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Sad McSciFi

Newsletter Posted on Tue, September 17, 2019 10:25:02

Welcome to our new subscribers.

We begin this e-blast on a sad note. Danny Pitts, the father of Hadithi Sambamba Comix founder, Brian “Bigger Lion Daniel” Pitts, passed away on September 12. He was an integral force behind the scenes. Always encouraging, always supporting. If a ride wasn’t available to a con, even if it was hours away, he provided it. If we needed a floor to sleep on, he found it. 

He was Brian’s father but he took us all in and treated us like family. He made sure we got the love and inspiration we needed to press on. He was taken far too soon, and will be sorely missed.

Rest in Peace Danny, you’ve earned it.

More below.

In happier Hadithi Sambamba news, your favorite surreal futurist, Cyril Brown, is still hosting his fanart contest and entries are starting to wander in.

Just click THIS LINK to get all the rules and character samples for Cyril Brown’s Hybrid Zero Fanart Contest and take a look at all the eye popping stuff we have online for you to work from.

CLICK HERE to read Hybrid Zero: Juggernaut for free online and get an idea of what it’s all about.

CLICK HERE to read Hybrid Zero: Jungle Grrl for free online and get an idea of what it’s all about.

More below.

In other Hadithi Sambamba news, Legends Parallel, the comic that started it all, is being added to more stores in the Southwest. We are hoping, praying?, to start seeing hard copies east of the Mississippi. If you, or someone you love, would like to order copies for a store, just CLICK HERE and select the DISTRIBUTION button. 

Also, if you want some rocking Legends Parallel gear, including onesies for the hipper infants online, just CLICK HERE to revel in the awesomeness of it all.

If you want to order hard copies of the comic for personal use, there’s info approaching rapidly..

More below.

If you want personal hard copies, autographed upon request, I will ship anywhere in the world, just ask first if you’re not on U.S. soil so I can figure out the extra costs. All titles shipped in the U.S. are delivered via U.S.P.S. media mail and usually arrive within seven calendar days of ordering.

Currently, I have the following titles available.

Svarozic – A woman trapped inside a man, a god trapped inside a human. Since they’re all one person, she’s got issues. This is a very TEEN FRIENDLY comic. I wrote it to give trans kids a superhero of their own. It’s even got a Gypsy circus. Because every comic set in Russia needs a Gypsy circus.

Juggernaut – Set in the distant future, Juggernaut is the story of a human/alien fusion and her strange family. They live in an era where sexuality, in all its myriad forms, isn’t taboo but violence is. This group of aristocratic soldiers, who just happen to be related, must face down their own petty, in the grand scheme of things, problems and stop a trans-dimensional creature before it destroys the universe. Or not. It really depends on their mood at the time. This is a magazine sized masterpiece that will impress all who see it.

Legends Parallel – This is the perfect comic series for those who think quantum physics isn’t violent or sexy enough. Five earths and one woman wants to rule them all. This is the story of the man, his mom, and her lover who have to stop that from happening.

Jungle Grrl – In a distant future sex is encouraged, violence is frowned upon, and our hero, her bestie, and their dino clone, try to eke out a living in a sex park while figuring out the meaning of life. The existential poetry based on beer should be enough to make you grab this one. There is a limited amount of American Manga sized versions of this. Once they’re gone, they’re gone.

Ruh Roh Rangers – This is the parody that’ll ruin your childhood but make your day. Those four meddlesome kids are now four meddlesome adults. Scooby Dooby Don’t!

More below.

Don’t forget to tune in every Friday around 9:10 AM (CDT) to WBIG 1280 AM to listen to me on The Big Wake Up Call with Ryan Gatenby and to read all my nonfiction – mostly science, sometimes odd science, occasionally pop culture – over at The World News Center.

The radio show is funny, and still manages to cover a wide range of serious topics from updating listeners on cures for Alzheimer’s to how not to hunt pythons in a swamp. Oddly, that last one has come up more than once. If you can’t listen in just click THIS LINK to scour to the podcasts.

More below.

One thing I’ve learned as I’ve gotten older is we can survive the losses heaped upon us. That mourning doesn’t mean surrendering. That remembering doesn’t require dwelling in the past. Danny’s passing was a shock to us all, most certainly for his immediate family. After all, he was only a few years older than me and had plans made well into the future.

