Subject line courtesy of Spell Check.
Before we press any flesh, I thought you would enjoy learning that Hadithi Sambamba Comix has a new store up and it has all the cool comics we’ve talked about. One thing to note, the store uses hard sized graphics and those tend to die on cell phones. It’s best to open it on a tablet, or larger, device. Trust me, it’s worth the effort. When you place an order you’ll immediately be sent a link to a PDF you can download.
Oh, yeah, don’t read print quality comics on cell phones either. Besides being nearly impossible to do, it’s insulting. It’s akin to using the Mona Lisa as a bath mat.
Also, on the good news front, my story, MIGGY, about an alien toad thumper (it’ll make sense when you read it), is out now in The Rabbit Hole Weird Stories Destination:Journey. The cool kids, like you, call it Rabbit Hole Vol. VI. If you click that last link you’ll be treated to a brief interview with me, a sample of the story, and enough awesome sauce to raise your street cred by proxy.
All right then, let’s get fleshy!
Tomorrow, November 8, 2023, at 6:30 PM, I’ll be appearing at the Limestone Public Library, located at 2701 W. Tower Road, Kankakee, IL 60901. I will be reading excerpts from The Brittle Riders, sharing some fun stories about how I eventually ended up in your inbox, and chatting with any who wish to chat. Now, don’t quote me, but rumor has it I’ll have some awesome wearables and bookmarks for those who are into that sort of thing. I was bummed that the pandemic killed the fantasy and sci-fi conventions in Kankakee, since I always did well there. So, you can imagine how thrilled I was to get this invitation. While I won’t be selling anything I’m pretty sure it will be an enriching experience.
Right on the heels of that, I’ll be at Windycon in the DoubleTree, 1909 Spring Road, Oak Brook, IL. 60523 from Friday, November 10th, through Sunday, November 12th. Doors open at noon on Friday. I’m really geeked for this. I haven’t been to Windycon since 2019 and always did well there. I’m expecting a large crowd of eager sci-fi and comic fans to learn to worship, or at least tolerate, your favorite McSciFi.
As my wife and I ramped up for these appearances, we also began plotting on how we can attend more conventions in a broader geographic area. Some of the cons we loved are no longer functioning or have dramatically altered their target audience. For example, one con I loved has changed their target market to pre-teens. I’m pretty sure I’d end up in jail if I pushed my stuff on young kids. Sure, there are sixteen year olds who like my work, but they’re not the target audience here. It skews really youthful.
Oh well, like my mammy used to say, “When one door slams shut, someone will just push you out a window.
And, on that jovial note, I wish you nothing but happiness and hope to see you soon.