First off, I want to thank all the lovely people who took part in the last give-away. While no one is ever under any obligation to leave a review, as an author I can assure you those suckers are treasured. While Amazon can be a little bitch when it comes to sharing your thoughts, you can always leave a review at Goodreads.
Speaking of reviews, We are building single page electronic press kits (EPKs) for each novel I have written. The idea is to collect reviews, provide synopses, and show people enjoying my efforts. Come mid-July they will be used as part of an aggressive campaign to get my novels shelved in as many stores and libraries as possible. Think of it as “go big or go home.” Don’t get me wrong, over the last six years the Brittle Riders, and all the subsequent releases, have been steady sellers. Not great, not crap, just cruising along nicely. And there’s nothing wrong with that.
But, now, visual media companies have begun sniffing around and other licensing agencies have been asking for info. Basically, it’s time to up our game.
Although still works in progress, you can check out the pages for SPLICE: HIT BIT TECHNOLOGY and The Brittle Riders to get an idea of what we’re aiming for.
And, here’s the fun part, you, (YES! YOU!), can help. If you have a review, no matter how brief or eloquent, you’re wiling to share, I’d love to have it. Also, if you have a pic of you holding or reading one of my books, I’d really love to have it too. The more we can show that actual humans are enjoying the fruits of my loins … errr, labors, the more it benefits our cause.
One thing that’s not obvious to most readers is that I do a ton of research for my books. And one of my greatest sources of info has come from members of the United States military, and one member of the Sayeret Matkal. There’s a long and interesting story behind that last one. Anyway, thanks to their help my books have been able to portray battles, plus thanks to military doctors and nurses, the after effects of same, as realistically as possible. Even when they involve minotaurs and succubi.
For those who’ve asked, when you see the phrase “active duty” after a name by a review of my work, it means the reviewer is still in the military. I am allowed to use their comments but not their name since no active member of the military may endorse anything; not politically, not commercially, not anything. Not even me. Their job is to serve our country, not any commercial or political enterprise. So now you know. That being said, I have to admit I’m flattered that someone whose job it is is to dodge bullets and save lives has taken the time to peruse my scribblings and say nice things about them. If you want to brighten the day of our brave soldiers, just take a moment to donate to the U.S.O.
During their deployment, you can help provide troops with a connection to their families, along with entertainment and relaxation, like a good McSciFi book. After their service has ended, your efforts can continue to support them as they transition to civilian life. And you can help families stay strong and connected both during and after deployment.
The USO provides a wide range of programs that support the entire family every step of the way. Some troops return home with physical or invisible wounds. You can help provide therapeutic and reintegration services as they navigate the road to recovery. Your donation can also provide support to families of troops who have paid the ultimate price while serving our country. So it’s not just bands, dancing girls, and comedians. They provide vital services our troops, and their families, need.
Also, as we slowly ease out of the worst of the pandemic, allegedly, I have begun restocking my online store in the hope that I will also be able to participate in conventions. You can CLICK HERE to get autographed copies of your favorite McSciFi books and comics. I’ve held off ordering more Brittle Riders since the Omnibus edition is en route and I need to figure out price breaks. Printing and shipping costs have been all over the place and I need to find price points that will work for everyone.
Additionally, as you can see from the images below, I’ve been a busy little pixie adding new materials to my Gear Store. All you need to do is click on a design you like and then select from the over one hundred and fifty products you can purchase. While I’d love for you to buy them all I am pretty sure that would be cost prohibitive. Just grab one if you can and send me a pic once you get it. I love getting fan pics. If you want a better idea of what some of the gear looks like, just click on an image below.
Finally, as to the cryptic title of today’s newsletter, I am dealing with some health issues that may keep me offline for brief periods of time. As of now, they’re simply irritating, but if I let them fester I could be in trouble. Since I’m getting married in July, and Kim would like a healthy husband, I’m dealing with them now. So, don’t worry if I miss a week, I’m just making sure all my personal parts do the stuff they’re supposed to.
Until next time, stay safe and sane.