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McJoin the McFun

Newsletter Posted on Tue, October 13, 2020 08:27:22
As we enter day two hundred bleenity zorp of the two week shutdown we were promised, some of us are losing our freaking minds. I would be one of them. Fortunately, life has decided to dump some stuff in my lap that requires more attention than I put into my daily visits to Solitaire Paradise

Last week I mentioned I was going to be doing another Kickstarter. I haven’t done one in while and have added quite a few fantastic followers, just like you, since the last one. So I wasn’t surprised to get a slew of emails asking “What’s a Kickstarter?”

Kickstarter is a platform that allows fans to financially support their favorite creators, It’s kind of like investing in stocks but, instead of a percentage of company profits – if any, investors get specific rewards. Signed copies of comics, posters, brand related promotional items, and whatever else the creators can think of. 

The Kickstarter for CROSSTITCH ALPHA “THE 7” BOOK ONE: ENVY will be going live on October 15th, or in two days if you prefer. Investments can be as little as a dollar, just to show you care, all the way up to as much as your wallet can handle. 

This book is going to be great for teens, whether they’re active in their church community or not. The story’s exciting, the art’s eye popping, and the villains are spectacular. You can’t have a good story about human frailties without a spectacular villain. It’s in the rules.

Here is the complete press release for it. 

***New Wave Comics is proud to announce the October 15th, 2020 Kickstarter for their newest Majestic Studios release, CROSSTITCH ALPHA “THE 7.” This will be the debut of a seven-issue limited series. Book One: Envy was conceived by Clayton James, written by Bill “McSciFi” McCormick, and features art by David Jaxon.Clayton James began New Wave Comics, while still in college, in 1992. He, along with art director Patrick Robinson, began publishing spiritual comics having, at one point, twenty different creators contracted to them. Though the company eventually shuttered, there was continued interest in the titles. In 2017 Patrick suggested releasing a 25th Anniversary title, and New Wave was back in business. Their first new release, Terran Command Garrison, debuted at the Las Vegas Unicon in 2019.Bill “McSciFi” McCormick is an internationally renowned author who currently has four novels published, writes for seven different comic book series, and serves as the assistant editor for ICC Magazine. While his usual work skews to a more mature audience, he has worked with young adult concepts before and was excited to be a part of this. McCormick, a Sunday School teacher, will be bringing a progressive Christian take on the ubiquitous seven deadly sins. The series will be aimed at the young adult market and will be supported by magazine ads in relevant publications. Now he’ll have something he can show his students.David Jaxon, a/k/a The So Pro Artist, has done everything from XCT’s playing cards to comics. He worked on issues 1-4 of They Call Him Marvelous (JJ Comics), TriumphantArmed & Danger’Russ, and Wandering Monkey (15 Year Comics), XOB (Taurus Comics), and card art for Multiverse Infinity Wars. David’s bright colors and solid lines will make this comic gorgeous to look at as well as fun to read.Each of the seven deadly sins will have their own hero, distinct villain, and be set in different parts of the world. Book One: Envy is set in the Midwest amid corrupt teen beauty pageants. A fashion mogul named Mz. Thomas is no longer content to be rich and wants to be the envy of the world. Her desires draw the attention of the demon Leviathan, which sets off the rest of the story.

More below.

SPLICE: HIT BIT TECHNOLOGIES debuted a new video ad, you can see it below or just click the link,  Using a voice program from Amazon’s Polly service, it provides a chilling overview of the story.

Now he is an enigma known only as Splice, a criminal mastermind with unlimited resources, cunning, and guile. A silent force who can make world leaders disappear in a miasma of blood and gore. But how did he get here? Where did he come from? The world may never know, but you will.

CLICK HERE to browse your purchase options.

More below.

SPLICE: HIT BIT TECHNOLOGY on Azoth Khem Publishing.

Thanks to all of you my YouTube channel has been branded as I know it seems silly but I’ve learned a hard lesson as I have been slowly climbing into the public’s mind; make stuff easy for people to find or forever be ignored. There are people who can’t remember my real name, but can still find my stuff just by typing McSciFi into the Google box.

