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AHA! We McMeet Again!

Newsletter Posted on Tue, October 22, 2019 08:18:39

Good Morning All
& Welcome White Oaks Peeps!

I had a lot of fun at the White Oak Author Fest this year. I made new friends, sold some books, and got stories that will last a lifetime. Feel free to ply me with vodka if you want to hear them.

Next up on the McSciFi Agenda is the SCPL Local Lit Fest. This one is near and dear to my crusty heart. I was able, with the help of Head Librarian Greg Diaz, able to put together a true local lit fest for Chicago. Everything from Constitutional law, to comics, to murder, to mermaids, we’ve got it all.

Even cooler, three of the authors coming, Steve SilverJiba Molei Anderson, and Carlos Jimenez Flores, will be speaking to attendees and answering questions. With subjects ranging from hanging out with Johnny Cash, to how to use graphics as a communication medium, to helping Puerto Rico gain independence, I can promise you won’t be bored. 

Admission is free and I’m reasonably priced.

More below.

A big McSciFi McShout out to Esma Kurbegović, the winner of Cyril Brown’s Hybrid Zero #Fanart Contest. Esma won all the prizes and those are heading to Bosnia to be with her. She will also be featured on a full page in issue #2 of Hybrid Zero: Juggernaut.

She’s a college student who’s trying to earn a living while still being an artist. While a $50 Amazon Gift Card won’t set her up for life, hopefully she’ll be able to get those sexy socks she’s had her eye on.

All silliness aside, congratulations Esma!

More below her winning art.

One fun side note; both times I’ve appeared at White Oak I’ve worn my Brittle Riders shirt and, both times, people went online and bought one for themselves. But not the book. Makes me wonder what it is they think they’re promoting.

Oh well, the holiday season is rapidly approaching and you wouldn’t want to miss out on the chance to get yourself, and random loved ones, the latest exciting fashion choices. Forget the funky stuff from Milan, or the retro-trash bag look in Paris, here’s your chance to really shine.

You can get all your favorite Bill McSciFi gear just by clicking THIS LINK and busting our your credit card. Everything from T-shirts, to onesies for the kids, to coffee cups and mouse pads. You can festoon your entire home with awesomeness in one visit.

Or, if you’d like a little naughty quantum physics on your bod, I’ve got you covered (as it were). Just CLICK HERE to get all the latest Legends Parallel gear. The variety is stultifying and fun. 

Thanks for reading it all. See you next week!

McOut & About

Newsletter Posted on Tue, October 15, 2019 08:02:56

Welcome New Peeps.
We’re Damn Glad to Have You!

It’s an exciting time to live in McSciFi-Land. Between now and December 1st I’ll be appearing at four different cons scattered across northern Illinois. Plus, and this is too cool not to share, on October 30th I’ll be a featured guest on the Bill and Wendy Show on WGN Radio at 11:30 AM. I’ll post links the week of so you can stream along if you can’t pick up the station. 

But, first, a chance for you to McMeet me. I’ll be at the White Oak Author Fest this Saturday from 10:00 AM until 4:00 PM. This is one of only two appearances I do each year in the south suburbs of Chicago. It’s not that I don’t like going there, it’s just that there aren’t that many opportunities for a science fiction writer to head that way.

So, if you’re able to go, please wander over and say hello. Last year I was placed between children’s books and Afrocentric-Women’s erotica. I fit in nicely.

More below.

I’m pleased to announce that the fifth issue of, the critically acclaimed magazine, JUST A MINOR MALFUNCTION has been funded and my story will see the light of day. Thanks to everyone who supported this. 

My story was originally titled BREASTS IN SPACE. Then it was THE GREATEST TOLDY EVER STORED. Now, honestly I have no idea what it will be called. I just know they’re changing the name. So, buy the magazine, find my byline, and read that. Then read the rest because there are some amazing authors in this issue. Actually, there are amazing authors in every issue.

My story is a satirical look at the current Young Adult fiction market. It’s got booze, breasts, and an A/I that was force fed GAME OF THRONES to learn how to write. So it’s perfect for teens.

More below.

