Welcome humans and those who species identify as same. For those of you who’ve moved entire email lists, servers, and the rest to a new home, you know the many joys I’ve endured these last couple weeks and the many colorful words I’ve exclaimed. But, after priming the new sever, parsing out emails over a week instead of a day, ironing out the glitches that haunt any such endeavor, we’ve finally got this naughty kitty purring.
And I have to admit, I am well pleased with it all.
One fun glitch was that people who had previously unsubscribed from my email list were reactivated. That kerfuffle earned me a few interesting messages. However, I’m pretty sure I’ve gotten them all fixed now. If, at any time, you want off this ride, just reply to any of my emails and let me know. That method works one hundred percent of the time.
Now, on to more positive news.
Since I’ve been unable to attend any conventions in person due to current events, I set up an on-line store and put all my stock in my dining room. And, for quite a long time, it was a tranquil place to visit. Once in a while, when someone got a stimulus check, I’d sell something. But, for the most part, it was a nice place to collect dust.
Then an odd series of events happened almost simultaneously. My fiancée posted a cute story about buying a baby Yoda doll for her niece and mentioned I wrote sci-fi and had a bunch of stuff cluttering up our home. The nice people on-line decided to help me clear the clutter. They did so by purchasing books and comics. Now, and this is a first world problem I’m fine with, most of my stuff is on backorder.
Meanwhile, while all that was happening, someone posted links to my novels in a political action group on Twitter and suddenly my on-line sales spiked. Enough that one of my publishers reached out to make sure I wasn’t now posthumously famous.
Just FYI, I’m still extant.
On the advice of my publicist, I’m going to try and pretend I’m saner than an emu on acid. Part of the adulting I’m being tasked with is focusing on one thing. Not something I do well. So, today, I’m just going to promote one release. I’ll do a different one next week. And so on.
Hybrid Zero is an NSFW multiverse that gets a little tricky to explain to newcomers, but I’m going to try. The main story, Juggernaut, revolves around a universe where consensual sex is lauded, violence is taboo, and a family of genetically modified assassins may be humanity’s only hope.
The other parts of the multiverse, Jungle Grrl, Cassandra and the Changeling Sword, and the forthcoming Neutrinos, are all stories happening in different parts of the multiverse and which will, one day, come together in one cohesive whole. Or so I keep telling myself. The stories are brain bending, the art by Cyril Brown is eye melting, and they all can be accessed via the Hybrid Zero website.
Memo to you, I’m not kidding about the whole NSFW part. But if you can handle it, it’s a rich tapestry worthy of your time.
Since everyone’s probably stoked for the family ZOOM calls and eating dinner in their underwear, I’ll wrap this up now.
If you want autographed stuff, just CLICK HERE and have fun.
If you want digital comics delivered to your computer just CLICK HERE and enjoy.
If you want to festoon your hot bod with McSciFi art, just CLICK HERE and have fun.
Until next week, have a wonderful holiday and stay safe, sane, and inside.