In advertising they call this being “on brand.” 

In my world it just means I can now tell people to watch McSciFi TV.

Here’s a brief sample.

More below.

A selected reading from Hank and Eddy: Bro Wars, as found in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: The classic tale and an anthology of twists, retellings, and sequels 

Finally, I know times are tough and there are days where you feel like calling in dead to work, if you’re lucky enough to still be working. If it all feels like it’s too much, know there are resources all over the internet and, if you’re really desperate, there’s me. I have big, kind of goofy looking, ears that are all the better for listening to you. 

Until next week, stay safe, sane, and inside.

McRockin’ and McRollin’

Newsletter Posted on Tue, October 06, 2020 09:15:49

Hi Jerry & Anne!

Last week’s shout out was to the four wonderful women, with the same name, who’d joined our party. It was lovely each thought they were special. And they are. This week’s is for my future in-laws who took Kim and I out for a belated birthday lunch. We had a wonderful time but it became obvious I wasn’t being clear in my newsletters. The upcoming comics kind of blurred. So I’ll calm down, a little, and focus on one title at a time. 

One cool thing is that several of my upcoming releases are aimed squarely at younger audiences. And, given that I teach Sunday School, it’ll be nice to have something the kids can read without giving coronaries to their parents.

Here is the complete press release for the first one in line, CROSSTITCH ALPHA “THE 7” Book One: Envy.


New Wave Comics is proud to announce the October 15th, 2020 Kickstarter for their newest Majestic Studios release, CROSSTITCH ALPHA “THE 7.” This will be the debut of a seven-issue limited series. Book One: Envy was conceived by Clayton James, written by Bill “McSciFi” McCormick, and features art by David Jaxon.

Clayton James began New Wave Comics, while still in college, in 1992. He, along with art director Patrick Robinson, began publishing spiritual comics having, at one point, twenty different creators contracted to them. Though the company eventually shuttered, there was continued interest in the titles. In 2017 Patrick suggested releasing a 25th Anniversary title, and New Wave was back in business. Their first new release, Terran Command Garrison, debuted at the Las Vegas Unicon in 2019.

Bill “McSciFi” McCormick is an internationally renowned author who currently has four novels published, writes for seven different comic book series, and serves as the assistant editor for ICC Magazine. While his usual work skews to a more mature audience, he has worked with young adult concepts before and was excited to be a part of this. McCormick, a Sunday School teacher, will be bringing a progressive Christian take on the ubiquitous seven deadly sins. The series will be aimed at the young adult market and will be supported by magazine ads in relevant publications. Now he’ll have something he can show his students.

David Jaxon, a/k/a The So Pro Artist, has done everything from XCT’s playing cards to comics. He worked on issues 1-4 of They Call Him Marvelous (JJ Comics), TriumphantArmed & Danger’Russ, and Wandering Monkey (15 Year Comics), XOB (Taurus Comics), and card art for Multiverse Infinity Wars. David’s bright colors and solid lines will make this comic gorgeous to look at as well as fun to read.

Each of the seven deadly sins will have their own hero, distinct villain, and be set in different parts of the world. Book One: Envy is set in the Midwest amid corrupt teen beauty pageants. A fashion mogul named Mz. Thomas is no longer content to be rich and wants to be the envy of the world. Her desires draw the attention of the demon Leviathan, which sets off the rest of the story.

More below.

One of the fun things about being a writer is world building. Whether a dystopian hell-scape like the one in The Brittle Riders, or the near future thrill ride like SPLICE: HIT BIT TECHNOLOGIES,I have to sit down and figure out what fits where and, most importantly, how.  And, much to my pleasure, those efforts haven’t gone unnoticed. It earned me a mention on Science Fantasy Hub, was part of the fun at CRoM last week, and has earned me a chair at the big kids’ table at the upcoming LA Book Fest on October 24th and 25th

I will be hosting a panel, featuring several best selling authors, entitled The World Sucks, Let’s Build a New One – Imagining Tomorrow’s World Today. Also, just for the kids, I’m doing a reading from FUN TIMES AT THE APOCALYPSE A GO-GO, a horror short I wrote that I’m trying not to sell. It’s not as crazy as it sounds. I need some unique content for my short story collection, STUFF ABOUT THINGS, so people aren’t paying only for stuff they’ve read numerous times.

