The Brittle Riders was voted the best sci-fi novel of 2022 in the Critters Readers Poll. It then went on to get a stunning review from Kirkus Reviews. Some raw numbers. Kirkus reviews about 10,000 books a year. About ten percent get complete reviews (they won’t publish a negative review upon request). About twenty percent of those remainders get good reviews. I’ve done it twice.

When I found out they wanted The Brittle Riders as part of their fall catalog, you know I wanted in. When I discovered the agent was not only a sales rep but a McSciFi fan, my knees turned to Jell-O.

With the Is now dotted and Ts successfully crossed they will be promoting my book to thousands of librarians, buyers for major chains, film and television producers, all of whom rely on Kirkus to vet the material thoroughly so they don’t have to.

As one author I know, kind of famous, said, “I use them, the Obamas use them, lots of famous people use them. Chill. You’re in good company.”

“Chill” is not the right word. But I am thrilled.

Kirkus’ Brittle Riders Review