In other exciting news, Ryan Gatenby, the host of THE BIG WAKE UP CALL on WBIG, and I are teaming up to bring you an amazing new podcast. Called SCIENCE CHIT CHAT it will feature celebrity guests, breaking news on scientific discoveries, with a focus on medical, and some funny bits. 

Also, since we’ll be on our own, it’ll free us up to talk more about the political ramifications of things like tariffs on medical procedures. If you’re unsure how that all works, CLICK HERE to hear an episode where we addressed how some treatments are being kept from American citizens.

You’ll also learn how to vet TV shows for your kids.

Apparently that’s also a lesson we needed to teach.

More below.

Lastly, the holiday season is rapidly approaching and you wouldn’t want to miss out on the chance to get yourself, and random loved ones, the latest exciting fashion choices. Forget the funky stuff from Milan, or the retro-trash bag look in Paris, here’s your chance to really shine.

You can get all your favorite Bill McSciFi gear just by clicking THIS LINK and busting our your credit card. Everything from T-shirts, to onesies for the kids, to coffee cups and mouse pads. You can festoon your entire home with awesomeness in one visit.

Or, if you’d like a little naughty quantum physics on your bod, I’ve got you covered (as it were). Just CLICK HERE to get all the latest Legends Parallel gear. The variety is stultifying and fun. 

Thanks, and I hope to see you this Saturday.

Good McMorning

Newsletter Posted on Tue, October 08, 2019 11:08:40
Welcome new stalkers. Feel free to click on the links.

While our celebrity judges are crouched in a smoke filled room, sequestered from humanity, until they pick a winner for Cyril Brown’s Hybrid Zero #Fanart Contest, I thought I’d take a moment to announce something fun. As many of you know I teach Sunday School. That’s not the announcement. What you may not know is that a month or so ago, I had a client flame out on me and cause me to lose the only young adult title I had. One that I wanted to share with the kids. One internet conversation led to another and now I’ll have something for the kids, my impending nieces and nephews (I have to marry their aunt first), and the children’s librarian at South Chicago Public Library. She likes me, but my writing terrifies her.

I’m now writing the first series for NEW WAVE COMICS and their CROSS STITCH titles. They’re dedicated to the seven deadly sins (the ones you love and repeat), and aimed at the youth of Earth as morality plays. Since I’m writing them you can rest assured they are not going to be heavy handed missives laden with THOU SHALT NOTS! Nope, they’ll be fun, informative and, if I do my job right, engaging. 

More below.

Another thrilling announcement, that will cause you to quiver in anticipation, is that the 5th issue of, the critically acclaimed magazine, JUST A MINOR MALFUNCTION is live. And, best of all, has a story by me in it. My contribution, THE GREATEST TOLDY EVER STORED, was originally titled BREASTS IN SPACE, and was meant to be a satire of the young adult market. However, if a hundred year old man can have sex with a fifteen year old girl and everyone thinks it’s romantic, the genre may be beyond satire. 

But I gave it a shot anyway. For a mere $2.00 you can get in on the fun.

CLICK HERE to reserve your copy.

More below.

Now, I know that many of you long for those brief, yet sweet, moments when I’m seen in public Or, you just want to say hi. It all works. No matter your reason, I’ll be appearing again at the WHITE OAK AUTHOR FEST on October 19. Last year, because this makes sense in an existential way, I was placed directly between children’s books and Afrocentric Women’s Erotica selections. 

God knows where I’ll be this year, but I’m usually pretty easy to find. I’m tall and I look like me. Also, I’ll have a ton of new stuff. So come on by and wave in my general direction.

More below.

In exciting news, that doesn’t require travel, the nice people over at Nerdanatix have gone above and beyond to help their creators. Like me. They’ve added a section on the bottom of every comic’s page wherein you can donate to support the creators just like a Patreon account. There are some differences, but they are all clearly explained on the site.

Plus, they now are selling hard copies direct, adding more stores as I type, and allowing fans to read everything online for free. Basically, they’ve adopted the porn business model. You can see lots of titillating stuff online but, if you want the good stuff, you gotta pay. Since this seems to be working well, I shall heartily endorse it.

