Welcome back one and all. I hope your holiday was as happy and blessed as mine. We didn’t do gifts this year, saving that for a time when we can actually be in a room with other people. But Kim and I did spend some quality time with each other, share ZOOM calls with family, and eat too much. Way too much. But, enough about that, let’s get down to the really exciting stuff that happened over the holidays. I mean so exciting that the soft-launch of Goptri of the Mists doesn’t even begin to make the cut. Critters, a non-profit literary site run by readers for readers for the last twenty-five years, is once again running their annual “best of” contest. The Critters award is one sci-fi writers, like me, take seriously. It is overseen by people who used to award the Nebula awards. I’m thrilled to announce that SPLICE: HIT BIT TECHNOLGY has been chosen as one of the Best Sci-Fi / Fantasy books of 2020. You can help make it the best of the best when you CLICK HERE and vote for it. And, if that isn’t cool enough, a magazine that has shown the good taste of printing my stories, Sci-Fi Lampoon, is up for Best e-Zine of 2020. While you’re there voting for SPLICE please take a moment to CLICK HERE and vote for them. They’ve only been around a year but already have rabid fans. And they deserve them. It is an incredibly well done magazine. So, to recap, you’re going to CLICK HERE to vote for SPLICE, and then CLICK HERE to vote for Sci-Fi Lampoon. I want to thank you for your continued support. Fun fact, since this email encourages people to do an activity indoors, for the most part, it qualifies as a COVID-19 update on Facebook. Don’t judge me. Until next week, please stay safe, sane, and inside. If you do venture out, please wear a mask. Freedom comes with responsibilities. Being asked not to spread a lethal infection seems like an easy ask. |