Well, now that The Brittle Riders and Goptri of the Mists are complete and in the can, the latter getting its final formatting by the lovely, talented, and woefully overworked Nancy Chandler. I first started gathering notes and having interviews about the universe I wanted to build in 2011. After innumerable fits and starts it began to come together. Then, like some gelatinous creature in a mid-50s horror movie, it began to grow. What was conceived as a 20,000-word novella grew into a 600,000+ word hexalogy. In the process, the series won critical acclaim, and The Brittle Riders was voted Best Sci-Fi Novel of 2022 by the Critters Readers Poll (Critters is slang for Book Critics), and got a rare positive review from Kirkus Reviews.
The always amazing Margret Treiber created an animated short showing what the characters might look like while moving. That’s going to have to hold you while Perspective Film House clears their prior obligations so they can focus on us. We knew all this going in, so we’re just hanging out.
But all that means is I need to come up with something new. And now it is safe to tell you I have. It will be called, unless I change my mind, IT CAME ON THE DARKLING WIND. This is a near-future story, and it’s got everything you have come to expect from a McSciFi tome. It’s got your cuddly hyper-violence, eye-bending, gender-fluid sex scenes, and all the confusion you can handle. Oh, it also has a prostitute with a heart of gold. I’ve never used that clichè, and felt it worked here. Anyway, this will be a thing, and I thought you should know.
The cover you see below is just something I knocked up to get a vibe. It will never see the light of day.
Purple Toga Publications released Rainbows aren’t just for Leprechauns: A speculative anthology, Reimaging colors. My contribution, SUCCESSFUL COLORS HAVE THEIR COSTS, is a whimsical look at how the LGBTQIA+ community could take over the world by creatively mixing colors. Instead of opening work camps for the tragically cis and the such, they make everyone FABU!
The very next day, Protected Books released 2025 SciFi Anthology: The Science Fiction Novelists (The Science Fiction Novelists SciFi Anthology Series Book 5). My humble scribbling, HER LAST, BEST, DAY is unlike any McSciFi you may be familiar with. There’s no sex, no violence, and no copious amounts of booze. It does have a ham sandwich and a robot that slightly resembles Marvin the Martian. Not really salient to the plot, but still there. As to the plot, I can best summarize it thusly: I had the story beta-read by a theology student. He called me a blasphemer and blocked me on all social media. In writer’s parlance, that’s called a win.
If you scroll down, you’ll see me and my nephew, Danat’e. That was taken in 2022 at the Motor City Black Age of Comics in Detroit. Now, he’s graduating High School, just had his pinning ceremony and is picking out colleges. The universe got itself a fine young man when he joined it.
Until next time, stay safe and sane.