By the way, I’m kidding about it being for kids. It’s wildly profane and features some intensely graphic violence. Think ‘using a cheese grater to skin a person’ kind of violent. So, yeah, not for kids. It’s also brutally funny. 

Besides my ugly mug, they will also have  Jonathan MaberryRaye Mitchell Esq., Ora Nadrich, Danny Trejo, Sara Winokur and many others. The fest is presented by The Greater Los Angeles Writers Society and The Writers of the Future Contest.

More below.

In some exciting news, Hadithi Sambamba is getting into the distribution business. For now they will only be pushing titles they own but that could change in the future. They were recently given access to over three hundred comic book stores that carry indie titles and it seemed a terrible waste not to say hello and introduce them to the roster.. 

The first round of promotions will feature two of your favorites, Hybrid Zero and Legends Parallel. The two, Rated “M” for Mature, multiverses have exactly the kind of content stores crave. From beautifully crafted graphic novels to a wide variety of gear to custom promotional items, upon request, they are primed to take advantage of any and all opportunities. 

So, cross your fingers, toes, or anything else you can think of, and wish us all luck.

Until next week, stay safe, sane, and inside.

The McGood, the McBad, and the McBeautiful

Newsletter Posted on Tue, September 29, 2020 08:46:49

Before I begin, I’d like to ask you to send a prayer out to, my long time friend and occasional business partner, Marcelino Ramos. He passed away due to COVID-19 last Saturday. He also introduced Chicago to salsa music, me to Tito Puente, Jr, and the world to happiness. Even if you don’t speak a lick of Spanish, check out this music video we produced for Lefty Perez to get an idea of what “unbridled joy” sounds like.

Moving on.

I know a lot of you have been banging your hairy paws against your keyboards demanding, in stern tones, that I appear in public via the interwebs again. Your demands are my desires. Sunday, October 4, at noon CDT, I’ll be appearing at CRoM Con 7. This will be a two day gathering of some of the best indie creators, and cosplayers – including our fan and friend Cara Nicole a/k/a AZ Powergirl, from all over the world.

And me. I’ll be there too. It’s kind of why I’m telling you about it.

In fact, in a fun change of pace, I will be flying solo for half an hour. In other words, I’m all yours baby!

You can interact and make fun of my pandemic hair.

Everyone else does so you don’t want to be left out. 

More below.

Apropos of nothing, after CRoM Con I’ll be teaching Sunday School again. Life does go on.

And, since we’re talking about kids, or I am so just go with it, I’ve got two new comics coming out aimed at tweens and teens. The first, with the working title Marcie’s Marvels, is a series dedicated to the memory of a young girl who was raped, and then killed herself. Created by her mother it’s all about lifting young women up and showing them there are alternatives. There are ways to survive. The first issue is written and is now in the hands of David Novum Hutujulu for the creation of the art. I’ve  worked with David before on commission work and it’s a pleasure to finally have something commercial I can share. There’s a lot going on behind the scenes with this one, so keep your eyes open as things develop.

The second, with the unwieldy, but fun, title CROSSTITCH ALPHA “THE 7” Book 1: Envy, is coming out on New Wave Comics. Just CLICK HERE to read the amazing press release and bask in the awesomeness of it all. There’s a Kickstarter coming October 15, and I have to admit this is one project that fell in my lap that makes me stupidly happy. I get to put my spin on the seven deadly sins. And, because I’m me, I bring along demons, monsters, and morality tales. It’s a total thrill ride. 

More below.

