This is going to be a low key newsletter. There’s not a lot of hip-hop-happening McSciFi news to share. And, I suppose, that’s not a bad thing. Not all of the universe revolves around me. And it’s not like I’m going to delve into a dissertation about the demise of Dodger Dogs. I mean, sure, they were cool while they lasted, but that company’s been sold more often than bit coin in Nigeria. It wasn’t the same product. Back on February 20, 2021, my publisher received notice that Goptri of the Mists: Kitaab Ek was available as a paperback. While Azoth Khem isn’t a major publisher, they do allow me to pay my bills. So I started promoting the PROMO VIDEO I’d created. But, and this is always fun, the paperback sat in limbo. No reason was given. No emails were answered. It just sat in the purgatory of Ingram Spark. Until yesterday. We now have confirmation that the paperback is being released, will be made available to brick and mortar stores, and will not carry a demonic possession warning. All good things. This Friday I will be recording an interview with Jude Matulich-Hall for her show Titles, Talk, and Tipples which I read as Titties, Talk, and Tipples when I first got the invite and I was terribly excited. Oh well. I’m still allowed to teach Sunday School. So the important things are still in place. Once the show has been edited, most likely to remove all my F-bombs, I will share a link to the finished product. Recently I was interviewed by Anastasia Washington and Jenna Busch for the Spring 2021 edition of The BookFest. If you click the link you’ll be transported to a whimsical land of merriment and joy. Not too much merriment and joy, however, as we all wore pants. You know what? I think that’s enough. Next week I’ll have links to all the cool new stuff you can buy. I’m sure I don’t have to remind you that you can buy AUTOGRAPHED STUFF when you click that link. Nor do I have to bring up the fact you can buy COOL GEAR if you click this link. You’ve been here long enough to know all that. Until next week, stay safe, sane, and inside. |