitled panel The World Sucks, Let’s Build a New One – Imagining Tomorrow’s World Today which features some amazing authors from all over the world. The panel goes live at 4:45 PM (CDT), on October 25th, will last about an hour.
An irreverent take on the traditional world-building panel with an array of writers who imagine the fictional worlds we love to read about. From dystopian to science fiction and steampunk to fantasy, step into a speculative odyssey as they discuss the endless possibilities that we might face because of Covid, racial tensions, advancing technology, political divides, and of course, murder hornets.
- Kevin Groh, Author of The Omni Legend Series with the first book, The Commander: Guardian of Utopia, releasing in the United States in English in early 2021.
- Laurel Anne Hill, Author of two award-winning novels: The Engine Woman’s Light and Heroes Arise.
- Edgar Scott, Economist turned computer scientist, futurist, and author of the forthcoming 418.
- Lon Varnadore, Author of Junker Blues, Mostly Human, and other sci-fi and fantasy fiction.
- Moderator: Bill McCormick, Creator of multiple universes including those in his novels, Splice: Hit Bit Technology and The Brittle Riders Trilogy.
Until next week, stay safe, sane, and inside.