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Bill McSciFi's Blog

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Tip Toe Through My Brain Pan

McSciFi Online Posted on Fri, January 12, 2018 08:19:09

Are you tired of interviews that talk about an author’s favorite colors or the hedonistic nature of trees or what kind of loofah makes their tingly parts tingle? Then you’re in luck. Eric Klein pulled me apart and put me back together again to get a deep dive into the science behind The Brittle Riders.

And, yes, there is real science in there.


The Brittle Riders is Getting Some Love

McSciFi Online Posted on Thu, January 11, 2018 16:07:31

The Brittle Riders continues to garner 4 & 5 star reviews. If you haven’t read it yet you might want to read it twice just to catch up.

Bill has a great way with throwing his characters in at the deep end and right away you start to feel for them. – Dawn Chapman

(T)he main characters were interesting and there was just enough uncertainty as to whether the daring plan would work out or not meant that I had to read to the end to find out. – Claire Busse

Thanks for those ideas of fantastic creatures. I enjoyed them. – S. L. Tsao

Bill McSciFi Grows

McSciFi Online Posted on Tue, January 02, 2018 09:10:39

A lot of time went into making this happen but it was completely worth it. This year Legends Parallel, Pestilent, Bob Sins of the Son, and Svarožič will be distributed to brick and mortar stores in the U.S., and digitally Internationally.They will also be developed as card and video games and anything else we can think of. We’re proud to be a part of the #Nerdanatix family and are looking forward to a successful 2018.

Click the link, sign up for free, and be prepared to be impressed.


Net Neutrality

McSciFi Online Posted on Thu, December 14, 2017 20:17:39

Here’e the good news, as it were, on the new FCC ruling concerning net neutrality. Breitbart & Fox News, two huge users of bandwidth, will be forced to pay exorbitant fees to stay online. Which means their readers will be charged to cover those fees. Think about $20 a month and you won’t be far off. The same will apply to Occupy Democrats, MSNBC and others. In one fell swoop partisan news would be eliminated.

Amazon, Target, Walmart, Ali Baba, and the rest will get killed by the new fees and go dark, online anyway, as well. No one is going to pay Sears’ prices for Walmart crap. Plus the death of indy publishing is guaranteed. Along with your chance to create that cool personal coffee mug on those vanity sites.

Obviously, as a side note, that means my midget-clown porn fan sites will cost more so regular people like me may be forced to take one for the team.

On a personal note, my author site falls under the radar so you can still go there, waste your money on my writing (there are non-Amazon distribution vehicles coming in 2018), and not incur a surcharge.

Or, to put it simply this holiday season, BUY MY SHIT!


Turn a Page or Two

McSciFi Online Posted on Tue, December 12, 2017 13:14:40

A wonderful deep dive into all aspects of The Brittle Riders from John Kaniecki. From the madness behind the covers to the madness hidden in the prose, if you want to know why things are the way they are, this is your source for answers.

Knife Fights and Chatting with Jesus

McSciFi Online Posted on Fri, December 01, 2017 11:40:15

Not many authors could discuss the joys of getting into a knife fight with a biker and why breaking bread with Jesus would be fun. Fortunately for you I am not many authors.

Thanks to Cindy Tomamichel for the opportunity to chat.

Name 5 fictional characters you would invite to a dinner party. Where would the party be?

I wouldn’t invite anyone to a dinner party. We’d meet at a bar. Minor quibble aside, I’d invite Beowulf, Gilgamesh, Fiben, the Borg queen, and Michonne. I’m pretty sure we’d scare the piss out of everyone and never pay for a drink. I’m also sure Kahleesi would join us. I mean, seriously, how could a dragon loving woman who’s drunk blood not feel at home with this lot?

A Voice In My Head Speaks

McSciFi Online Posted on Thu, November 30, 2017 16:38:41

Sland, from The Brittle Riders, took some time to speak with Ducky Smith at the Sci-Fi Roundtable.

Here’s a sample.

SFRT: Greetings, for today’s issue of Ten Questions I’ll be talking with Sland from the Brittle Riders.

Sland: No.


Sland: Ten is too many. No one knows ten things.

SFRT: Everyone knows ten things. Most know many more.

Sland: No they don’t. I only know one. That’s all I need.

Amazon Black Friday Blowout!

McSciFi Online Posted on Fri, November 24, 2017 15:40:08

A happy, holiday, story that starts with the death of every man woman and child on the planet, and then gets weird.

Pre-review: If David Brin came off a three day tequila bender and dropped acid, he would have written The Brittle Riders.


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