One cool thing about being an indie author is you get to watch things grow. No one ships a million copies of anything I write. Not yet anyways. I have to sell books one at a time. SPLICE: HIT BIT TECHNOLOGY started out as a digital only release, then paperback, then got picked up by Barnes and Noble, and is now on its way to more brick and mortar stores in the U.S.

One fun part of  this journey has been seeing the fun promo items created by Watch Dog Entertainment. They’re designed to give people an idea what the characters look like, and a basic feel for the book. Since they’re mostly used in business to business communications, you might have missed them. I’ll share a couple here so you can get in on the fun.

Until next week, please stay safe, sane, and inside.

I’m McOld Now

Newsletter Posted on Tue, September 22, 2020 09:09:41

Last Saturday I was forced to admit there are more good days behind me than ahead. I turned fifty-nine. That said, thanks to Kim and her family, I had the nicest birthday I’ve had in decades. While most people have birthday memories which feature thoughts like “I saw a pretty balloon” mine tend to be more akin to “Drunken biker pulled gun.” I liked this year’s version much better.

Moving on, as many of you know I teach Sunday school, and the occasional adult ed class, at church. What you may not know is that I’m a huge fan of the New Testament. Give me the Gospel of Mark, add in the pointed humor of Beatitudes, and I’m a happy guy. So, naturally, when I get selected to lead a class I’m assigned, without fail, Genesis. Which is the antithesis of the New Testament. 

You can imagine my joy when New Wave Comics asked me to pen a series of Christian comic books for tweens and teens. I wrote the first one, a look at how envy can destroy people, made sure to include giant monster’s, clear morals, and a fun swipe at beauty pageants. 

I bet you know what’s coming.

The publisher reached out to me and asked for an origin story, Genesis 3 I guess, so the uninitiated would understand the back story. To make it fit the story I’d written I mixed parts of Genesis 1 and 2, ladled in some Dante, and added celestial flowers since I think they’re pretty. Don’t judge me.

Nevertheless, the resulting comic, CROSSTITCH: ALPHA (Envy) is in the hands of an artist, and will be coming to a Kickstarter near you on October 15th. The publisher is assembling a platter full of perks that backers, like you, can earn when they join the fun. 

I’ll keep you updated as things progress, but I’d be a bad McSciFi if I didn’t give you a tease.

More below.

I was chatting with an Instagram buddy two days ago and he mentioned how much he’d enjoyed reading SPLICE: HIT BIT TECHNOLOGY. That was great to hear, but confusing as well. You see, he lives in Chennai, which is in India, and we don’t have distribution there. 

Or so we thought.

Apparently, as my minimal fame inexorably grows, Amazon has opened up my author’s page in every country so people can buy anything I’ve written that they carry, That last part is key. Due to cost restrictions we don’t use Amazon for comics. There are a couple of early iterations of Legends Parallel there that you can get cheaper, shipping included, just by CLICKING HERE and making me walk to the post office. Also, to be blunt, our private printer produces a superior product. 

Still, if you’re in India and want to burn through some of those rupees you’ve been saving for a rainy day, just  CLICK HERE and have fun. You can get the KDP version of SPLICE for a mere ₹ 449.00. Also, just like in America, you can order hard copies, of some titles, if you wish. For example, for a paltry ₹ 1,413.00 you can have The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: The classic tale and an anthology of twists, retellings, and sequels. which  is an amazing anthology.

Circling back, this weekend I got to meet two new fans who enjoyed SPLICE immensely. They were even nice enough to demand that I autograph their copy.

More below.

While I’m beyond thrilled to be writing a couple of comics for younger readers, with Bob: Sins of the Son also in the works, I’m not abandoning my brain bending, more mature, titles. Just click on any link to wallow in the awesomeness of it all.

Hadithi Sambamba Comix
A man, his mom, and her lover have to save the multiverse. No one said this shit would be easy. The perfect series for those who think quantum physics isn’t sexy, or violent, enough. One story, five Earths, twelve issues. Art by Leslie Tejlor.

