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Happy Born Day to Mrs. McSciFi

Newsletter Posted on Tue, August 06, 2024 09:13:18

Today is the annual celebration of the birth of the most wonderful woman in the world. Some of you with partners of your own may quibble with my description, but I hope you’ll allow me the conceit on this holiest of holy days. I’m not sure what I had planned for the latter days of my life, but unmitigated happiness was nowhere near my list. I could go on and on and on, but I think you get the idea. My life is trebly blessed with her in it.

In unrelated news, the lovely and talented Keyla Damaer tossed a McSciFi Shout Out into her most recent newsletter. She provides a quick peek behind the McSciFi curtain and has a link to my latest book, Stuff About Things. For those unfamiliar with Keyla’s work, she writes ripping space operas, and you can check them out by clicking that link.

In the last newsletter I promised some updates on Azoth Khem, and I shall not disappoint. When you go to the Azoth Khem Website you’ll be greeted by a new menu page. It will make navigating titles easier and give visitors a chance to get familiar with all the new titles now being released. It’s not just McSciFi anymore, although there’s still plenty of that.

I don’t want to belabor things but for those who follow my social media pages, yes, I was in the hospital. My on-again/off-again battle with my kidneys went next level, and they shut completely down. This time, the hospital, where I know too many people by their first names, called in a specialist and did a deep dive into my ongoing woes. Long story short, I feel better than I have in a long time and am now beginning a path of treatments to keep this from ever happening again. Simply put, there will be more McSciFi in your future.

Before I wrap things up, I’m going to do something I rarely do, bitch. I put a lot of work into the presentation kits for The Brittle Riders and Legends Parallel. There are pitch decks, promo videos, scripts, and a variety of related properties designed to give investors and producers a clear idea if what we’re shopping. Moreover, I’m upfront about the target audiences for each project. There is a lot of time and money involved. That doesn’t include the efforts by the related publishing companies and involved artists. However, lately, companies have been requesting and accepting kits, holding on to them for a few months, and then announcing they signed projects that couldn’t be more removed from mine if they tried. One company said they were looking for something like Invincible and then released something that made Care Bears look edgy. They’re wasting the time and resources of creators for no reason I can discern. I don’t mind rejections I’m an author; they come with the trade, but I hate being jerked around. I’ve spoken with a few other creators, and they’ve run into the same thing. None of us know what to do about it. We can’t ignore submission requests, we aren’t Speilbergs, but neither can we keep leading on our partners. You see, every time I submit I must, by contract, notify the relevant publisher. If every notification turns into Care Bears like stuff, they’re not going to believe me when something legit happens.

If someone just wants to check out my projects, I am happy to share. I have done so in the past and see no reason to stop. Hell, if you want to check anything out, just ask. But, if you claim to have a budget and a need for mature content, then please actually have those things.

Until next time, stay safe and sane.

Bill McSciFi
Bill McSciFi

Time to Get Back to McWork

Newsletter Posted on Tue, July 23, 2024 08:59:34

The Brittle Riders was voted the best sci-fi novel of 2022 in the Critters Readers Poll. It then went on to get a stunning review from Kirkus Reviews. Some raw numbers. Kirkus reviews about 10,000 books a year. About ten percent get complete reviews (they won’t publish a negative review upon request). About twenty percent of those remaining get good reviews. I’ve done it twice.

When I found out they wanted The Brittle Riders as part of their fall catalog this year, you know I wanted in. When I discovered the agent was not only a sales rep but a McSciFi fan, my knees turned to Jell-O.

With the Is now dotted and Ts successfully crossed, they will be promoting my book to thousands of librarians, buyers for major chains, film and television producers, all of whom rely on Kirkus to vet the material thoroughly, so they don’t have to.

As one author I know, kind of famous, said, “I use them, the Obamas use them, lots of famous people use them. Chill. You’re in good company.”

“Chill” is not the right word. But I am thrilled.

You can read the review by clicking that link.