If you want to honor his memory, head over to HADITHI SAMBAMBA and browse all the amazing works that are now his legacy. He lived his life full of love and art. There are worse ways to get through.

See you next week.

McFun Stuff

Newsletter Posted on Tue, September 17, 2019 10:20:35

Welcome Newbies, your timing is perfect!

Due to a customer request we have now added Pico Polos to your stores.

Since I did not know they offered the perfect shirts for Fortune 500 golf outings, or that any of my fans had any interest in such a thing, I dived in to see what else Spreadshirt had added. And they had added a lot. Plus, and this was cool, they changed the way stores could be presented. Now, instead of showing each article individually, I can show the design, then you click on it, pick the item you think best fits your amazing, awesome, God has truly blessed you, lifestyle, and buy it. It’s a much more pleasant shopping experience.

Which all means, and you knew this was coming, that you can now get onesies for your infants as well as gear for adults. Since I relaunched the stores last Thursday I have learned that placing inappropriate images on infant wear is a popular thing to do. I love people all the more now.

You can check out all the coo coo coolness just by visiting the LEGENDS PARALLEL and BILL McSCIFI stores.

More below.

As long as you’re in the mood to add to your cool cred, I’d like to remind you that I still have overstock of all my titles cluttering up my living room. I will ship anywhere in the world, just ask first if you’re not on U.S. soil so I can figure out the extra costs. All titles shipped in the U.S. are delivered via U.S.P.S. media mail and usually arrive within seven calendar days of ordering.

My physical therapists, Patrick & Jessica, each have a complete set, and now you can too.

Currently, I have the following titles available.

Svarozic – A woman trapped inside a man, a god trapped inside a human. Since they’re all one person, she’s got issues. This is a very TEEN FRIENDLY comic. I wrote it to give trans kids a superhero of their own. It’s even got a Gypsy circus. Because every comic set in Russia needs a Gypsy circus.

Juggernaut – Set in the distant future, Juggernaut is the story of a human/alien fusion and her strange family. They live in an era where sexuality, in all its myriad forms, isn’t taboo but violence is. This group of aristocratic soldiers, who just happen to be related, must face down their own petty, in the grand scheme of things, problems and stop a trans-dimensional creature before it destroys the universe. Or not. It really depends on their mood at the time. This is a magazine sized masterpiece that will impress all who see it.

Legends Parallel – This is the perfect comic series for those who think quantum physics isn’t violent or sexy enough. Five earths and one woman wants to rule them all. This is the story of the man, his mom, and her lover who have to stop that from happening.

Jungle Grrl – In a distant future sex is encouraged, violence is frowned upon, and our hero, her bestie, and their dino clone, try to eke out a living in a sex park while figuring out the meaning of life. The existential poetry based on beer should be enough to make you grab this one. There is a limited amount of American Manga sized versions of this. Once they’re gone, they’re gone.

Ruh Roh Rangers – This is the parody that’ll ruin your childhood but make your day. Those four meddlesome kids are now four meddlesome adults. Scooby Dooby Don’t!

Autographs upon request.

More below.

Speaking of cool stuff, your favorite surreal futurist, Cyril Brown, is still hosting his fanart contest and entries are starting to wander in.

Just click THIS LINK to get all the rules and character samples for Cyril Brown’s Hybrid Zero Fanart Contest and take a look at all the eye popping stuff we have online for you to work from.

CLICK HERE to read Hybrid Zero: Juggernaut for free online and get an idea of what it’s all about.

CLICK HERE to read Hybrid Zero: Jungle Grrl for free online and get an idea of what it’s all about.

More below.


On September 16, 2019, I will be joining the fun folks at NEW WAVE COMICS as a staff writer. They’re been around since 1993 and specialize in young adult, Christian themed, comics. The stories feature sci-fi, yes science and religion can be friends – they are with me all the time, and urban themes. It’s going to be an interesting experience for me, plugging into an existing fan base, but I’m really looking forward to it. Also, bonus, I’ll now have comics I can share with the kids in Sunday School when I teach.

