Yes, I used a noun as a verb in the header. That’s what us cutting-edge writers do. We also drink our coffee black and smoke our smokes down to the filter until we are finally forced to quit smoking. Which I did in March of 2020.
Before I dive in the deep end, allow me to welcome all the new people from the Silver Dagger Book Tour. I’ve done a few of these digital tours before, but this one rocked at every level. The idea is to get eyes on your products, and this succeeded by any metric. From the hundreds of Twitter posts to the online reviews (click the prevoius link to read them all), it’s clear we have begun a new generation of Brittle Riders readers.
For all my cosplay fans, below are drawings of the Succubi from The Brittle Riders. Depending on the crowd you’re in, you may also wish to add some tasteful breast coverings. I will note that, according to the young ladies who cosplayed as Succubi a few years back, tequila can make you uncomfortably hot, and then those breast coverings must be removed.
Yes, there were pictures. No, I’m not sharing.
Also, I’m well aware that store-bought wings can run up to $500 a set. If you click this YouTube link, you’ll find a tutorial on how to make them yourself for a microscopic fraction of the cost. Bonus? You can match the wings’ color to your skin color.
As another bonus, I’ve included other images of characters from The Brittle Riders just in case wings aren’t your thing.
Never let it be said I’m not a giver.
Since the day Legends Parallel debuted back in 2016 cosplayers have been jumping in on the action. A man, his mom, and her lover have to save the multiverse. No one said this shit would be easy. The perfect series for those who think quantum physics isn’t sexy or violent enough. The provocative, wild, characters are fun to reimagine. Granted, if you want to portray Jack of Spades, you have to, as the kids say, be cut like Goku. Oshun’s dedicated dismissal of body modesty opens up a plethora of options. Her most demure costume consists of a red flower bikini. Yes, it’s an itsy bitsy, teensy weensy, red flowered bikini. That’s all she wore when walked out the door.
Marcie’s Marvels has captured the imaginations of young girls across the country. Marcie is a super-powered teen who fights the exploitation and bullying of teens wherever she can. Marcie’s Marvels is based on the life of a young girl named Marcie who killed herself after suffering endless bullying. Her mother decided to use her daughter’s tragedy to provide hope to others. With that in mind, she started the MJG Movement as a Children’s Advocacy organization dedicated to serving as a resource for children and families that are victims of sexual abuse and suicide.
If you send pics, and I hope you will, specify what I can and cannot share. Thanks for being wonderful!
Until next time, stay safe, sane, and clad in all the latest McSciFi gear.