Here’s the thing. Knowing that a Kirkus Review was important is not the same as being in their catalog. The number of sci-fi books that make the cut is small, so companies looking for a fresh sci-fi project often turn to Kirkus for suggestions. You see, for them, the work has already been vetted for quality. The full review gives them a better idea of what they’re in for and eliminates a lot of tedious promo materials. They can get right to the meat of the project. I know all this now because more than one company has reached out to me after seeing my post on LinkedIn.

I also have a variety of short stories in international anthologiesmore novels than just The Brittle Riders, and I am still involved with several comic book titles.

Next week, I’ll have some exciting news about the wonderful people at Azoth Khem.

Until then, stay safe and sane. I like having you around.Bill McSciFi
Bill McSciFi

Kirkus Reviews Loves them some McSciFi

Newsletter Posted on Fri, July 19, 2024 15:58:23

The Brittle Riders was voted the best sci-fi novel of 2022 in the Critters Readers Poll. It then went on to get a stunning review from Kirkus Reviews. Some raw numbers. Kirkus reviews about 10,000 books a year. About ten percent get complete reviews (they won’t publish a negative review upon request). About twenty percent of those remainders get good reviews. I’ve done it twice.

When I found out they wanted The Brittle Riders as part of their fall catalog, you know I wanted in. When I discovered the agent was not only a sales rep but a McSciFi fan, my knees turned to Jell-O.

With the Is now dotted and Ts successfully crossed they will be promoting my book to thousands of librarians, buyers for major chains, film and television producers, all of whom rely on Kirkus to vet the material thoroughly so they don’t have to.

As one author I know, kind of famous, said, “I use them, the Obamas use them, lots of famous people use them. Chill. You’re in good company.”

“Chill” is not the right word. But I am thrilled.

Kirkus’ Brittle Riders Review

McWedding Gifts for You

Newsletter Posted on Tue, July 09, 2024 07:00:00

Today is the second anniversary of my marriage. Kim has been a blessing in every sense of the word. We met on Facebook and spent over a year getting to know each other. As noted in last week’s newsletter, after I moved to the southside I was close enough for Kim to meet me in person. We did that in September of 2016. We’ve been together ever since.

Now, on to the fun stuff.

The Brittle Riders: Book One (Second Edition) was Voted Best Sci-Fi Novel of 2022 at and scored a 92.7% film adaptability rating by the reviewers at Bookscribs.

A brilliant man hosted a party. It was such a good party it culminated in the death of every man, woman, and child on the planet. That story is boring and oft told. This is not that story. This is the story of what happened next.

A very unique tone and world, reminiscent of GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY meets a MAGNIFICIENT SEVEN/DIRTY DOZEN – type set up, but with a look, flavor, and lexicon all its own. – Garrick Dion – (producer, Joker, Drive, etc.)

Lord of the Rings meets Tank Girl – S. Shane Thomas.

If David Brin came off a three day tequila bender and dropped acid, he would have written The Brittle Riders. After the death of every man, woman, and child on the planet things get a little weird. Apocalypses are funny that way.

If any of that intrigues you, you can snag a FREE PDF via this link. We’re trying to make this edition a perma free on Kindle, but Amazon likes making money.

In related news, as in I wrote this stuff too, there are two new anthologies out featuring your favorite sci-fi writer. Well, okay, maybe not favorite, but still cool enough to have a newsletter.

Miggy is a toad thumper. On his world that’s the lowest form of life you can be. He ignores that and continues to be happy with his toad thumper wife in their toad thumper church. This is my dark spin on A Day Without a Mexican.

You can read the whole thing in The Rabbit Hole Weird Stories Destination: Journey. If you scroll down you can read the editor’s note on what he thought of the submission.


Twerking for Jesus. What makes human hearts (and other parts) beat faster? For some, it’s other humans. For others, it’s tentacled creatures from beyond time and space. In this frightful Dark collection of Cthulhu mythos-inspired romcom, nineteen stories and poems, part of a duology, we meet Cthulhu’s wife and children, do some gardening with a wife at the end of the world, join a women’s cult, honor the beloved dead, steal cursed furniture, hook up with Nyarlathotep, and get chased by some Dark Young in pursuit of true love. This Dark tome includes many beloved Mythos creatures and a host of new ones.

