Life is not all rainbows and unicorns. My, on again / off again, health issues are a good example. While I tend to dismiss them as “everything’s fine” the fact is I’ve been offered last rites twice in the last six months. So, maybe, less braggadocio and more paying attention to doctors is called for. And, since I promised my wife she could die before me, that is what I’m doing. Mind you, I’m in no rush to be single again. I want her to live a long and joyful life. We both had hard lives. Neither of us thought we’d find happiness at our age. And yet here we are.
Sometimes plans don’t work out. These things happen to all of us. But I have to admit, this turn of events has me baffled. I and several other authors had been asked to participate in a three-day seminar to teach writing to students in South Africa. Obviously, this would have been a digital seminar, but it still seemed cool. Graphics were created, schedules made, authors connected and then … nada. The host’s LinkedIn account has been taken down. All social media sites have been scrubbed. It’s like it never existed. Before you ask, none of us had put any money into it. In fact, other than agreeing to do it, we weren’t invested at all. Still and all, it was a strange turn of events.
A couple of months ago, I’d shared how a Japanese animator was interested in The Brittle Riders but felt he needed more background, so he had his assistant translate the trilogy for him. I have no idea what he pays her, but it’s not enough. Anyway, I hadn’t heard a mumbling word for about two months until a few days ago.
He wanted to know how I’d feel if he reset the story in Japan.
I asked how that would work since all of the social constructs I satirize are Western Civilization staples. Japan has never had anything like them. Even their version of capitalism is different. After some back and forth, it turned out he thought those things could be removed and just leave a story about the chimeras having battles, drinking skank, and being sexy.
I wasn’t thrilled but said I’d consider it if the price was right. And that was where we hit a roadblock. He wanted it to be something we developed jointly. I want to buy Kim a new home for Christmas. You can see the problem. The trouble with spec work is I spec to be paid. And I’m not giving up something I slaved over on a whim.
Anyway, I left the door open, but this version of his plan has been laid to rest.
All this being said, there are good things burbling too and I will share them when they get closer to the surface. Until then, stay safe and sane. I like having you around.