Check out each of my titles below.

Svarozic – A woman trapped inside a man, a god trapped inside a human. Since they’re all one person, she’s got issues. This is a very TEEN FRIENDLY comic. I wrote it to give trans kids a superhero of their own. It’s even got a Gypsy circus. Because every comic set in Russia needs a Gypsy circus.

Juggernaut – Set in the distant future, Juggernaut is the story of a human/alien fusion and her strange family. They live in an era where sexuality, in all its myriad forms, isn’t taboo but violence is. This group of aristocratic soldiers, who just happen to be related, must face down their own petty, in the grand scheme of things, problems and stop a trans-dimensional creature before it destroys the universe. Or not. It really depends on their mood at the time. This is a magazine sized masterpiece that will impress all who see it.

Legends Parallel – This is the perfect comic series for those who think quantum physics isn’t violent or sexy enough. Five earths and one woman wants to rule them all. This is the story of the man, his mom, and her lover who have to stop that from happening

.Jungle Grrl – In a distant future sex is encouraged, violence is frowned upon, and our hero, her bestie, and their dino clone, try to eke out a living in a sex park while figuring out the meaning of life. The existential poetry based on beer should be enough to make you grab this one. There is a limited amount of American Manga sized versions of this. Once they’re gone, they’re gone.

Ruh Roh Rangers – This is the R-Rated parody that’ll ruin your childhood but make your day. Those four meddlesome kids are now four meddlesome adults. Scooby Dooby Don’t!

More below.

Lastly, I took a bit of a busman’s holiday and … finally … updated my website. It’s got a brand new front page, content updates, direct sales links, and more. I’ll be adding a store wherein you can purchase autographed everything directly but that won’t be live until next week.

But you can still get all the coo coo coolness that is McSciFi merchandise just by clicking that link and having fun. All you need to do is click on the image you like, and you’ll see what items are offered with it. Everything ships directly to you and is made from the highest quality materials we could find.

You’ll be the coolest being, who species identifies as human, around when you wear McSciFi gear.

Thanks for your continuing support and I’ll see you next week.

Tying Up Some Loose McEnds

Newsletter Posted on Tue, October 01, 2019 11:34:36
Welcome to this week’s multiverse.

For the last month we have been running Cyril Brown’s Hybrid Zero #Fanart Contest. The idea was simple enough. You click the link, follow the rules, create your version of one of Cyril’s, eye popping, characters, and get entered for a prize. At that link are free copies of the comics, if you wanted to do a deep dive into our multiverse, character drawings you could use for guidance, and a fun video that gives you an overall feel for the Hybrid Zero line.


We got twenty-eight entries.  That’s good, right? Fourteen were of Batman. Now, this might come as a shock, but no one at Hadithi Sambama Comix owns the rights to Batman. So that was a problem. Eleven more were wildly random Marvel and DC characters, which we still don’t have any rights to, and one was of Sandman. Neil Gaiman may be cool, and he is, but even he would frown on anyone commercially exploiting his properties without his permission. 

That left us with two qualifying entries. So one will get the $50 Amazon Gift card, and both will get posters and featured in the next issue of Hybrid Zero: Juggernaut. We’re going to let the celebrity judges decide who gets the gift card since Cyril and I are Facebook friends with both. And, bonus, we never expected either to enter. Thank God they did or I’d be homicidal. 

Big ups to Esma Kurbegović & Montreal Mack for taking the time to immortalize Arealea (the one in the middle). We’ll announce the winner in two weeks.

More below.

In more “people are stupid” news, a couple of weeks ago I was asked to sell someone a collection of my comics. The stipulation was that I had to add MAGA under my name. Since I have a sense of humor, I agreed. Then I got sent – and this is frighteningly true – a purity test.

I’m proud to announce I failed with all flags flying. Especially the American one. My litmus test is the life I lead, not the boxes I check. And, to be honest, not even I needed $40 that bad.

Anyway, if you’d like my stuff, even if you want MAGA under my sig, I still have some copies left at home. You can just respond to this email with your order and preferred payment method.