You can wallow in the epic coolness of it all when you get Necronomi-RomCom: Dark Edition.

And, as always, the Kiwi Kid (pictured below) continues to power rep McSciFi in New Zealand.

I hope you enjoy your freebie and the new releases. I’m proud of all of them. Until next time, stay safe and sane. I like having you around.

Bill McSciFi
Bill McSciFi
Bill McSciFi
Bill McSciFi
Bill McSciFi

A McSpecial Anniversary

Newsletter Posted on Tue, July 02, 2024 07:00:00

July has been developing into a good month for me. It’s the month I got married, and that still makes me smile. It’s a lot of things, all joyous and wonderful. But, before any of them could happen something I rarely talk about had to happen first. So, I’m going to peel back the curtain a little and let you in on a tough moment in my life.

July 2, 2016, eight years ago today, was the worst day of my life. I was living outdoors, homeless, without a job and not many prospects. I’d recently finished a tour of all the fun jails in northern Illinois. Nothing serious, just a cop who wanted to fuck with homeless people, so he did. If you’re planning a vacation I can say Cook County Jail’s guards are humane and the food is tolerable. DuPage’s jail is run by jack booted thugs and the food is an insult to the word food. You can guess which one is the for profit prison system.

I should note, most homeless people are harmless simply because they don’t want to call attention to themselves. I, on the other hand, was (am) large, capable of extreme violence and, at that point, had no fucks to give. You get the idea. I was no longer the fun dude you’d invite for drinks.

I’d also written a comic book called Legends Parallel. The story behind that is long and annoying but, suffice it to say, the guy who’d originally hired me had baskets full of bullshit and no money and the man who salvaged the project saved my life.

You see, on July 2, 2016, at my lowest point, Brian Pitts, who was soon to be the owner of Hadithi Sambamba Comix, and his father Danny reached out a hand and, instead of shoving me to the curb, handed me the keys to an apartment. It was a shithole, but it was indoors, had an address, and meant I could get mail and have an ID. It meant I had a life again. I did not waste this opportunity.

Still, I’d been feral for a while and spent July 3rd wandering and exploring my new neighborhood, South Chicago being slightly different than Logan Square where I’d been surviving. By the end of the day I was sitting in a stranger’s front yard, eating fried chicken, drinking their beer, and trying to explain how my lily white ass ended up on their block. The chicken was delicious and that’s how I ended up becoming friends with Aiesha and her family. You have no idea who that is, so let’s move on.

On July 4th was when everything changed for once and for all. Around noon Danny knocked on my new door and told me, “The family cookout starts in half an hour. Be there.”

As I sat down on a lawn chair munching on burgers, brats, and Bar-B-Q spaghetti (a delicacy my GERD now denies me), it gradually dawned on my slow ass that I now had a family. Something I’d given up hope of ever having. As time went on and I was introduced to more Pitts family members, the more it became clear that if Brian and Danny wanted to adopt this goofy white guy, then they would too. I was invited into homes, broke bread with many people, slept on floors, and laughed as grandchildren grew into wonderful adults.

When I met Kim it became apparent they knew she was a keeper before I did. No matter. They were right. Barely three months after we met Kim left her cushy suburban life and moved in with me. Soon enough, she joined me in breaking bread with new family, learning to love grandchildren we’d never have, and integrating these new life experiences into our own. And, this is key for both of us, these are our experiences and no one could take them away from us.

In the summer of 2017 we got invited to a Pitts’ family cook out in honor of Danny’s birthday. I didn’t know it at the time, but it was the first black cook out Kim had ever attended.

My white readers are all saying, “So what? You toss some burgers on a grill and hope uncle Harold doesn’t get too racist.” But, it’s more than that. A black cook out is a sacred place, where people can set aside their ‘white faces’ and just be themselves.

All in all, things were going smoothly. Kim was enjoying the food and the company, I was laughing with Brian and his cousins, there may have been an off color joke dropped in there somewhere, and everyone was having fun. Then we retired to the garage for the lighting of the cake, and the singing of Happy Birthday. I share this not to  embarrass  my wife, but to give a head’s up to anyone who is given the opportunity to attend a cook out, black people have a different Happy Birthday Anthem. It’s by Stevie Wonder, if you haven’t heard it please click the link to enjoy. Anyway, my poor wife was staring slack jawed as people sang and clapped and danced in celebration of a great man’s birthday.

