Last Sunday, May 26, at around 6:30 AM I was sitting in the john contemplating the universe and my place in it, as people are wont to do, when my phone rang. It was my neighbor letting me know someone had broken a window on our car. I ran outside, confirmed that, and came in and woke my beloved bride. Apparently, nothing was stolen, so this was just random vandalism.
Or so they’d like you to believe.
With the car not safe for highway driving, and no way for us to get to church, my wondrous wife decided to go get some Popeye’s. It was then she discovered the entire steering column had been torn apart. Fortunately, our next door neighbors swooped in to salvage some of the day and took my cute-as-can-be spouse to get some Popeye’s.
Long story short, the wannabe master thief did almost $1,500 worth of damage to the car, plus the tow, and now the insurance company and the repair shop are arguing about which parts are actually needed to make the car function again. Needless to say, we still don’t have a car.
In a lighter vein, Legends Parallel was recently reviewed on the Indy Comix Review Show by, the gloriously birth named, Slim Jim Longfoot. This was the greatest comic book review show I have ever seen. Words won’t do it justice, but I’m going to try. Unlike other review shows where the host holds up the cover, says a few words, and moves on, Slim pops open the comic and then reads it to himself, offering occasional commentary. As he does this people are following along and asking questions. Then, when he’s done, he sums up the reading experience. You have to see it to believe it but know that he liked Legends Parallel a lot.
Finally, as The Brittle Riders keeps getting more and more attention, it was decided to give away Book 1 for Free to allow everyone a chance to see what all the excitement’s about. That link will take you to a happy little PDF that you can download, share as desired, and, if I’ve done my job right, enjoy. If you’re one of those people who needs more info before committing to a free book, just CLICK HERE for an updated list of reviews, previews, and promotional materials, all courtesy of Azoth Khem.
Until next time, stay safe and sane.