More below.

In happier news, people have asked what’s going on with SPLICE and if they’re ever going to see it in a theater. The short answer is yes. When is yet to be decided. Watchdog Entertainment is in the process of securing funding and sifting through possible directors. 

Essentially I’m out of the loop until those details get finalized, but they are moving forward with all due alacrity. What’s exciting is how different SPLICE is going to be from anything else people have seen. Across the board our beta readers gave it an enthusiastic set of thumbs up. And more than one was emotionally drained after reading. Which is what we were going for, so that’s good news.

More below.

In really happy news, Nerdanatix, the home for Hadithi Sambamba Comix, will be launching a brand new website at 5:00 PM (CDT) on October 1, 2019 (i.e., today) which will feature new ordering methods, a way for you to support your favorite titles, just like a Patreon page, and easier ways for stores to place orders directly. 

As always, the first issue of every title is free to read online. If you want to bask in the coolness of some of the best indie titles on the planet, just click THIS LINK and have fun.

Thanks for sticking around and I’ll see you next week!


Ready for Some McFun?

Newsletter Posted on Tue, September 24, 2019 09:18:02
Welcome New Peeps!

Each week I get to welcome more and more people to the McSciFi multiverse. Little by little we’re building something cool here and I want to thank each and everyone of you for your support.Lest ye forget, your favorite surreal futurist, Cyril Brown, is still hosting his #fanart contest and entries are starting to wander in. Cyril’s, eye popping, graphics are the perfect foil for artists the world over. Images range from the cute and cherubic to wildly NSFW, so there’s something for everyone.

There’s a $50 Amazon gift card for the winner and prizes and national pub for the next four runners up. 

Just click THIS LINK to get all the rules and character samples for Cyril Brown’s Hybrid Zero Fanart Contest and take a look at all the amazing stuff we have online for you to work from.

CLICK HERE to read Hybrid Zero: Juggernaut for free online and get an idea of what it’s all about.

CLICK HERE to read Hybrid Zero: Jungle Grrl for free online and get an idea of what it’s all about.

More below.

Since I’ve received a few questions about the stores I run, I’ll answer them here in the hope it will help all of you. I use Print on Demand licensing. That means I have agreed, for a small fee, to allow Spreadshirt to print anything with approved graphics and send it directly to you. They pay me and ship to you at the same time. It’s a great way for you to get all the coo coo cool stuff I have to offer without me having a warehouse on site. 

And, yes, onesies for infants are stupidly popular. But there’s so much more, from T-shirts to phone cases, I don’t even know where to begin. Right now you can get 15% off any order. Just enter the code SEPTEMBER15 to make sure you don’t overpay. I’ve bought a few shirts for Kim and myself and, after a couple of years, the colors are still fresh and the fabric didn’t shrink. These are high quality products you’ll be proud to own.You can check everything out just by visiting the LEGENDS PARALLEL and BILL McSCIFI stores.There are different designs, and all your favorite logos, available at each.

More below.

Above and beyond all my solo efforts now seems to be a good time to remind you I’m also featured in numerous magazines and anthologies, some of which you can read for free. As I’m typing this I’ve been accepted into two more, so you’ll have plenty of options when it comes to purchasing those wonderful holiday gifts that make you look smarter, and hipper, than your pathetic relatives.

Independent Creators Connection Quarterly Magazine
Nationally distributed by Diamond. Now promoted to Assistant Editor, I write articles about, and conducts interviews with, people you should know. Each issue highlights up and coming creators as well as legends of the biz. The perfect magazine for libraries with people interested in sci-fi, fantasy, and comics.

Gods of Clay – Sci Fi Roundtable
We all have heard that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Does this also imply that any sufficiently advanced life form would be indistinguishable from a god? For 10,000 years we have deified those life forms above us, but what happens when we ourselves have advanced to the point that we come face to face with those very beings we have worshiped, and find they too have feet of clay?

