I learned something at the end of 2023. I learned that if I stack a series of hyperlinks on top of each other, making an easy to read and use list, certain anti-virus programs will rip all those links out and leave nothing but out of context snatches of text. After some research, and a few angry emails, I found out this feature is popular with large companies. Apparently the cubicle drones waste serious amounts of time clicking every link in every email. I understand the principal but, since my anti-virus does it too, I think a memo should have been in order. So, if you’d like to enjoy all the links you may have missed, just CLICK HERE and have fun.
In a mark your calendars moment, I will be appearing on Central Valley Talk with Mike Briggs at noon (CST) on January 10. This promises to be a fun interview and, bonus, the show has global reach. That means anyone with the Internet can watch and, apparently, many do.
The lovely people over at Azoth Khem Publishing have decided to start your New Year off right. From now until February, you can get the Kindle of Goptri of the Mists: Kitaab Ek for free. That’s right, for the incredible fee of a mere zero Samolians you too can read the first part of the prequel/sequel to The Brittle Riders.
Also, a fun reminder letting you know my story MIGGY (about an alien toad thumper who just wants some respect) is in The Rabbit Hole Weird Stories Destination: Journey. Or, as the cool kids say, Rabbit Hole Vol. 6. I’ve read all the other stories in this anthology and can say this is a well edited and assembled piece of work. If you like weird, well written, sci-fi this is a “must have” for you.
My collection of short stories and essays or, as my wife calls it, “the gateway drug to McSciFi,” Stuff About Things is out and being enjoyed by actual humans.
Here’s what some of them have said about some of the stories you’ll be reading.
(I)f we accepted “Vorbliss” with its expletives, he would sure as shootin’ show up on my doorstep with a pot of bubbling tar in one hand and a bale of freshly-plucked feathers in the other. – Don Webb – Bewildering Stories
A Letter from an Editor
Overall, his “Letter” is a magnificent parody of the world’s ugliest trends (addiction to video games, offshoring). Tell him that he can write to me any time and that his work is brilliant. I love it, love it, LOVE IT!!! – Marina S.
The Writer’s Stuff
It would be a fine addition to “The F**kening”. Bouncing it boobily to the inbox. – Margret Treiber
And the Beat Goes Phut
After hundreds of years, all DJ gigs are the same. Minus the death of all things. – D.J. Russ Harris
14 Frogs
For the first time in my life, shit makes sense. – Carlos Rodriguez
No matter how odd the rituals, it’s reassuring to know love spans the stars. – Matilda Weatherspoon
Ever since 2016, when the first iteration of The Brittle Riders came out, this has been a fascinating journey. I’ve met so many cool people, had my impostor syndrome ratcheted down to “maybe I can belong some day,” and used the elements in my squishy brain to convince a beautiful woman to marry me. Being an author isn’t for everyone, but I like how it looks on me.
In the New Year, may your right hand always be stretched out in friendship, but never in want.
Happy New Year!