This will be brief. If you are interested in cosplaying any of my characters, and it seems some of you are, just CLICK HERE for all the rules and regulations. You have a lot of choices and freedom, but there are still some guardrails. While I have several tutorials in that link, if you need more help with your costume, check out Laura Jansen at Lightning Cosplay for a busload of helpful ideas. I’m referring to stuff she has already posted. She’s not a McSciFi consultant or anything like that.

On March 17, Purple Toga Publications will be releasing Rainbows aren’t just for Leprechauns: A speculative anthology, Reimaging colors. My contribution, SUCCESSFUL COLORS HAVE THEIR COSTS, is a whimsical look at how the LGBTQIA+ community could take over the world by creatively mixing colors. But, instead of opening work camps for the tragically cis and the such, they make everyone FABU!

The very next day, that’s March 18, for the calendar challenged, Protected Books will release 2025 SciFi Anthology: The Science Fiction Novelists (The Science Fiction Novelists SciFi Anthology Series Book 5). My humble scribbling, HER LAST, BEST, DAY is unlike any McSciFi you may be familiar with. There’s no sex, no violence, and no copious amounts of booze. It does have a ham sandwich and a robot that slightly resembles Marvin the Martian. Not really salient to the plot, but still there. As to the plot, I can best summarize it thusly, I had the story beta-read by a theology student. He called me a blasphemer and blocked me on all social media. In writer’s parlance, that’s called a win.

Finally, Goptri of the Mists: Kitaab Teen is done. The nice people at Azoth Khem Publishing are putting a few final touches on the manuscript, and it should be live by April. Hopefully, there will be a preorder link I can share soon. As to how it all ends, I can give you this clue. The nice military lady who has been giving me advice on battles and life in combat asked for a copy of the final book of Goptri. After reminding her it was unedited, I sent it on. Just now, she sent me this; “That ending. You’re fucking me, right? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO You! Can’t! Do! That! FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!! Next time you’re in DC drinks are on me.”

As I always say, if you’re going to end a hexalogy, end it with a bang.

You are, as always, wonderful. Talk to you soon.

Bill McSciFi
Bill McSciFi
Bill McSciFi