Welcome Back! There is a certain amount of joy hidden in the act of being me. I find that, one way or the other, people pay attention to what I’m doing more and more. Since I make my living throwing letters at computer screens and praying for words, the more people paying attention, the better. But, sometimes, when people pay attention they become horrified and stare blindly into the void wondering what the hell just happened. Recently, Cody’s Comic Chat, posted a Facebook video reviewing my comics. Now, Cody and his wife are great people, and do a lot for the indie community, but none of that prepared them for me. If you click the link you’ll see two normal Floridians trying to parse McSciFi into socially acceptable words. They were so taken aback that they never, not even partially, mentioned my name. I’m the Lord Voldemort of comics it seems. If you don’t want to click the link I can sum it all up thusly; the art is awesome, the stories are great, the author is a pervert. I’ve been called worse. Now, moving on to some non-trauma inducing news. As everyone who’s anyone knows, every Friday I team up with the legendary Ryan Gatenby and record an episode of the Big Wakeup Call, as heard on WBIG, and ride that thin line between terrorizing and enthralling listeners. Well, we’re taking our show to a larger stage, and giving it the catchy name Bill & Ryan’s Science Chit Chat. This will be a weekly podcast poking into the latest scientific discoveries, the various governmental whims that stymie them, and we’ll conduct interviews with real scientists, famous authors, and more. This will, literally, be more fun than a barrel of monkeys and you’ll even learn why having a barrel of monkeys isn’t such a good idea. Even cooler? We’ve already got our first sponsor. The nice people over at Antlur Creative Marketing, designers of our cool new logo and more, have jumped on board. Since they work with some of the hottest brands in the Midwest, they know a good thing when they see it, and they saw it here. If you’d like to jump on board too, just email me at BillMcSciFi@gmail.com and I’ll send you rate sheets. Ads can run from fifteen seconds to one minute. More below. ![]() Last week, I mentioned there was some cool stuff happening over at Hadithi Sambamba. And there is. Two of its most popular titles, Hybrid Zero and Legends Parallel, have been deemed eligible for a series of national awards. I won’t name them now as I’d rather hold off until we get a formal nomination, fingers crossed, but just getting someone to admit we exist at that level is incredible. 2020’s shaping up to be a big year for Hadithi Sambamba. While the name is Swahili for Parallel Stories, there is just one narrative coming out; this is the year Hadithi Sambamba will go big. There will be new issues coming out on the two monster titles, as well as new titles you’ve never seen. There’s even going to be, limited edition, graphic novels for Hybrid Zero: Juggernaut and Legends Parallel. Good news for those traumatized by me is that other authors will be joining the fray, and they are welcomed with open arms. Just click on Hadithi’s link to see everything. More below. ![]() ![]() I think that’s enough excitement for now. I know some of my fans take heart meds and I wouldn’t want to lose them. On a fun note, I’ll be teaching three more adult-ed classes at our church starting in March. When the dates get closer I’ll post them and you are all invited to drop by if you can. We have free coffee and snacks, in case you need a better reason. Thanks again for all your support! Have a great week and I’ll see you next Tuesday. ![]() |