Dr. Strangefate Publishing /Hadithi Sambamba Comix
Set in the distant future, Hybrid Zero is the story of a human/alien fusion and her strange family. They live in an era where sexuality, in all its joyful panoply, is lauded and violence is taboo. This group of aristocratic soldiers must face down their own petty, in the grand scheme of things, problems and stop a trans-dimensional creature before it destroys the universe. Or not. You know how things can get sometimes.

Dr. Strangefate Publishing / Hadithi Sambamba Comix
In a far future the universe has taken many unusual turns. Genetic manipulation has led to many unforeseen consequences. One is, after Earth had been destroyed, a group of rich investors rebuilt it to be an amusement park like nothing you’ve ever seen. Complete with sex forests and dino clones. 

Dr. Strangefate Publishing / Hadithi Sambamba Comix
She’s a ninety-six year old dead chick whose spirit is in a new dimension where she’s now a young woman with mystical powers who lives with a chain smoking, hard drinking, MIT educated, prostitute who’s also a master craftsperson who creates all sorts of wonderful things to help keep Cassandra alive. Or whatever it is she is. 

Hadithi Sambamba Comix
Those meddlesome kids are all grown up. A savage satire featuring the work of the 2019 Glyph Nominated artist, Maku Tellez, this is the comic that will ruin your childhood and make your day. Scooby Dooby Don’t!

Hadithi Sambamba Comix
A woman trapped inside a man, a god trapped inside a human. Part of the Independent Creators Connection (ICC) ring anthology. Each character, created by different artists, has an elemental force controlled by a ring. They will try to stay alive as a dark menace hunts them down and tries and steal their powers. Art by SBRii.

Dren Productions, LLC
My take on The Oval Portrait has been included in a collection of sci-fi reimaginings of the works of Edgar Allan Poe featuring graphic artists who’ve worked on comics for Thor, Guardians of the Galaxy, Iron Man and many more. It’s a really cool project and I’m honored to be a part of it.

Until next week, stay safe, sane and inside.

McThanks! You McDid It!

Newsletter Posted on Tue, September 15, 2020 09:31:31

Good Morning!

First and foremost, a giant round of applause to all you maniacs who subscribed to my YouTube channel. It is now, officially, And, as I promised, I have been updating it every Thursday by adding videos of me reading selections from my writing. This is as exciting as it sounds. Yet, since I keep things short, it seems to be garnering me new fans. 

Speaking of new fans, I got one this week who shared his thoughts about SPLICE: HIT BIT TECHNOLOGY. I’ll post his review below but, suffice it to say, he liked it. More importantly, as a former Captain in the United States Army, he thought the military life rang true. Since that’s almost half the book, it’s kind of important. I also got a review from another author, whose publisher refuses to let me use their name, that had me laughing. So I’ll post their comments, without attribution but with the author’s permission, below the review.

All in all, people seem to like SPLICE: HIT BIT TECHNOLOGY. That’s always a good thing.
CLICK HERE to buy the Kindle. CLICK HERE to get the paperback. CLICK HERE to send me stories about your pets. 

More below.

In the famous words of Dr. Johnny Fever, “Rocktober’s gonna rock, fellow babies!” I will be appearing at CRoM Con VII and LA Book Fest. Both are digital events but both have thousands of virtual attendees. When I did the last book fest I got over a thousand new subscribers to this e-blast. That led to many of them checking out my FREE STUFF which eventually led to some of them BUYING my stuff. 

This is all part of my evil plan for world domination so I’m well pleased.

Now, on to the more immediate issue. A couple of people have asked if I will sit for a ZOOM interview, or something similar. Quite honestly, with all the cons I’ve lost this year, I’d show up for an envelope opening. So, yeah. All you have to do is ask. Just CLICK HERE to reach out and we can hammer out the deets.

More below.