100 People, 100 Stories, 100 Business Lessons To Live By – Authors Unite AMAZON BEST SELLER 
Imagine if you could have one book that gave you 100 golden nuggets. Less dust. Less clutter. Just one book to always have by your side and reference whenever you need to. Well, that’s The Better Business Book. It’s your one-stop shop for crystal-clear business advice that you can use to grow your business and live the life you’ve always wanted.
Land of LOL (Science Fantasy Hub)
Slappy McClownDick thinks he’s the best clown in the history of clowns. Sadly, for him, all the other clowns think he’s just a clown, and not in a good way. But Slappy’s got a plan to show them all and earn the respect he so richly deserves. It involves juggling nuclear bombs. Because …. reasons.

Coming This Fall in Sci Fi Lampoon Magazine
The most fun you can have with a fatal disease, a psychic nun, and an angry space merchant.

Bronies Gone Wild – Horrified Press
It was supposed to be Trevor’s big night. But four, naked, women in a rock band seemed hell bent on ruining his meeting of the Blue Island Bronies.
Trumpocalypse – Horrified Press
Thank God Donald Trump was able to rid America of silly things like governments and schools. Now a good, patriotic, American can toddle down to the local store for their flavored heroin, just like God intended.

The Dogs of War – Fur Planet
Everybody loves dogs, don’t they? But are you so sure dogs love us? When they get opposable thumbs, and missile launchers, you may not like the answer.

Slashing Through the Snow – Azoth Khem Pub
At the North Pole everyone’s job is important, especially when it comes to trimming the Naughty List.

Genesis Magazine
She wanted a life of geologic contemplation. What she got was wildly different and terrifying. Find out how one young lady’s quest for pretty rocks led to interstellar war.

Planet Scumm Magazine – Issue #1
Korzac’s just this dude who’s trying to save the galaxy, fight off a cold, and not have sex with his lieutenant. Everything else is just a bonus.

Bewildering Stories – Click on Title to Read for Free
You’re worried about the Illuminati? I’m worried about who controls the Illuminati.

Bewildering Stories – Click on Title to Read for Free
The first story I ever had published. A DJ witnesses the apocalypse while sharing drinks with one of the terrorists who started it.

Bewildering Stories – Click on Title to Read for Free
An alien comes to Earth to be its god. It goes about as well as you’d hope.

Bewildering Stories – Click on Title to Read for Free
A young, mentally challenged, man receives a letter from an editor and ends up sparking an interplanetary uprising. Winner 2013 Editor’s Choice Award.

More below.

Don’t forget to tune in every Friday around 9:10 AM (CDT) to WBIG 1280 AM to listen to me on The Big Wake Up Call with Ryan Gatenby and to read all my nonfiction – mostly science, sometimes odd science, occasionally pop culture – over at The World News Center.The radio show is funny, and still manages to cover a wide range of serious topics from updating listeners on cures for Alzheimer’s to how not to hunt pythons in a swamp. Oddly, that last one has come up more than once. If you can’t listen in just click THIS LINK to scour to the podcasts.

Next week I’ll be sharing an exciting announcement from our comic book distributor, Nerdanatix, and providing a couple of updates on other projects, so make sure you don’t relegate me to your spam filter.

Thanks for being here and I’ll see you next week.

Sad McSciFi

Newsletter Posted on Tue, September 17, 2019 10:25:02

Welcome to our new subscribers.

We begin this e-blast on a sad note. Danny Pitts, the father of Hadithi Sambamba Comix founder, Brian “Bigger Lion Daniel” Pitts, passed away on September 12. He was an integral force behind the scenes. Always encouraging, always supporting. If a ride wasn’t available to a con, even if it was hours away, he provided it. If we needed a floor to sleep on, he found it. 

He was Brian’s father but he took us all in and treated us like family. He made sure we got the love and inspiration we needed to press on. He was taken far too soon, and will be sorely missed.

Rest in Peace Danny, you’ve earned it.

More below.

In happier Hadithi Sambamba news, your favorite surreal futurist, Cyril Brown, is still hosting his fanart contest and entries are starting to wander in.

Just click THIS LINK to get all the rules and character samples for Cyril Brown’s Hybrid Zero Fanart Contest and take a look at all the eye popping stuff we have online for you to work from.

