Guten Morgen, as they say in Japan. Or is that Ohayogozaimasu as they say in Brazil? I may be wrong about all of them. No matter, it’s always a pleasure to see you again. Of all the people reading this newsletter you’re the best looking and smartest. I don’t want you to panic but next week Kim and I are going on a mini vacation and there will be no way to do a newsletter. It will just be us, a large dog, and a pool. If all goes well and God truly loves us, there will be alcohol as well.
I’m going to keep today’s missive brief.
I have been spending the last week or so updating some of my social media pages, ones I tend to neglect, and working on a couple new projects. Let’s take them in reverse order.
I’m once again leaping into the abyss with the legendary Cyril Brown to work on a new dimension of the Hybrid Zero Multiverse. This time our broken brains are creating an intergalactic, pansexual, rock band that may, or may not, alter the paths of governments and bring down despots. No matter what, they make some pretty cool music. So, make sure your boss isn’t around, and CLICK HERE to meet The Neutrinos. Their motto is “We were the shit they scraped off their shoes when we arrived, but now we’re the shit. Catchy, isn’t it?
I’m also circling back to work with the infamous Ghoulbeanz. Back when she was known as “innocent little Soybean” we worked on Svarozic together. The story of a woman trapped inside a man and a god trapped inside a human has earned more fans than expected. Since it was just a character introduction you’re welcome to click the link and read the story for free. Now, just for giggles, we’re turning our jaundiced eyes on the afterlife. Specifically, those beings who shuttle us there when we shed our mortal coils. Bob: Sins of the Son is a fun look at the son of death and his quest to be a superhero in Chicago.
Most people who follow me know I try not to sully the Internet with my visage. My avatars are much cooler and make me look more human. However, thanks to the rise of Tik Tok, more and more people demand to see a face with the promotion. I’ve been dipping a toe into the shallow end, but I have been trying. If you go to my Tik Tok or YouTube pages, you will see videos of me sitting in my living room talking about stuff. Since I’m still not comfortable with this I tend to sound like I washed down ten hits of speed with a gallon of espresso. There are even some examples on my Instagram page. Although, fortunately, they are fewer in number.
Okay, you’ve endured enough trauma. Please make sure to stay safe, sane, and masked. I’ll see you in two weeks. And, yes, I can see you through your monitor. That’s how the Internet works.