Welcome Readers Old & New!
Well, SPLICE has been formatted and is being prepped for publication. The movie script has been adjusted to conform to the novel and the powers that be are entering financing meetings. I know things are scary outside, but the world will recover and move on. And, when it does, it will need the balls out thrill ride which is SPLICE. I’m champing at the bit wanting to share this with you. But I, like you, will wait until Azoth Khem has all their ducks in a row
I promised you there would be some promotions beginning this week and I shall not disappoint. Once I get done typing I’ll be sharing promos for everything I’ve got coming out in 2020.
It’s kind of an impressive presentation.
My digital stores, for books and clothing, have been attracting humans and I’m well pleased with them. Both the stores and the humans.
In the meantime, if you go to my MERCH page to buy books and comics everything ships next business day. If you go to my GEAR page to get clothes and gear everything ships as soon as it can be printed. Usually within three or four days. Bonus, now that we got all the cool stuff to work, if you’re in the UK and click on GEAR it will automatically take you to the U.K. site so you don’t get charged international shipping.
Also, lest ye forget, we’re still offering Bill McSciFi Free Comics. In order to help people stay saner than an emu on acid during the pandemic Nerdanatix is allowing anyone who wishes to preview their entire catalog, online only, for free. That includes all your favorite McSciFi titles; Legends Parallel, Hybrid Zero: Juggernaut, Hybrid Zero: Jungle Grrl, Hybrid Zero: Cassandra and the Changeling Sword, Svarozic, and Ruh Roh Rangers. Above and beyond all the cool McSciFi joints there are some other incredible talents up there.and there are far worse ways to spend your time. If at all possible, view them on a larger screen. The art is amazing.
Also, for those who missed it, I moved my reading of a scene from The Brittle Riders to my You Tube page so there are no more onerous age restrictions. Think of it as PG-13 and you’ll be fine.
You know what, that should keep you busy enough for now. I’ll wish you well and let you enjoy the promo pieces.
Stay safe, sane, and inside. See you next week!