CLICK HERE to read Hybrid Zero: Juggernaut for free online and get an idea of what it’s all about.

CLICK HERE to read Hybrid Zero: Jungle Grrl for free online and get an idea of what it’s all about.

More below.

In other Hadithi Sambamba news, Legends Parallel, the comic that started it all, is being added to more stores in the Southwest. We are hoping, praying?, to start seeing hard copies east of the Mississippi. If you, or someone you love, would like to order copies for a store, just CLICK HERE and select the DISTRIBUTION button. 

Also, if you want some rocking Legends Parallel gear, including onesies for the hipper infants online, just CLICK HERE to revel in the awesomeness of it all.

If you want to order hard copies of the comic for personal use, there’s info approaching rapidly..

More below.

If you want personal hard copies, autographed upon request, I will ship anywhere in the world, just ask first if you’re not on U.S. soil so I can figure out the extra costs. All titles shipped in the U.S. are delivered via U.S.P.S. media mail and usually arrive within seven calendar days of ordering.

Currently, I have the following titles available.

Svarozic – A woman trapped inside a man, a god trapped inside a human. Since they’re all one person, she’s got issues. This is a very TEEN FRIENDLY comic. I wrote it to give trans kids a superhero of their own. It’s even got a Gypsy circus. Because every comic set in Russia needs a Gypsy circus.

Juggernaut – Set in the distant future, Juggernaut is the story of a human/alien fusion and her strange family. They live in an era where sexuality, in all its myriad forms, isn’t taboo but violence is. This group of aristocratic soldiers, who just happen to be related, must face down their own petty, in the grand scheme of things, problems and stop a trans-dimensional creature before it destroys the universe. Or not. It really depends on their mood at the time. This is a magazine sized masterpiece that will impress all who see it.

Legends Parallel – This is the perfect comic series for those who think quantum physics isn’t violent or sexy enough. Five earths and one woman wants to rule them all. This is the story of the man, his mom, and her lover who have to stop that from happening.

Jungle Grrl – In a distant future sex is encouraged, violence is frowned upon, and our hero, her bestie, and their dino clone, try to eke out a living in a sex park while figuring out the meaning of life. The existential poetry based on beer should be enough to make you grab this one. There is a limited amount of American Manga sized versions of this. Once they’re gone, they’re gone.

Ruh Roh Rangers – This is the parody that’ll ruin your childhood but make your day. Those four meddlesome kids are now four meddlesome adults. Scooby Dooby Don’t!

More below.

Don’t forget to tune in every Friday around 9:10 AM (CDT) to WBIG 1280 AM to listen to me on The Big Wake Up Call with Ryan Gatenby and to read all my nonfiction – mostly science, sometimes odd science, occasionally pop culture – over at The World News Center.

The radio show is funny, and still manages to cover a wide range of serious topics from updating listeners on cures for Alzheimer’s to how not to hunt pythons in a swamp. Oddly, that last one has come up more than once. If you can’t listen in just click THIS LINK to scour to the podcasts.

More below.

One thing I’ve learned as I’ve gotten older is we can survive the losses heaped upon us. That mourning doesn’t mean surrendering. That remembering doesn’t require dwelling in the past. Danny’s passing was a shock to us all, most certainly for his immediate family. After all, he was only a few years older than me and had plans made well into the future.

If you want to honor his memory, head over to HADITHI SAMBAMBA and browse all the amazing works that are now his legacy. He lived his life full of love and art. There are worse ways to get through.

See you next week.

McFun Stuff

Newsletter Posted on Tue, September 17, 2019 10:20:35

Welcome Newbies, your timing is perfect!

Due to a customer request we have now added Pico Polos to your stores.

Since I did not know they offered the perfect shirts for Fortune 500 golf outings, or that any of my fans had any interest in such a thing, I dived in to see what else Spreadshirt had added. And they had added a lot. Plus, and this was cool, they changed the way stores could be presented. Now, instead of showing each article individually, I can show the design, then you click on it, pick the item you think best fits your amazing, awesome, God has truly blessed you, lifestyle, and buy it. It’s a much more pleasant shopping experience.

