These last few days have been whelming, to say the least. So, rather than try to jumble something together and pretend it didn’t sound like Tuvan Throat Singing on cheap meth, I’m taking today off.
Simply put, there are too many flaming bowling balls being juggled to say this or that is definitively happening.
But, there are too many flaming bowling balls being juggled to say this or that is not happening either.
At this point, if I don’t get burned I’m calling this adventure a success.
I apologize for the vague blogging, but I don’t want to say anything until the ink is dry or the papers are thrown out. Either result gives me something to deal with so I can move forward.
I will be active on social media, as always, so you can click here to say hi. I will say hi right back. I’m evil that way.
Until next week, I bid a hearty welcome to our new readers and please, all of you, stay safe, sane, inside, and wear a mask. Don’t worry, if Mortal Kombat cosplayers who work at strip clubs can do it, so can you.