Now I know that many of you tune in religiously (see? see what I did there?) every Friday around 9:10 AM (CDT) to WBIG 1280 AM to listen to me on THE BIG WAKE UP CALL with Ryan Gatenby. And, heaven only knows, we appreciate it. But, and this is the cool part, many of you appreciate us right back. So much so that we’re spinning off this segment into a full podcast called SCIENCE CHIT CHAT. I’ll have launch dates soon enough so I hope you’re looking for it. It will be more freewheeling than THE BIG WAKE UP CALL, but just as assiduously researched. 

More below.

If, after all this, you’re still not sure if McSciFi is the sci-fi author for you, then CLICK HERE for a free sampling of my work. It includes short stories, nonfiction, comics (online only), and more. You might want to bookmark that link. I update the page as needed. 

See you next week!

McCatching Up

McSciFi Online Posted on Tue, September 03, 2019 12:51:27

Say Hi to the Cool Kids.

During one of those Twitter threads that wandered well off the original point, it was brought to my attention that many people didn’t know the characters in Legends Parallel were drawn from, and based on, real people. It was an odd confluence of events that led to this happening but it did. And the story has been better for it.

Davion Watson was reimagined as Tom Hill a/k/a Siafu, Phystee Nicole Brown became Oshun, Christopher Longmire morphed into The Jack of Spades, Brandy Hayes became Offcr. Laquanda Carson a/k/a the world’s greatest undercover stripper, Bombshell, and Sabri Carter assumed the mantle of your favorite villain, Ms. Vin.

You can CLICK HERE to read their bios and get to know them better.

Don’t forget to hop on over to visit Legends Parallel’s creator, and owner of Hadithi SambambaBrian “Bigger Lion” Daniel’s Twitter page to wish him a happy birthday. Without his support and encouragement, way back when, I probably wouldn’t be doing all this cool stuff. So thank him if you like this stuff.

More below.

Speaking of cool kids, your favorite surreal futurist, Cyril Brown, is still hosting his fanart contest and entries are starting to wander in.

Just click THIS LINK to get all the rules and character samples for Cyril Brown’s Hybrid Zero Fanart Contest and take a look at all the eye popping stuff we have online for you to work from.

CLICK HERE to read Hybrid Zero: Juggernaut for free online and get an idea of what it’s all about.

CLICK HERE to read Hybrid Zero: Jungle Grrl for free online and get an idea of what it’s all about.

More below.

Also, I’ll remind you to tune in every Friday around 9:10 AM (CDT) to WBIG 1280 AM to listen to me on The Big Wake Up Call with Ryan Gatenby and to read all my nonfiction – mostly science, sometimes odd science, occasionally pop culture – over at The World News Center.

The radio show is funny, and still manages to cover a wide range of serious topics from updating listeners on cures for Alzheimer’s to how not to hunt pythons in a swamp. Oddly, that last one has come up more than once. If you can’t listen in just click THIS LINK to scour to the podcasts.

More below.

Don’t forget, I still have overstock of all my titles cluttering up my living room. I will ship anywhere in the world, just ask first if you’re not on U.S. soil so I can figure out the extra costs. All titles shipped in the U.S. are delivered via U.S.P.S. media mail and usually arrive within seven calendar days of ordering.

Currently, I have the following titles available.

Svarozic – A woman trapped inside a man, a god trapped inside a human. Since they’re all one person, she’s got issues. This is a very TEEN FRIENDLY comic. I wrote it to give trans kids a superhero of their own. It’s even got a Gypsy circus. Because every comic set in Russia needs a Gypsy circus.

Juggernaut – Set in the distant future, Juggernaut is the story of a human/alien fusion and her strange family. They live in an era where sexuality, in all its myriad forms, isn’t taboo but violence is. This group of aristocratic soldiers, who just happen to be related, must face down their own petty, in the grand scheme of things, problems and stop a trans-dimensional creature before it destroys the universe. Or not. It really depends on their mood at the time. This is a magazine sized masterpiece that will impress all who see it.

Legends Parallel – This is the perfect comic series for those who think quantum physics isn’t violent or sexy enough. Five earths and one woman wants to rule them all. This is the story of the man, his mom, and her lover who have to stop that from happening.