She knows it by heart now.

And I’m glad. We lost Danny on September 12, 2019. He was an amazing man who loved family, even me, more than anything else. Our last conversation, hours before he passed, was all about his granddaughter and her ballet recital. He even sent me a video. To this day, if I’m feeling blue, I play that video and imagine him smiling.

The pics below are my new family. In the top there’s Brian. me, and my buddy Steve whom I’ve known since 1982. Our lives have wandered in and out and are now firmly in. My wife loves both those mugs almost as much as me. The next pic is me and our new nephew Danat’e. He and Kim have birthdays close together so cake has been shared and will be shared again. The bottom pic is our second kiss as husband and wife.

Some people go to Build a Bear workshops. I built a family. With the help of some incredible people who refused to let me fail. If you haven’t already, go get yourself some of them.

We’ll hop back on the McSciFi train next time. Thanks for reading along

Bill McSciFi
Bill McSciFi
Bill McSciFi

We’re McGrowing

Newsletter Posted on Tue, June 18, 2024 07:00:00

First off, I’d like to welcome Abu Nayem Sayed to our team. Abu’s a well respected, and experienced, digital content promoter. I’ve been sitting back and watching him as he surgically places promotions, with purchase links, in places where dedicated readers congregate. He isn’t targeting other authors since indie authors tend to be poor. Being honest, it has been revelatory watching him work. Nothing went out until it was pre-approved, reports are regular and transparent, and, overall, I couldn’t be happier.

Adding to the fun, The Brittle Riders has been chosen as a featured book in the fall edition of the Kirkus Reviews catalog. That will give tens of thousands of book buyers instant access to purchase the book for their libraries, stores, or chains.

Densely packed, SF-tinged high fantasy that mildly satirizes the genre. – Kirkus Reviews

You can CLICK HERE to download a free copy of Book 1 in PDF format.

In other joyful news, I’ve been nominated for Creator of the Month at Nedanatix. They are the west coast distributor that handles all the Hadithi Sambamba Comix titles. We have had the pleasure of working with them for over seven years and we’re hoping to do so for many more.

On the east coast, Vivid Panel Comics has overcome a minor hiccup and will, once again, be representing all my titles at many major East Coast comic cons, including The New York Comic Con this October. Here’s what they had to say about my latest title, Bob: Sins of the Son

“Bob: Sins of the Son” follows the unique story of the son of Death who opts out of the family business to become a superhero known simply as Bob. While the artwork leaves much to the imagination, the expertly crafted story more than compensates. Bill McCormick weaves a narrative that is both compelling and thought-provoking, making this a highly recommended read by Vivid Pulse.

As always, if you want autographed copies of anything I have in stock, head on over to the McSciFi Merch Store. If you’d prefer T-shirts, mugs, or onesies for your toddlers, pop over to the McSciFi Gear Store. Obviously, there’s nothing preventing you from visiting them both.

Until next time, avoid offering human sacrifices in rush hour traffic.

Yeah, that is kind of specific, isn’t it?

Bill McSciFi
Bill McSciFi
Bill McSciFi

What a Freaking McWeek

Newsletter Posted on Tue, June 04, 2024 12:24:04

Last Sunday, May 26, at around 6:30 AM I was sitting in the john contemplating the universe and my place in it, as people are wont to do, when my phone rang. It was my neighbor letting me know someone had broken a window on our car. I ran outside, confirmed that, and came in and woke my beloved bride. Apparently, nothing was stolen, so this was just random vandalism.

Or so they’d like you to believe.

With the car not safe for highway driving, and no way for us to get to church, my wondrous wife decided to go get some Popeye’s. It was then she discovered the entire steering column had been torn apart. Fortunately, our next door neighbors swooped in to salvage some of the day and took my cute-as-can-be spouse to get some Popeye’s.