Before I go, allow me to join the Greek Chorus of humans who hate the new Facebook. It debuted in 2004 and now it looks like it’s sixteen years behind the times. That’s not a good thing. But since I’m part of the commodity they market, and not the sales team, no one asked me.

Still, on the plus side, I will have new comics coming out before the end of the year, Goptri of the Mists, the long anticipated prequel/sequel to The Brittle Riders is coming out, and I have a few short stories which will soon see the light of day. 

In other words, not everything sucks.

Until next week, stay safe, sane, and inside.

A McQuickie

Newsletter Posted on Tue, September 08, 2020 08:56:25

Good Morning!

You know it’s going to be a weird day when you wake up, guzzle some java, and find the owner of Jelly Belly Candies is channeling his inner Wonka and giving away a candy factory. If owning a candy factory is something you’ve always dreamed of, click the link and have fun.

Whether or not you have an insatiable sweet tooth I know that, as a regular reader of these emails, you’re secretly a Chinese sex ninja (NSFW) who likes dinosaur clones and drinking beer. Or not. Either way, I know you’re a person of impeccable taste.

Last week, I asked you to subscribe to my YouTube channel so I could get to the minimum number of subscribers required for me to customize the channel address. Many of you did and I’m close to attaining my goal.

Basically, I am trying to get it to conform to everything else I have and make it If you go to my website, and you should – it’s really nice and I put a lot of work into designing it, you’ll see that I have managed to brand all my social media links using @BillMcSciFi

Now, I’ll admit, I’ve ignored my YouTube channel for years. I got one so I could subscribe to stuff that interested me, like Tasting History – yes, I’m a geek, but not to promote anything. However, during this pandemic, I’ve noticed that authors with active YouTube channels get considerably more traction than those without. Since traction equals sales, and sales pay my rent, this fact was not lost on me.

My goal is to upload one short video, every Thursday, of me reading a selection from one of my published works. There’s a lot of them so that should keep me going for a while. As of right now there’s video of me reading from The Brittle Riders and KORZAC: NORDICON OF DERN. There’s also some other stuff that doesn’t require you to suffer my voice or pandemic hair.

On an unrelated tangent, allow me to share a pic of a young man who accepted his prize for winning his school’s learning challenge, for his grade level, while wearing a Bill McSciFi face mask. That just seems cool as heck to me.

More below.

We are entering week three of having a publicist for SPLICE: HIT BIT TECHNOLOGY. As someone who’s worked in the entertainment industry most of my life, I’m well aware it takes, at least, eight weeks to get the world’s attention. People aren’t leaping to the internet every day screaming  “I NEED MY FREAKING McSCIFI!!

Someday, hopefully, but not yet.

That said, I am well pleased with the results thus far. Sales are starting to climb, humans are starting to add me on social media, my mailing list is growing, complete strangers who work for social media platforms have reached out to me to help me professionalize my delivery, at no charge, and things are inching ever upward.

Can’t really bitch about that.

Also, based on the pic we got from one fan, the SPLICE gear looks amazing.

PaperbackKindle – Gear

Just a little bit more.

Finally, a quick reminder. You can join the ranks of celebrities like John Fugelsang, Kid Bode, and Rosario Dawson, as well as regular Joes and Janes, who’ve gotten themselves autographed copies of Bill McSciFi’s literary masterpieces. All you have to do is CLICK HERE and have fun.

Until next week, stay safe, sane, and inside.

I Need a McFavor

Newsletter Posted on Tue, September 01, 2020 10:09:07

Building YouTube

Apparently, now that I have a publicist, I’m supposed to interact with people and be pleasant. Since there’s a raging pandemic killing people, that requires some different options.

Last Sunday I did a fun interview with Meredith Loughran at iNDEEvent. We talked about comics, creators, and cocaine. The whole interview is around fifteen minutes, so give it a watch when you can.

One thing I noticed was that authors who had active YouTube channels tended to have better traction than those who don’t. 

I have never messed with YouTube as an author, simply never saw the point. In other words, I have a YouTube channel, I just ignored it. Now, you may have noticed a theme with all I do, every social media account is found @BillMcSciFi. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Vimeo, Goodreads, are all @BillMcSciFi. It keeps things simple.