Jungle Grrl – In a distant future sex is encouraged, violence is frowned upon, and our hero, her bestie, and their dino clone, try to eke out a living in a sex park while figuring out the meaning of life. The existential poetry based on beer should be enough to make you grab this one. There is a limited amount of American Manga sized versions of this. Once they’re gone, they’re gone.

Ruh Roh Rangers – This is the parody that’ll ruin your childhood but make your day. Those four meddlesome kids are now four meddlesome adults.

Autographs upon request.

More below.

I will have updates on new projects, including the YA comic book series I’m going to be helming, and existing ones, including SPLICE, next week. We’re just waiting for the ink to dry. I can tell you the final script has been submitted for SPLICE and the beta reads I got made the end result jump from merely awesome to OH MY FREAKING GOD!

So, that’s good.

See you next week.

McSciFi McUpdates

McSciFi Online Posted on Tue, August 27, 2019 12:32:38

Welcome to my world of apocalyptic whimsy!

It has come to my attention that asking people to click THIS LINK to get all the rules and character samples for Cyril Brown’s Hybrid Zero Fanart Contest is asking too much. I know this since I keep getting questions which are already answered in the posted rules. So, I’ll make it a little easier.

CLICK HERE to read Hybrid Zero: Juggernaut for free online and get an idea of what it’s all about.

CLICK HERE to read Hybrid Zero: Jungle Grrl for free online and get an idea of what it’s all about.

Look, it’s my job to make this easy and fun, not to judge. Full rules are in the graphic below.

More below.

I’ve been asked for updates on SPLICE, the film script I wrote. We recently received all the beta reviews and comments and I’ve begun incorporating them into a final document. This will take a little bit as I strive to close plot holes, enhance motivations, make the bleak parts bleaker, ramp up the suspense, beyond the merely heart stopping levels it was at, and clean up some dialogue.

Since we, according to the renowned quantum mechanician Judy Tenuta, live in a finite universe I’ve been keeping the final edit to approximately two hours long. So, for every scene added an equal amount of time needs to disappear. It’s arduous work, but it’s turning into something amazing. I’ll keep you posted as it develops further.

More below.


I have overstock of all my titles cluttering up my living room. I will ship anywhere in the world, just ask first if you’re not on U.S. soil so I can figure out the extra costs. All titles shipped in the Continental U.S. are delivered via U.S.P.S. media mail and usually arrive within seven calendar days of ordering.

Keep in mind that Jungle Grrl is currently in a limited edition American Manga sized comic. Once they’re gone they’ll be gone forever. Future editions will be printed in the same magazine format as Juggernaut. Which is cool, but not as deliriously cute.

If you’re not sure if you want something, you can read every title for free online justy by clicking the appropriate link.

Currently, I have the following titles available.

Svarozic – A woman trapped inside a man, a god trapped inside a human. Since they’re all one person, she’s got issues. This is a very TEEN FRIENDLY comic. I wrote it to give trans kids a superhero of their own. It’s even got a Gypsy circus. Because every comic set in Russia needs a Gypsy circus.

Juggernaut – Set in the distant future, Juggernaut is the story of a human/alien fusion and her strange family. They live in an era where sexuality, in all its myriad forms, isn’t taboo but violence is. This group of aristocratic soldiers, who just happen to be related, must face down their own petty, in the grand scheme of things, problems and stop a trans-dimensional creature before it destroys the universe. Or not. It really depends on their mood at the time.

Legends Parallel – This is the perfect comic series for those who think quantum physics isn’t violent or sexy enough. Five earths and one woman wants to rule them all. This is the story of the man, his mom, and her lover who have to stop that from happening.

Jungle Grrl – In a distant future sex is encouraged, violence is frowned upon, and our hero, her bestie, and their dino clone, try to eke out a living in a sex park while figuring out the meaning of life. The existential poetry based on beer should be enough to make you grab this one.

Ruh Roh Rangers – This is the parody that’ll ruin your childhood but make your day. Those four meddlesome kids are now four meddlesome adults.

More below.

Last, but certainly not least, I was recently added to a team to help create a series of Y/A comics. The company’s been in business since the ’90s, is fully funded, and thinks I know what I’m doing.

