Stick with this since you’ll need a little history first.
There are times the internet can be a pleasant space. My pal, and yours too if your smart, Jude Matulich-Hall was putting together a promo for me on her YouTube channel and needed to confirm what was, and was not, currently in release. This is not as crazy a request as you might think. I write stuff, send it out, and eventually get a link to share so cool kids like you can buy it. Sometimes that’s ahead of the release, sometimes not.
So, I fired up Google, and found this.
Waterstones (U.K.) has added two of my titles to their collection of 283 stores. Yep, if you’re in, or at last near, the United Kingdom, you can buy SPLICE: HIT BIT TECHNOLOGY, which is recommended by people who liked The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. I’m sure that makes sense in England. To be fair, they are both stories about young men who go on an adventure. It’s just that dear old Huck didn’t become a super villain.
You can also buy Goptri of the Mists: Kitaab Ek. According to their site, if you like Goptri you should also like Dune. That one kind of makes sense. However, unlike Dune, the crazed zealots aren’t the heroes. They’re not even nice.
As of this writing they are not carrying The Brittle Riders. Which is odd since that trilogy is the whole reason Goptri exists. There are even a few characters, not many, who appear in both. That said, people who have only read Book 1 of Goptri seemed to have no problems. So, who knows?
As of right now, you have to order in advance to get your U.K. copies, but that was the case with Walmart when we started and now SPLICE: HIT BIT TECHNOLOGY, which is currently on sale, and Goptri of the Mists: Kitaab Ek are being shelved in select stores.
When you don’t have a ton of money to throw at promo, care and patience are virtues you learn to appreciate.
Speaking of money, if you live in the U.K. and want to showcase your McSciFi Pride, all you need to do is go to my U.K. Merchandise Shop and select any of the wonderful options. All you need to do is pick the logo you like then add it to any of over one hundred items ranging from clothing to coffee cups to onesies for toddlers.
Fans of this newsletter may remember the internet ad created by my mega-fan, Jin-ah, in London when the shop first opened. If not, and God knows you’ve had other stuff to remember, just CLICK HERE to enjoy the awesomeness of it all.
More below.

I told you before how Marcie’s Marvels has been developing. Marcie’s Marvels is based on the life of a young girl named Marcie who killed herself after suffering endless bullying. Her mother decided to use her daughter’s tragedy to provide hope to others. With that in mind she started the MJG Movement as a Children’s Advocacy organization dedicated to serving as a resource for children and families that are victims of sexual abuse and suicide.
The comic itself is fun, uplifting, and eye popping. The art by Eko Prihanto is bright and friendly. The story, despite some grim themes, is warm and laced with light humor. Beta readers thoroughly enjoyed the recurring joke about how Marcie’s blind mother never hears her come in. Of course, Marcie can fly so she doesn’t create foot steps.
Right now I have limited copies you can buy. Ever since I was told my autograph might lower the resale value of one of my books, I only autograph when requested.
Yes, that really happened.
A quick reminder, this is the last week for you to enter the C. L. Cannon contest where you can win lots of legendary sci-fi novels and gear. Also, if you scroll down and click on McSciFi you increase your odds of winning. See? It is too good to know me.
That seems to be enough for now. Until next week, stay safe, sane, and get vaxxed. Oh, yeah, wear a mask. I have a couple of friends who caught “breakthrough COVID” and they aren’t happy about it. One had to cancel his participation in a national tour. So he gets to lose money and lay around in a hospital.
That’s nowhere near as fun as it sounds.