But, to make that a thing on YouTube I need to get one hundred people to subscribe to my channel. That’s where you come in. Just CLICK HERE, and then tap the big, red, subscribe button on the right hand side. 

To make all your hard work worth your time, I’ll start posting snippets, just a few minutes each, of me reading from my various books, stories, and ladling missives from fonts of floofy falderol every Thursday. I did a reading from The Brittle Riders at the last LA Book Fest and people seemed to like that.  

Apparently, I’m warm and engaging. 

Yeah, I was surprised too.

Anyway, please, CLICK HERE, tap the red button, and enjoy.

More to come.


Okay, let’s move on to everybody’s favorite new thriller, SPLICE: HIT BIT TECHNOLOGY. You can now get the paperback at Barnes and Noble and the Kindle at Amazon. Obviously, given what the country’s going through Barnes and Noble isn’t adding new stock. They’ve got months worth of stuff sitting around they need to sell first before they get to me. 

That said, they will happily send you your copy so you can read it in the safety of your own home or they can arrange for you to pick it up at a location near you. 

Now, I know some of you don’t have Amazon accounts so you can’t leave a review. If you read it and want the universe to know, you can always leave a review on my Good Reads page or on the Barnes and Noble page. All you need is a valid email address to post there.  

He is an enigma known only as Splice, a criminal mastermind with unlimited resources, cunning, and guile. A silent force who can make world leaders disappear in a miasma of blood and gore. But how did he get here? Where did he come from? The world may never know, but you will.

More below.

Finally, an update on the IBADAN COMIC CON in Nigeria. Due to lingering concerns about COVID-19, they are moving the dates to November 27th and 28th and the event will be strictly virtual. They tried working with authorities but it was finally decided that putting almost 20,000 people in a single building for two days was too great a risk to entertain. At least not until there’s a vaccine. 

I should also note that, despite public skepticism concerning the validity of the disease, officials in Nigeria have done a great job of testing and flattening the curve. So, we’ll support digitally for now and look forward to the day we can show up and shake hands with everyone.

In the meantime, here’s some comics you can check out now.

Hadithi Sambamba Comix
Free samples online. A man, his mom, and her lover have to save the multiverse. No one said this shit would be easy. The perfect series for those who think quantum physics isn’t sexy, or violent, enough. One story, five Earths, twelve issues. Art by Leslie Tejlor.

Dr. Strangefate Publishing /Hadithi Sambamba Comix
Set in the distant future, Hybrid Zero is the story of a human/alien fusion and her strange family. They live in an era where sexuality, in all its joyful panoply, is lauded and violence is taboo. This group of aristocratic soldiers must face down their own petty, in the grand scheme of things, problems and stop a trans-dimensional creature before it destroys the universe. Or not. You know how things can get sometimes.

Dr. Strangefate Publishing / Hadithi Sambamba Comix
In a far future the universe has taken many unusual turns. Genetic manipulation has led to many unforeseen consequences. One is, after Earth had been destroyed, a group of rich investors rebuilt it to be an amusement park like nothing you’ve ever seen. Complete with sex forests and dino clones. 

Dr. Strangefate Publishing / Hadithi Sambamba Comix
She’s a ninety-six year old dead chick whose spirit is in a new dimension where she’s now a young woman with mystical powers who lives with a chain smoking, hard drinking, MIT educated, prostitute who’s also a master craftsperson who creates all sorts of wonderful things to help keep Cassandra alive. Or whatever it is she is. 

Hadithi Sambamba Comix
Read for free online. Those meddlesome kids are all grown up. A savage satire featuring the work of the 2019 Glyph Nominated artist, Maku Tellez, this is the comic that will ruin your childhood and make your day. Scooby Dooby Don’t!