Two out of three ain’t bad.

I’ll share more info once ink dries and everything’s filed in the correct folders. But, in the meantime, this is an exciting new venture for me and I can’t wait to start dropping samples for you to check out.

See you next week!


A McSciFi McContest

McSciFi Online Posted on Tue, August 20, 2019 10:41:54

Welcome to the Fun Zone!

I’ve been teasing this for a while and now it’s here. Cyril Brown’s Hybrid Zero fanart contest is now live. Artists are invited to reimagine any of Cyril’s, eye popping, characters in their own style. All entries received by September 30, 2019 will be placed online for two weeks, at, for fans to pick the top five and then our celebrity judges will select a winner.

The winner will get a $50 Amazon gift card, full page placement in Hybrid Zero: Juggernaut #2, a print copy for their collection, and the admiration of artists the world over. Unlike other comics, the Hybrid Zero line is printed in a full magazine sized format. As one fan noted, it’s orgasmic just to touch it.

You can feel safe sharing this with your artist friends. There are no fees or anything stupid. You don’t even need to sign up for a mailing list. Just submit.

For the full rules, and directions for submissions, just click THIS LINK and have fun.

More below.


I have overstock of all my titles cluttering up my living room. I will ship anywhere in the world, just ask first if you’re not on U.S. soil so I can figure out the extra costs. All titles shipped in the Continental U.S. are delivered via U.S.P.S. media mail and usually arrive within seven calendar days of ordering.

Currently, I have the following titles available.

Svarozic – A woman trapped inside a man, a god trapped inside a human. Since they’re all one person, she’s got issues. This is a very TEEN FRIENDLY comic. I wrote it to give trans kids a superhero of their own. It’s even got a Gypsy circus. Because every comic set in Russia needs a Gypsy circus.

Juggernaut – Set in the distant future, Juggernaut is the story of a human/alien fusion and her strange family. They live in an era where sexuality, in all its myriad forms, isn’t taboo but violence is. This group of aristocratic soldiers, who just happen to be related, must face down their own petty, in the grand scheme of things, problems and stop a trans-dimensional creature before it destroys the universe. Or not. It really depends on their mood at the time.

Legends Parallel – This is the perfect comic series for those who think quantum physics isn’t violent or sexy enough. Five earths and one woman wants to rule them all. This is the story of the man, his mom, and her lover who have to stop that from happening.

Jungle Grrl – In a distant future sex is encouraged, violence is frowned upon, and our hero, her bestie, and their dino clone, try to eke out a living in a sex park while figuring out the meaning of life. The existential poetry based on beer should be enough to make you grab this one.

Ruh Roh Rangers – This is the parody that’ll ruin your childhood but make your day. Those four meddlesome kids are now four meddlesome adults.

More below.

I have said before the writing I did for the new SPLICE movie script was some of the best I’ve ever done. Now, after a spate of beta readers have responded, including a couple who work for the Big 2, it appears I wasn’t far off. I won’t bore you with a plethora of comments and, instead, will just share one from the company that hired me in the first place.

I think we have a BLOCKBUSTER on our hands; maybe a Writers Guild Award nomination?

So, yeah, that’s me doing a happy dance, in my legendary tutu, down the street. Please don’t call the cops.

More below.

While I AM Fest wasn’t the rocking success I’d hoped, I didn’t sell a single book, I met some amazing creators and added a few to my friend’s list, as well as my email list. Also, to be fair, Kim & I enjoyed the SCHOOL OF ROCK acts. Seeing youngsters passionate about music and performing always makes me happy.

More below.

In summation, ENTER THE CONTEST, buy my shit, grab some McSciFi gear, and have a wonderful week.

In case someone forgot to tell you, you are truly amazing. I appreciate your support more than you know.

Talk to you next week!

McMeet & McGreet McSciFi

McSciFi Online Posted on Tue, August 13, 2019 09:00:25

They’re letting me out of my cage … again!

I AM Fest is short for Independent Arts and Music Festival. It is not a gathering of narcissists. Saturday, August 17, will mark the 11th year they’ve done it and, the good Lord willing, will be their 11th successful run. The entire fest encompasses two venues; House of Blues by day and then The Elbo Room by night. I will be at The House of Blues. There will be music, artists, authors, photographers, people who do stuff I don’t understand, and much more. Doors open at 2:00 PM and the festivities kick off at 2:30.

