2021 started with a bang. SPLICE: HIT BIT TECHNOLOGY was voted Best Science Fiction Novel of 2020 by the Critters’ Readers’ Poll. As the name suggests, it is a poll based on what readers liked. As an author there’s not much better praise.
Also in 2021 we found out that some countries are allowing people to buy paperback versions of The Brittle Riders: Omnibus Edition. Which is cool, I’ll admit. However we have no idea which countries they are.
That’s okay, being clueless kind of works around here. For example, we know certain Walmart stores are carrying SPLICE: HIT BIT TECHNOLOGY on their shelves, but we have no idea which ones. So far we have one random confirmation from a fan in Northern Kentucky.
This is the year I was brought on board to write Marcie’s Marvels. While the real life story of Marcie is tragic, she killed herself after being sexually assaulted and bullied, her mother didn’t want that to be the final word. After a lengthy search we found Eko Prihanto to do the art. His brightly colored panels worked perfectly with the compelling story. Zak Weber, over in jolly old England, gave the resulting comic high marks.
In a completely different vein, I was hired to create a fictional universe for a very real, if I may use that phrase, new collection of NFTs known as Cat Punk. This is a prime example of the Internet working. The main team is based in Viet Nam, I’m in Chicago, and there was never a lag on getting stuff approved and published. In fact it all went so well we’re looking at possibly doing it again in 2022. Until then you can CLICK HERE to read what I hath wrought. The stories are short but the plot is epic.
A fun capper on the year was having the nationally renowned publicist Desirae Benson take pity on me and make me available to her many media contacts. I’ve already done one interview with, award winning blogger, Marc Polite. This looks like the beginning of a wonderful relationship.
Back in October of 2010 I was invited to join a wacky radio show called The Big Wakeup Call. What started as a fun way to kill some time on Friday mornings, at 9:10 AM (CDT), turned into a must hear event with over 40,000 listeners. Now, international bon vivant and man about town also known as the host, Ryan Gatenby has parlayed this into an international podcast hosted, in part, by I-Heart Radio. For Ryan this is his path to well deserved fame and fortune. For me it’s a way to annoy more people than ever before. I see this as a win win situation.
I, like you, have no clue what 2022 will bring. But I will admit to being kind of stoked to find out.
Thank you very much for hanging in there with, and supporting, me. If it wasn’t for you I’d probably be flipping burgers, on the late shift, in Utah. I’ll be the first to admit, this is better.
If you would like a complimentary SPLICE wearable bracelet, just email me to get my address so you can send me a self-addressed-stamped-envelope and I’ll fill it with a couple of bracelets. Great, if confusing, gifts for the holidays.
From all me to all of you, Happy Holidays!