Hadithi Sambamba Comix
Read for free online. A woman trapped inside a man, a god trapped inside a human. Part of the Independent Creators Connection (ICC) ring anthology. Each character, created by different artists, has an elemental force controlled by a ring. They will try to stay alive as a dark menace hunts them down and tries and steal their powers. Art by SBRii.

Dren Productions, LLC
My take on The Oval Portrait has been included in a collection of sci-fi reimaginings of the works of Edgar Allan Poe featuring graphic artists who’ve worked on comics for Thor, Guardians of the Galaxy, Iron Man and many more. It’s a really cool project and I’m honored to be a part of it.

Until next week, stay safe, sane and inside.

McSciFi in McBrick and McMortar Stores

Newsletter Posted on Tue, August 25, 2020 08:43:56

Greetings Newbies! You picked a great day to join.

Some things are simply unrelated. For example, I use Mailchimp to get you your weekly dose of coolness and Shirley Manson promotes Mailchimp. That does not mean Shirley Manson promotes me. She should, but she doesn’t.

Other things are related. 

Yesterday, Azoth Khem and Watchdog Entertainment signed an agreement with Alicia Freeman Publicity to handle the promotion of SPLICE: HIT BIT TECHNOLOGY. Alicia comes with a stellar reputation as a true professional who increases her clients’ status in the public eye while boosting their bottom line. She’s also responsible for creating nude cults of rabid, vodka loving, pansexuals for them. That last part may just have been my fever dream. We’ll find out as time goes on.

Anyway, also yesterday, SPLICE: HIT BIT TECHNOLOGY was picked up by Barnes and Noble. This means you can, finally, get your sweaty hands on a hard copy of the book. Also, it means better royalties for us, at no additional cost to you, if you buy from B&N.

Right now, thanks to COVID-19, you can only order it for delivery or arrange pick up at your nearest location; they’re not stocking new titles just yet. Which is fine. We’re in their catalog and being added to more as I type. That’s the important part. 

Today Barnes and Noble, tomorrow the world!


Okay, sorry, I’m calm now.

Much more below.

For the next slab of greatness, I turn my email blast over to the indefatigable Meredith Loughran.

Hello comic book fans and creators! 

iNDEEvent launches once again this weekend August 29-30th with our End of Summer Back & Back to School Book Sale.

We’ve got indie creators who are bringing their shows to the Saturday playlist and everyone is encouraged to tune in and interact. Sunday continues the fun with a new idea; a real selling component where we’ll have creators sitting with us during our “SELL BLOCKS”.

People will have an opportunity to hear pitches and support ongoing Kickstarters, IndieGoGo or other crowdfunding campaigns, or direct selling to customers and friends across multiple networks which include Geek Insider, Indie Volt, and the Comic Book Advocates Network. So mark your calendar for this coming weekend. And if you can’t make it to the live shows, no worries! They will be available for replay and our participants will be listed on our website. 

Bookmark for details and the schedule of events or check out #iNDEEvent on social media. See you there.

Since I have a dining room full of comics, and like selling them, I’m excited to be a part of this event. I will be hanging around all weekend, so feel free to drop by, say hi, and make someone buy you a copy of one of my comics. In fact, make them buy you two. You’re worth it.

Still more below. I’ve been busy.

The nice people over at Sweetycat Press have been McFans of McSciFi for a while. They included me in their WHO’S WHO OF EMERGING WRITERS, which featured over one hundred, up and coming, authors from all over the world, representing numerous genres.

Well, now, I’m beyond thrilled to announce they just released THE BOOK OF BOOKS, which details over one hundred new books you need to check out and there are two McSciFi listings; SPLICE: HIT BIT TECHNOLOGY and, the upcoming, Goptri of the Mists

As always, I’ll note that Sweetycat does not charge authors to be in their publications, and all editorial decisions are theirs, and theirs alone. 

Which makes all of this even cooler!

A little bit more below.

As you can tell, my multiverse is expanding. That makes it more important to me that you stay safe, sane, and inside. A lot of you have been here since day one so I’d hate to lose you now.

See you next week!

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