Unlike most book events I do, this one will have booze, if you’re of legal age, and food available for purchase.

This is the most fun you can have legally, while upright and clothed.

More below.

Next Monday kicks off Cyril Brown’s Hybrid Zero Fanart Contest. “What’s that?” You ask shyly while peaking from behind the curtain, “Is this another one of those things where I have to be naked and ride a giant, mechanical, squirrel?”

The answer is no. For a change you get to draw any of the beings, naked or otherwise, who inhabit the Hybrid Zero universe. There will be a special web page showing the characters but you can check them out in all their glory, sometimes literally, via the links below.

Hybrid Zero: Juggernaut  follows the adventures of Little Zoe as she and her weapons grade family try to save the universe from a multidimensional demon, and not have sex with their relatives. It’s not as easy as it sounds. Hybrid Zero: Jungle Grrl is the fun story of a rebuilt Earth which now serves as a sex park for people who want to have sex with humans, aliens, dino clones, or all of the above. More importantly, it’s the story of Jungle Grrl and her BFF Barbarian Girl as they try to figure out who they are, their purpose in life, and try to discern the essence of existentialism as it relates to beer.

There will also be characters from Cassandra and the Changeling Sword. While not for sale yet, we’re still proud of it and want to share with you. It’s a nifty tale concerning Cassandra, her life after she dies, her time in a monastery, her changeling sword which sings to her, and  all the people and demons she kills along the way. It’s as close as we’re going to get to a family friendly story. Well, by our standards. You may have, ethics, morals, and stuff, so your view may be skewed.

Plus, and this is the cool part, there will be cash and prizes for the winners, not just internet cred.

Reply to this email with any questions.

More below.


I have overstock of all my titles cluttering up my living room. I will ship anywhere in the world, just ask first if you’re not on U.S. soil so I can figure out the extra costs. All titles shipped in the U.S. are delivered via U.S.P.S. media mail and usually arrive within seven calendar days of ordering.

Currently, I have the following titles available.

Svarozic – A woman trapped inside a man, a god trapped inside a human. Since they’re all one person, she’s got issues. This is a very TEEN FRIENDLY comic. I wrote it to give trans kids a superhero of their own. It’s even got a Gypsy circus. Because every comic set in Russia needs a Gypsy circus.

Juggernaut – Set in the distant future, Juggernaut is the story of a human/alien fusion and her strange family. They live in an era where sexuality, in all its myriad forms, isn’t taboo but violence is. This group of aristocratic soldiers, who just happen to be related, must face down their own petty, in the grand scheme of things, problems and stop a trans-dimensional creature before it destroys the universe. Or not. It really depends on their mood at the time.

Legends Parallel – This is the perfect comic series for those who think quantum physics isn’t violent or sexy enough. Five earths and one woman wants to rule them all. This is the story of the man, his mom, and her lover who have to stop that from happening.

Jungle Grrl – In a distant future sex is encouraged, violence is frowned upon, and our hero, her bestie, and their dino clone, try to eke out a living in a sex park while figuring out the meaning of life. The existential poetry based on beer should be enough to make you grab this one.

Ruh Roh Rangers – This is the parody that’ll ruin your childhood but make your day. Those four meddlesome kids are now four meddlesome adults.

More below.

Finally, just in case you need more, I’ll remind you to tune in every Friday around 9:10 AM (CDT) to WBIG 1280 AM to listen to me on The Big Wake Up Call with Ryan Gatenby and to read all my nonfiction –  mostly science, sometimes funny science, occasionally pop culture – over at The World News Center.

If all of this isn’t enough, I suggest you seek medical help.

Until then, see you next week!

McFun for McAll

McSciFi Online Posted on Tue, August 06, 2019 13:26:21

Happy Birthday to My Wonderful Girlfriend!

This is the third birthday I’ve gotten to celebrate with Kim and every single one reminds me how blessed I am to have her in my life. I would probably be curled up in a ball screaming FUCK THE HATERS if not for her. Instead I actually get to write and hand my landlord internet cred he can cash at a bank.