Which all means, and you knew this was coming, that you can now get onesies for your infants as well as gear for adults. Since I relaunched the stores last Thursday I have learned that placing inappropriate images on infant wear is a popular thing to do. I love people all the more now.

You can check out all the coo coo coolness just by visiting the LEGENDS PARALLEL and BILL McSCIFI stores.

More below.

As long as you’re in the mood to add to your cool cred, I’d like to remind you that I still have overstock of all my titles cluttering up my living room. I will ship anywhere in the world, just ask first if you’re not on U.S. soil so I can figure out the extra costs. All titles shipped in the U.S. are delivered via U.S.P.S. media mail and usually arrive within seven calendar days of ordering.

My physical therapists, Patrick & Jessica, each have a complete set, and now you can too.

Currently, I have the following titles available.

Svarozic – A woman trapped inside a man, a god trapped inside a human. Since they’re all one person, she’s got issues. This is a very TEEN FRIENDLY comic. I wrote it to give trans kids a superhero of their own. It’s even got a Gypsy circus. Because every comic set in Russia needs a Gypsy circus.

Juggernaut – Set in the distant future, Juggernaut is the story of a human/alien fusion and her strange family. They live in an era where sexuality, in all its myriad forms, isn’t taboo but violence is. This group of aristocratic soldiers, who just happen to be related, must face down their own petty, in the grand scheme of things, problems and stop a trans-dimensional creature before it destroys the universe. Or not. It really depends on their mood at the time. This is a magazine sized masterpiece that will impress all who see it.

Legends Parallel – This is the perfect comic series for those who think quantum physics isn’t violent or sexy enough. Five earths and one woman wants to rule them all. This is the story of the man, his mom, and her lover who have to stop that from happening.

Jungle Grrl – In a distant future sex is encouraged, violence is frowned upon, and our hero, her bestie, and their dino clone, try to eke out a living in a sex park while figuring out the meaning of life. The existential poetry based on beer should be enough to make you grab this one. There is a limited amount of American Manga sized versions of this. Once they’re gone, they’re gone.

Ruh Roh Rangers – This is the parody that’ll ruin your childhood but make your day. Those four meddlesome kids are now four meddlesome adults. Scooby Dooby Don’t!

Autographs upon request.

More below.

Speaking of cool stuff, your favorite surreal futurist, Cyril Brown, is still hosting his fanart contest and entries are starting to wander in.

Just click THIS LINK to get all the rules and character samples for Cyril Brown’s Hybrid Zero Fanart Contest and take a look at all the eye popping stuff we have online for you to work from.

CLICK HERE to read Hybrid Zero: Juggernaut for free online and get an idea of what it’s all about.

CLICK HERE to read Hybrid Zero: Jungle Grrl for free online and get an idea of what it’s all about.

More below.


On September 16, 2019, I will be joining the fun folks at NEW WAVE COMICS as a staff writer. They’re been around since 1993 and specialize in young adult, Christian themed, comics. The stories feature sci-fi, yes science and religion can be friends – they are with me all the time, and urban themes. It’s going to be an interesting experience for me, plugging into an existing fan base, but I’m really looking forward to it. Also, bonus, I’ll now have comics I can share with the kids in Sunday School when I teach.

Now I know that many of you tune in religiously (see? see what I did there?) every Friday around 9:10 AM (CDT) to WBIG 1280 AM to listen to me on THE BIG WAKE UP CALL with Ryan Gatenby. And, heaven only knows, we appreciate it. But, and this is the cool part, many of you appreciate us right back. So much so that we’re spinning off this segment into a full podcast called SCIENCE CHIT CHAT. I’ll have launch dates soon enough so I hope you’re looking for it. It will be more freewheeling than THE BIG WAKE UP CALL, but just as assiduously researched. 

More below.

If, after all this, you’re still not sure if McSciFi is the sci-fi author for you, then CLICK HERE for a free sampling of my work. It includes short stories, nonfiction, comics (online only), and more. You might want to bookmark that link. I update the page as needed. 

See you next week!

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