I know a lot of you are asking “Golly gee whillikers, Mr. McSciFi, why am I tied up naked on this bed and slathered in oils?” Ooops, sorry, wrong email. Try this. “Golly gee whillikers, Mr. McSciFi, now that I’ve read everything you’ve written for public consumption, I have me the sadz. Will there ever be any more McSciFi for me to read?”
The short answer is you have no reasons to suffer the sadz. First and foremost, the incredible concept album The Mekadisco by industrial music legends Go Fight will have a McSciFi short, Tikka Wants a Lolly-Cat, released in conjunction with it. The album contains a 180 page graphic novel dedicated to a unique new universe, and there are several music videos featuring barely clad adults dancing and having a ball. All of the costumes for the dancers and models were designed by multi-media mastermind, and leader of Go Fight, Jim Marcus. While the release focuses on the creation of the Mekadisco, my short looks at one possible ending. Simply put, if you like some groove when you move, and think your dystopias could use a little sexing up, this is what you’ve been waiting for.
If you prefer your McSciFi in a longer form, I’ve got that covered too. At the behest of Azoth Khem Publishing I am writing a conspiracy theory fueled UFO story set in the present. Currently named It Came on the Darkling Wind, a title I like so I hope it sticks, it covers a wide swath of paranoid territory and is my first novel to actually contain footnotes. It will be more in the tradition of SPLICE: HIT BIT TECHNOLOGY as opposed to everything else I have written. By that I mean there will be non-stop action, shorter and tighter chapters, and characters you’ll learn to love despite their myriad flaws. Well, it will be all that if I write it right. As of this newsletter I’m over 10,000 words in and am enjoying the heck out of it. The working tag line is “You’ll never look at nana’s senior center the same way again.”
Yeah, that should win me friends somewhere.
If you want pretty pictures to go with your words, you’re in luck. Bob: Sins of the Son is finally freed from my tiny mind and is being brought to life by one of my favorite artists, Ghoulbeanz. Long time fans will remember her gloriously liquid graphics on Svarozic. If not, click the link and read it for free online.
Also, the critically acclaimed series Legends Parallel is rocking back to life. Featuring art from the world famous Leslie Tejlor, whose new art book of erotic gods and goddesses is out now, the dark social satire continues to follow the life and adventures of Tom Hill a/k/a Siafu. Purposely built on common tropes, to give readers a foundation, it continues to deal with racism, classism, and other social ills all while telling a mature superhero story. You can check out issue #1 for free online if you missed it the first time around.
Until then, you can sate your McSciFi needs with the second edition of The Brittle Riders: Book One, the revised release of SPLICE: HIT BIT TECHNOLOGY, grab copies of the many anthologies I’m in, check out select comics for free online courtesy of Nerdanatix, and, of course, you can festoon your hot bod with custom McSciFi gear. Send pics if you do.
I’ll be back next week, here’s hoping you will be too. Have a great day!