Sanity mixed with love. That’s much better.

Now, to the fun stuff!

If you are, or someone you know is, an artist, this is a contest for you. The amazing Cyril Brown, of Hybrid Zero fame,  is hosting a fan art contest in conjunction with his releases on Nerdanatix. All people will need to do is draw one of his characters, in any style they can imagine, and send it in. There will be cash and prizes for the winners. We’ll be announcing the judges and complete rules in a couple of weeks, so make sure you don’t miss an email.

More below.

Big congratulations to Magret Treiber who won the #NerdanatixUltimateFanGiveAway. In a surprisingly close contest she used the hashtag all over social media almost every day to secure delivery of every single title released by Nerdanatix as of July 31, 2019. Since many of the titles have multiple issues, she should have plenty of reading material for the foreseeable future.

That fact that she’s already a huge fan of McSciFi just makes me happier.

More below.

A quick reminder that I’ll be appearing at The House of Blues, at 329 N Dearborn St, Chicago, IL 60654 on August 17th from 2:30 PM until 6:00 PM for I AM FEST. There’ll be music, artists, writers, and all sorts of fun stuff. Plus, since it’s a restaurant and bar, there’ll be food and booze you can purchase.

All tickets are general admission so you’ll have the full run of the place once you’re in.

Well, not the offices or kitchen and stuff, but you get the idea.

More below.

I recently wrote a blog about the many advances in Alzheimer’s research and ended up having it sited by a venture capital firm as an example of a clear language look at a difficult topic. Due to a variety of laws regarding advertising stuff like this I’m not linking to them.

If reading is too hard, you’re in luck, I also talked about this on Ryan Gatenby’s The Big Wake Up Call which airs every Friday at 9:10 AM (CDT) on WBIG. Just CLICK HERE to be immersed in the coo-coo coolness of my voice. You’ll find me listed as Bill McCormick or World News Center. But the search engine is easy to use so you shouldn’t have any problems.

More below.

While I’m chewing on my toenails anxiously waiting to announce some cool news regarding my next novel, and the re-launch of my current trilogy, I thought I should take a moment to clear up a common misconception. While all of my comics are available digitally, since that’s what the cool kids like, they are also available in print, which is what the coolest kids like. When you order a print copy it gets delivered to your home, or office, or where ever you want. It even comes in opaque packaging so your mailman won’t know if you’ve ordered cool comics or porn.

So that’s convenient.

In the meantime, if you’re not sure if McSciFi is right for you, you can check out issue #1 of each for free online. Downloading or printing costs extra, but not too much, if you want a permanent souvenir.

Currently, I have the following titles available.

Juggernaut – Set in the distant future, Juggernaut is the story of a human/alien fusion and her strange family. They live in an era where sexuality, in all its myriad forms, isn’t taboo but violence is. This group of aristocratic soldiers, who just happen to be related, must face down their own petty, in the grand scheme of things, problems and stop a trans-dimensional creature before it destroys the universe. Or not. It really depends on their mood at the time.

Legends Parallel – This is the perfect comic series for those who think quantum physics isn’t violent or sexy enough. Five earths and one woman wants to rule them all. This is the story of the man, his mom, and her lover who have to stop that from happening.

Svarozic – A woman trapped inside a man, a god trapped inside a human. Since they’re all one person, she’s got issues. This is a very TEEN FRIENDLY comic. I wrote it to give trans kids a superhero of their own. It’s even got a Gypsy circus. Because every comic set in Russia needs a Gypsy circus.

Jungle Grrl – In a distant future sex is encouraged, violence is frowned upon, and our hero, her bestie, and their dino clone, try to eke out a living in a sex park while figuring out the meaning of life. The existential poetry based on beer should be enough to make you grab this one.

Ruh Roh Rangers – This is the parody that’ll ruin your childhood but make your day. Those four meddlesome kids are now four meddlesome adults.

See you next week!

McFans McSpeak!

McSciFi Online Posted on Tue, July 30, 2019 08:57:49

Welcome to Tiwesdaeg.

Now you know how to say Tuesday in Old English. Don’t you feel cooler already? First off, for those of you wanted wanted to come to Kim’s installation ceremony where she becomes an elder of our church, it’s been moved to Sunday, August 18th, in the morning. Message me if you want info.

