As we head into the holiday season here in America, I’d like to thank you for your continued support. I would be nowhere without you. One great way of showing gratitude is sharing, and that’s what I’ll do here. Each of these authors has used their platforms to promote all the other authors in the anthology. So, I’d like to use mine to introduce you to them. You can dive right in and just purchase the anthology by clicking on the title, a great holiday gift, or you can click on the individual titles to get a preview of each story and some background on the author. Either way, I doubt you’ll be disappointed.

Rabbit Hole Vol 6 Authors

Alice Baburek’s ‘The Time Keeper
Bill McCormick’s ‘Miggy
Brian R. Quinn’s ‘The Fully Realized Likeness of Alfred K. Friedman
Denice Penrose’s Building Castles in the Sky
Fran Tabor’s ‘The Greatest Danger
H. Donovan Lyòn’s ‘Bruja’
James Dorr’s Marcie
James Rumpel’s Climbing the Intergalactic Ladder
James Rumpel’s The Power Gem of Ortraz
Jane Frankel’s Sadie
J.W. Wood’s ‘Goznym: Leyla
Leslie Muzingo’s Emerald Eyes
Michael Pudney’s ‘Artificiality
Pete Barnstrom’s ‘Drive, She Said
Rick DeRobertis’ ‘The Saga of McKADE the Sailor
Susan R. Morritt’s ‘The Cherry Tree
Tom Wolosz’s ‘OUROBOROS
Tom Wolosz’s ‘Rufus

Until next year, I wish you peace, happiness, good health, and success in all you do.

If you need some McSciFi for your holiday gift bag, the links below will hook you up.

The Brittle Riders
Goptri of the Mists
Hadithi Sambamba Comix Store (digital)
Autographed Copies
Hear Bill Sing in the 80s

Bill McSciFi
Bill McSciFi