Hi there. I know it’s been a bit, but I have been a busy little McSciFi. First off, I finally finished the last book of the Goptri of the Mists series. I’m currently going through it with a fine tooth comb and making sure it is worthy of my publisher’s time. So far, so good. I truly believe this will send off The Brittle Riders’ universe off in style. To those couple of maniacs who’ve asked, no, there will not be any more stories in this universe. At least, not written by me. I’ve poured over 600,000 words into the hopper, and I am proud of each and every one. But I don’t see me adding anymore.
Lest you think I am chained to a comfy chair in front of a keyboard, forced to slave away day after painful day, vomiting up words for my publishing overlords, I can assure you I have a life. My Church, FCC, recently held a chili cookoff. Two members of our communion ushering crew, myself, on the far right placing third for my 850,000 Scoville “Zesty Chili,” and John Yapp in the center winning with his “Sweet and Sassy” chili are joined by Joe Nordman, on the left, who placed second with his “White Lightning” chili. As you can tell, my church brings the heat. It was a lot of fun and raised money for a good cause. Our church will be helping a small town in Kentucky rebuild after years of neglect. I have no idea if my church would be a good fit for you. All I can say is that I have been made welcome ever since I walked through the door with Kim that first time almost nine years ago.
Next up for you McManiacs, on March 17, Purple Toga Publications will be releasing Rainbows aren’t just for Leprechauns: A speculative anthology, Reimaging colors. My contribution, SUCCESSFUIL COLORS HAVE THEIR COSTS, is a whimsical look at how the LGBTQIA+ community could take over the world by creatively mixing colors. But, instead of opening work camps for the tragically cis and the such, they make everyone FABU!
The very next day, that’s March 18, for the calendar challenged, Protected Books will release 2025 SciFi Anthology: The Science Fiction Novelists (The Science Fiction Novelists SciFi Anthology Series Book 5). My humble scribbling, HER LAST, BEST, DAY is unlike any McSciFi you may be familiar with. There’s no sex, no violence, and no copious amounts of booze. It does have a ham sandwich and a robot that slightly resembles Marvin the Martian. Not really salient to the plot, but still there. As to the plot, I can best summarize it thusly, I had the story beta-read by a theology student. He called me a blasphemer and blocked me on all social media. In writer’s parlance, that’s called a win.
I have a few more shorts sitting on the desks of unsuspecting publishers, so I’ll let you know what happens, if anything.
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that I am joined in both anthologies by Margret Trebeir, who recently joined the merry band of miscreants at Azoth Khem Publishing and has just released a masterpiece called Japanese Robots Love to Dance.
Thanks for hanging out with me. I have some new stuff burbling up in the tar pit of joy, but it’s not ready to be expunged just yet. Until next time, stay safe, sane, and healthy.