Azoth Khem Publishing and Perspective Film House have partnered to bring The Brittle Riders to life either as a streaming property on TV or full-length movie. No one will be using the pilot script I wrote. While there are elements everyone liked, there aren’t enough of them to move forward. Which is fine. At this point, I’ve been living these stories for almost a decade. Fresh eyes will be appreciated.
Perspective was aggressive in their presentation and provided clear expectations of what we could, and could not, expect. More importantly, at least to everyone at this end of the deal, was the fact they’d read the book prior to making an offer. Further, they’d read others that could have fit with their needs and still selected us.
If you haven’t read it yet, it really is a good story.
It’s got boobs, violence, guest appearances from the occasional dingus, morality issues, and gallons of booze.
Oh, yeah, it also has a plot.
Kind of a good one, now that you ask.
That could be why it was voted Best Sci-Fi Novel of 2022 by the Critters Readers Poll and had Kirkus Reviews give it a recommended rating and note it’s “(d)ensely packed, SF-tinged high fantasy that mildly satirizes the genre.”
Perspective will be handling the development of the formal presentation, which should take between six to ten months to get all spiffy and shiny, and then will secure the final investors to bring it all to life. Yes, they will need investors. This is too big a project to lay on the shoulders of one company. Unless that company is Marvel or something.
OMG! Can you see Robert Downey, Jr. portraying Sland?
No. No one can. Not even RDJ, back in his halcyon days of substance abuse, could see something like that.
Another reason to be excited about this is the fact they are realistically focused on Book 1 and not the entire universe. Obviously, they know it exists, but they aren’t getting ahead of themselves. That makes all of this possible.
If one works, and it will, they can always make more.
Just before the end of 2024, I posted a “starter pack” on social media of some of the characters from my novels in case anyone wanted to cosplay them. That led to some fun questions online and twenty-nine new subscribers to my email list.
Anyway, as to the questions, here are the answers.
(1) Yes, you can be under 18 and send me pics of you cosplaying. Just cover up your pretty bits so Mr. Bill doesn’t go to jail.
(2) If you’re over 18, you don’t have to wear pasties if you don’t want to. We have custom digital ones we can use as needed. However, I may ask for proof of age, so be prepared.
(3) If you’re already hairy, R’yune and Sland are both excellent and easy choices for you. I have others that I don’t have drawings of so ask if you’re interested.
(4) Except for the Pearls from Goptri of the Mists, who are clones of an Indian female serial killer coupled with the body of a Cephalopod, it is impossible to “race swap” any character. All my chimeras are built on a wide variety of human DNA. As long as you’re human, you’re halfway there.
(5) You can send all the pics you want. I will not use any without your permission. Just submitting them doesn’t grant me any rights. Years of experience have taught me that what seemed like a good idea at the time might not work so well in retrospect.
Yeah, you whimsical medical professional, I’m looking at you.
Just send whatever you’ve got to so they don’t get lost in my personal email.
Feel free to share this with anyone you think might be interested.
This has been a long, occasionally strange, trip. However, at no point did I, or anyone involved, feel like we were being jerked around or shopping something useless. People genuinely liked this tale and all its possibilities.
Everything happened kind of fast. I’d been told by several industry professionals that something like this could happen, but it was still unexpected. In fact, we were in preliminary discussions with a different company when all of this occurred.
I will be forever grateful to all the people I met along the way who offered encouragement, their time, and detailed advice to help this project shine. Without their assistance, and guidance I’d probably be wondering if Wendy’s was hiring.
(jedi mind trick)Yes, you will want fries with that(/jedi mind trick).
Anyway, strap in gang, this ride has only just begun.