Back on June 22 I said I was going to take a little break so I could handle a few things that were dropping into my lap. Yeah, it all sounded so easy.
It was anything but.
In order, a potential client sent me a fake check for $4,000. It got caught before anything really bad happened, but that ate into my time. Then a company that was going to hire me for some background writing sent me an invoice for $10,000 worth of crap I neither needed nor wanted. As that sailed downhill rapidly I ended up involving legal authorities and blocked everyone.
Still, that wasn’t the main highlight. Nope, a minor intestinal issue I’d been suffering through decided to make itself a more prominent part of my life and I ended up in the hospital. The amazing peeps at Advocate Trinity made sure my stay was short, pleasant, and that I had a cheeseburger. I still need some more tests, but the scary stuff has been ruled out so you’re stuck with me a while longer.
I’ll have announcements on new stuff next week but, until then, here’s an unsubtle reminder that you can wander over to Azoth Khem Publishing and get your well manicured hands on my novels.
My TikTok page is only a couple of weeks old but I’m hard at work creating content that will be used to target SPLICE: HIT BIT TECHNOLOGY to the United States Military. Fully a third of the book revolves around Splice’s tour as a U.S. Marine. And, while the sample size isn’t the largest I’ve seen, vets and active troops really seem to like the book.
SPLICE is a non-stop thrill ride, taking the reader on an edge-of-your-seat experience through the military and organized crime worlds. Bill McCormick absolutely captures the senses of the military and combat from sight to sound to smell and leaves you only wanting more at the turn of every page. This book gets it right and keeps it coming!
Josh Grenard
Former Infantry Captain/Combat Veteran
U.S. Army
As those who follow closely know, I put a lot of research into my books. I talk to those who know what they’re talking about so I can sound like I do too. I don’t. I’m more like a cool parrot that can type, but it gets me where I need to be.
Many years ago, when I was first starting to assemble what would become The Brittle Riders I interviewed several people in the military. Former combat nurses gave me the best insights into the ravages of war. However, one man, a Brigadier General with the U.S.M.C., was kind enough to let me buy him drinks while he discussed common, and not so common, battle strategies. I gave him the technical abilities of my creatures and he gave me reams of information on how they could engage in combat. Of course, this was years before the book came out so he’d never read it.
Until now.
A couple days ago I got a brief email from him reminding me he was still active duty so I can’t use his name in advertising or promotion. Nevertheless, he’d just finished reading The Brittle Riders and had this to say about that.
So, if I get this, you’ve got lesbians, poly amorists, Muslims, sorry Muslim cows, giant Christian cockroaches, and so on, fighting for the betterment of all who live? I’ll never admit this publicly, but I’m glad we’ve got a president who thinks you’ve got the right idea. Great story, kept me buried in it, and I just ordered hard copies for the den. Some day you can sign them. You’re a strange guppy, but you do write like a pro. Semper Fi crazy stranger.
So, another satisfied customer.
Finally, Goptri of the Mists: Kitaab Ek is now out in paperback. Just CLICK HERE to get your copy. If you want to know about the Goptri’s universe, before busting out your credit card, I created a fun video to help you immerse your mind in its awesomeness.
One of the beta readers had nice things to say about it.
This world is our world and not. It is our future, and not. When multiple nuclear missiles can rightly be used as an example of subtle persuasion it becomes a testament to the deep, and twisted, humor that permeates this series. The fact that a gay wedding is the capstone for a bloody revolution is a perfect example of how dichotomies constantly intertwine to tie every story thread together. All in all, this is world building, and story telling, at its finest.
Sarah Z. Gallagher, PHD
Given that we’re far from done with the pandemic, please stay safe, sane, and away from strangers as much as possible. See you next week!