Now, to the fun stuff.

Recently, I joined a slew of authors who had numerous Amazon reviews disappear. That may be due to them enforcing their policy that requires people to spend $50 a year for them to post reviews and to have those reviews remain online. They’ve enforced the posting part since its inception, but going back and removing reviews seems kind of petty. Still, it’s their company, not mine, and I’m sure those reviews were taking up space Mr. Bezos could use for more important stuff.

A fan pointed this out to me. Oddly, I’m not one of those authors who checks his reviews. But this fan wanted to show someone The Brittle Riders and was appalled to see how sparse the review section had become. It’s hard to tell someone something is cool when there’s just a couple of lonely reviews there.

To be fair, we don’t use Amazon as our primary selling point. They encourage authors to use free, or heavily discounted, promotions to get their ranking numbers up and end up on lists. My landlord may think it’s cool to see my name on a list, but he prefers to see it on a rent check.

So, off I went to other sites to see if they had any reviews. And they did. And they were universally positive.

So I copied them all, snagged my favorites, and now have a nifty graphic you can share.

More below.

If you want your own copy of my stuff, but think that it would look cooler with my signature, you’re in luck. I’ll be at the House of Blues (Chicago) on August 17th for I AM Fest signing stuff, smiling, and waving. Okay, not so much smiling, but I do wave. I’ll also be wearing a tutu so you can easily find me.

I rock tutus.

This will be my last appearance until November, when I’ll be all over northern Illinois. That wasn’t planned. But, as it works out, just in time for the winter holiday season, I’ll everywhere from near Hammond, Indiana to St. Charles, Illinois, with stops in between. If you can’t make I AM Fest you have options.

More below.

If you’d rather just sit at home and listen to me blather about nonfiction topics, you’re in luck. I do a weekly guest appearance on Ryan Gatenby’s The Big Wake Up Call every Friday at 9:10 AM (CDT) on WBIG. Just CLICK HERE to be immersed in the coo-coo coolness of my voice. You’ll find me listed as Bill McCormick or World News Center. But the search engine is easy to use so you shouldn’t have any problems.

More below.


One Lucky Fan will receive a copy of every comic book currently contracted to Nerdanatix by midnight tomorrow!.

They are giving entries to every single person who tags them in a comment, likes one of their social media pages, or shares a post. In order to receive your entry you must follow and support them on their social media sites and tag them with the tag #NERDANATIXULTIMATEFANGIVEAWAY.

All participants must be over the age of 18 to participate.

That’s kind of my fault. I write stories with hard science and boobs. That said, it’s, at least, accurate science and stunning boobs.

Contestants can only earn one entry per day, per social media outlet. A total of three points may be earned each day.

Contest Ends Tomorrow Night at Midnight!

Nerdanatix ​Social Media Links:




My contributions to the package include;

Juggernaut – Set in the distant future, Juggernaut is the story of a human/alien fusion and her strange family. They live in an era where sexuality, in all its myriad forms, isn’t taboo but violence is. This group of aristocratic soldiers, who just happen to be related, must face down their own petty, in the grand scheme of things, problems and stop a trans-dimensional creature before it destroys the universe. Or not. It really depends on their mood at the time.

Legends Parallel – This is the perfect comic series for those who think quantum physics isn’t violent or sexy enough. Five earths and one woman wants to rule them all. This is the story of the man, his mom, and her lover who have to stop that from happening.

Svarozic – A woman trapped inside a man, a god trapped inside a human. Since they’re all one person, she’s got issues. This is a very TEEN FRIENDLY comic. I wrote it to give trans kids a superhero of their own. It’s even got a Gypsy circus. Because every comic set in Russia needs a Gypsy circus.

Jungle Grrl – In a distant future sex is encouraged, violence is frowned upon, and our hero, her bestie, and their dino clone, try to eke out a living in a sex park while figuring out the meaning of life. The existential poetry based on beer should be enough to make you grab this one.

Ruh Roh Rangers – This is the parody that’ll ruin your childhood but make your day. Those four meddlesome kids are now four meddlesome adults.

See you next week.

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