One of the parting gifts I got from our recent jaunt to Mexico was COVID. While I’ve had it before, not a fan, this time, it seems to have embedded itself into every organ and is going to be here a while. Of the many fun things I have encountered in my life, this is not one of them.
One thing that was fun, and entertaining and informative, was my interview on the Perfect Soulmates podcast. For lots of good reasons, I was the last fiction author they were going to interview. As such, they decided to send fiction writers off with a bang. It was, by far, one of the best interviews I’ve ever done. It’s short, around ten minutes, covers a lot of new ground, and let me off my leash so I could get a little political as well as talk about the joys and dangers of sex without consequences. I promise, it’s ten minutes you won’t regret. For a podcast named Perfect Soulmates, you get some of what you might expect, but you also get me. Give it a listen and a like. You’ll feel better when you do.
To those of you who keep badgering me for updates on the movie, please stop. We’re making a multi-million-dollar science fiction flick, not a local cat food commercial. Anything I could legally say, I said in my January 7th blog. Now, all the work is happening behind the scenes. When we can announce cast, crew, and so on, we will. But, for now, there are a fuckton, using the traditional Greek unit of measurement, of details that must be addressed first. For example, Azoth Khem is lurching through flaming hoops to devise ways to increase our audience, a/k/a readers. While being a cult phenom is cool, I mean, I married my biggest groupie, having more people aboard this dystopian train will only benefit all of us down the road.
To you few brave souls who asked for more info on how to cosplay characters from The Brittle Riders and/or Goptri of the Mists, I am here to help. To learn how to create bat wings so you can be a super cool succubus, just CLICK HERE for a great tutorial. If you want to go all in, get some sheer plastic slippers and attach a talon to each heel. If your heart’s desire is to be a mutant centaur, like the Llamia in the book, just CICK HERE for a fun tutorial on how to make that happen. You will need to be a little crafty to pull it together. Also, remember to add armadillo armor to the flanks to complete the ensemble. If you wish to be a wolfen or a badgebeth, use THIS COSTUME as your base, and you should be fine. Should you truly wish to throw caution into the flames, then dressing like a Pearl (a/k/a squid woman) from Goptri of the Mists is for you. Just CLICK HERE to get a cute Disney costume you can alter until you are the stuff of legends.
Here are the basic rules for anyone wishing to participate.
(1) Yes, you can be under 18 and send me pics of you cosplaying. Just cover up your pretty bits so Mr. Bill doesn’t go to jail.
(2) If you’re over 18, you don’t have to wear pasties if you don’t want to. We have custom digital ones we can use as needed. However, I may ask for proof of age, so be prepared.
(3) If you’re already hairy, R’yune and Sland are both excellent and easy choices for you. I have others that I don’t have drawings of so ask if you’re interested.
(4) Except for the Pearls from Goptri of the Mists, who are clones of an Indian female serial killer coupled with the body of a Cephalopod, it is impossible to “race swap” any character. All my chimeras are built on a wide variety of human DNA. As long as you’re human, you’re halfway there.
(5) You can send all the pics you want. I will not use any without your permission. Just submitting them doesn’t grant me any rights. Years of experience have taught me that what seemed like a good idea at the time might not work so well in retrospect.
Yeah, you whimsical medical professional, I’m looking at you.Just send whatever you’ve got to so they don’t get lost in my personal email.
I think that’s enough excitement for one day. I thank you all for following along and look forward to chatting again.