Long story short, the wannabe master thief did almost $1,500 worth of damage to the car, plus the tow, and now the insurance company and the repair shop are arguing about which parts are actually needed to make the car function again. Needless to say, we still don’t have a car.

In a lighter vein, Legends Parallel was recently reviewed on the Indy Comix Review Show by, the gloriously birth named, Slim Jim Longfoot. This was the greatest comic book review show I have ever seen. Words won’t do it justice, but I’m going to try. Unlike other review shows where the host holds up the cover, says a few words, and moves on, Slim pops open the comic and then reads it to himself, offering occasional commentary. As he does this people are following along and asking questions. Then, when he’s done, he sums up the reading experience. You have to see it to believe it but know that he liked Legends Parallel a lot.

Finally, as The Brittle Riders keeps getting more and more attention, it was decided to give away Book 1 for Free to allow everyone a chance to see what all the excitement’s about. That link will take you to a happy little PDF that you can download, share as desired, and, if I’ve done my job right, enjoy. If you’re one of those people who needs more info before committing to a free book, just CLICK HERE for an updated list of reviews, previews, and promotional materials, all courtesy of Azoth Khem.

Until next time, stay safe and sane.

Bill McSciFi
Bill McSciFi
Bill McSciFi

McFree Stuff for You

Newsletter Posted on Tue, May 21, 2024 07:44:47

Did you ever let rip a fart that was louder than two Harleys with bad timing belts trapped in an echo chamber? Whose fumes were so noxious as to be joyous? Yeah, well, apparently my wife, she who is the light of my life, the spark to all that is joy, the beauty which trancends the ethereal, is less than thrilled with my emanations. Oh well, you can’t pleae everyone.

When I was first shopping The Brittle Riders to film production companies one producer told me “If it’s a good enough project we’ll find the fucking money.” That is, somewhat, true. But, getting a film produced isn’t a linear thing. It isn’t “Bob likes it” and then “Bob cuts a check.” There are lots of Bobs who need to sign off on a project before it sees the light of day. That being said, yesterday, for the second time since I’ve been doing this, a company requested the Tone Reel and Pitch Book, and I included a script bible, as well as a link to reviews (the very first link in this newsletter).

The shopping process is pretty standardized. First are the initial readers. They are given purposely vague restrictions to limit submissions. That’s so the production companies don’t miss out on a script they’ll love but also to eliminate obvious misfits. If they’re looking for an apocalyptic action film, they’re not going to want to read a cool LGBTQ+ romance. Or vice versa. Someone will, but not them. So, thus doth the winnowing begin. Then it goes to a layer of professionals who aren’t producers, but are trusted aides, industry professionals, and assistants. This is where 90% of all rejections happen. Then, if it still has a heartbeat, it goes to the people who make ideas into movies. This is where I’m at. They are now attempting to justify the budget. The method for doing that is shrouded in mists and held in secrecy by the financing monks. All I can do is hope, pray, and dance naked in the moonlight in a public parking lot.

Back in the day I looked good naked. Today is not that day.

Now, I promised you free stuff. I did not lie. There’s no trick, you can keep your nudes, I just need your attention.

For a free PDF copy of The Brittle Riders: Book One, just click the link and make your literary life a joy.

This is a great way for Azoth Khem to lure innocents into their apocalyptic web. A lot of people are wondering what the hype is about. That’s a fair question. This is a way for them to join our cult of cool humans for free. You want to be a cool human, don’t you?

Also today, a company rejected Legends Parallel for not being boring enough. That sounds petty, but I saw the projects they picked and every single one was formulaic crap. They may do well, and I wish them no ill, but the production companies should have clarified they were looking for stuff that had already been made.

Think any Bruce Willis film that doesn’t star Bruce Willis.

Also, in the “Not boring” category, my short Twerking for Jesus is being released in NECRONOMI-ROMCOM Vol. 2. The dark edition. You expected nothing less from me, I hope. It’s the fun story of a grandma with a twitchy ass who kicks off the apocalypse. As grandmas are wont to do.

Okay, you’ve been tortured enough. Thanks for reading along and I’ll see you next week.

Bill McSciFi
Bill McSciFi
Bill McSciFi

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