Before I begin, I’d like to ask you to send a prayer out to, my long time friend and occasional business partner, Marcelino Ramos. He passed away due to COVID-19 last Saturday. He also introduced Chicago to salsa music, me to Tito Puente, Jr, and the world to happiness. Even if you don’t speak a lick of Spanish, check out this music video we produced for Lefty Perez to get an idea of what “unbridled joy” sounds like.
Moving on.
I know a lot of you have been banging your hairy paws against your keyboards demanding, in stern tones, that I appear in public via the interwebs again. Your demands are my desires. Sunday, October 4, at noon CDT, I’ll be appearing at CRoM Con 7. This will be a two day gathering of some of the best indie creators, and cosplayers – including our fan and friend Cara Nicole a/k/a AZ Powergirl, from all over the world.
And me. I’ll be there too. It’s kind of why I’m telling you about it.
In fact, in a fun change of pace, I will be flying solo for half an hour. In other words, I’m all yours baby!
You can interact and make fun of my pandemic hair.
Everyone else does so you don’t want to be left out.
More below.

Apropos of nothing, after CRoM Con I’ll be teaching Sunday School again. Life does go on.
And, since we’re talking about kids, or I am so just go with it, I’ve got two new comics coming out aimed at tweens and teens. The first, with the working title Marcie’s Marvels, is a series dedicated to the memory of a young girl who was raped, and then killed herself. Created by her mother it’s all about lifting young women up and showing them there are alternatives. There are ways to survive. The first issue is written and is now in the hands of David Novum Hutujulu for the creation of the art. I’ve worked with David before on commission work and it’s a pleasure to finally have something commercial I can share. There’s a lot going on behind the scenes with this one, so keep your eyes open as things develop.
The second, with the unwieldy, but fun, title CROSSTITCH ALPHA “THE 7” Book 1: Envy, is coming out on New Wave Comics. Just CLICK HERE to read the amazing press release and bask in the awesomeness of it all. There’s a Kickstarter coming October 15, and I have to admit this is one project that fell in my lap that makes me stupidly happy. I get to put my spin on the seven deadly sins. And, because I’m me, I bring along demons, monsters, and morality tales. It’s a total thrill ride.
More below.

One cool thing about being an indie author is you get to watch things grow. No one ships a million copies of anything I write. Not yet anyways. I have to sell books one at a time. SPLICE: HIT BIT TECHNOLOGY started out as a digital only release, then paperback, then got picked up by Barnes and Noble, and is now on its way to more brick and mortar stores in the U.S.
One fun part of this journey has been seeing the fun promo items created by Watch Dog Entertainment. They’re designed to give people an idea what the characters look like, and a basic feel for the book. Since they’re mostly used in business to business communications, you might have missed them. I’ll share a couple here so you can get in on the fun.
Until next week, please stay safe, sane, and inside.