Howdy Ho and welcome back. I hope you had a pleasant holiday season. Here in the McSciFi compound we had a wonderful time. Sadly, due to COVID related issues, we were unable to meet with family members. That means Christmas will be delayed for a bit. Which is okay, we’ll just leave the tree up with the gifts underneath until we can deliver them.
One thing that did get done was starting the year off right. Media legend, JoAnn Genette, interviewed me for her show, The Mightiest Nightiest Show. Unlike other interviews there were game show elements involved. From “who wore it better” to “name those boobs,” we covered a lot of ground in the half-hour I was there. Another first, I made it through the entire interview without dropping an F-bomb. We’ll see how long that lasts.
ICC Magazine, which claims me as their assistant editor, is up for the Critters’ award for best non-fiction magazine. If you CLICK HERE you can cast a vote for all that’s good and holy in the world. Or, less dramatically, for ICC Magazine.
Sci-Fi Lampoon, which has printed several of my short stories and will be including my magnum opus, THE WRITER’S STUFF in their upcoming anthology, THE FUCKENING, is up for Best Fiction Magazine. If you CLICK HERE you can vote for them too, and you should.
Time, once again, for a reminder. Whenever the rights to my stories revert back to me I post them online for all to read for free. All you have to do is CLICK HERE to wallow in the awesomeness of it all. And, I’ll be honest, even if you never pay for anything I’ve had published I’m still happy if you enjoy these offerings. You’re not stealing from me. I’ve been paid, and I’d rather you enjoy them than just have them rot on my hard drive.
Finally, as you can see by the images below, people love wearing McSciFi gear or rolling around, scantily clad, in form fitting latex while reading autographed copies of my comics. Not to limit you in any way, I should also note you can roll around, scantily clad, in form fitting latex and read my novels too.
Really, if it makes you happy, it makes me happy.
Until next week, you do you. Stay safe, sane, and inside, and try not to catch COVID .. or the flu … or chlamydia … or … never mind, you get the idea.
2021 started with a bang. SPLICE: HIT BIT TECHNOLOGY was voted Best Science Fiction Novel of 2020 by the Critters’ Readers’ Poll. As the name suggests, it is a poll based on what readers liked. As an author there’s not much better praise.
Also in 2021 we found out that some countries are allowing people to buy paperback versions of The Brittle Riders: Omnibus Edition. Which is cool, I’ll admit. However we have no idea which countries they are.
That’s okay, being clueless kind of works around here. For example, we know certain Walmart stores are carrying SPLICE: HIT BIT TECHNOLOGY on their shelves, but we have no idea which ones. So far we have one random confirmation from a fan in Northern Kentucky.
This is the year I was brought on board to write Marcie’s Marvels. While the real life story of Marcie is tragic, she killed herself after being sexually assaulted and bullied, her mother didn’t want that to be the final word. After a lengthy search we found Eko Prihanto to do the art. His brightly colored panels worked perfectly with the compelling story. Zak Weber, over in jolly old England, gave the resulting comic high marks.
In a completely different vein, I was hired to create a fictional universe for a very real, if I may use that phrase, new collection of NFTs known as Cat Punk. This is a prime example of the Internet working. The main team is based in Viet Nam, I’m in Chicago, and there was never a lag on getting stuff approved and published. In fact it all went so well we’re looking at possibly doing it again in 2022. Until then you can CLICK HERE to read what I hath wrought. The stories are short but the plot is epic.
A fun capper on the year was having the nationally renowned publicist Desirae Benson take pity on me and make me available to her many media contacts. I’ve already done one interview with, award winning blogger, Marc Polite. This looks like the beginning of a wonderful relationship.
Back in October of 2010 I was invited to join a wacky radio show called The Big Wakeup Call. What started as a fun way to kill some time on Friday mornings, at 9:10 AM (CDT), turned into a must hear event with over 40,000 listeners. Now, international bon vivant and man about town also known as the host, Ryan Gatenby has parlayed this into an international podcast hosted, in part, by I-Heart Radio. For Ryan this is his path to well deserved fame and fortune. For me it’s a way to annoy more people than ever before. I see this as a win win situation.
I, like you, have no clue what 2022 will bring. But I will admit to being kind of stoked to find out.
Thank you very much for hanging in there with, and supporting, me. If it wasn’t for you I’d probably be flipping burgers, on the late shift, in Utah. I’ll be the first to admit, this is better.
If you would like a complimentary SPLICE wearable bracelet, just email me to get my address so you can send me a self-addressed-stamped-envelope and I’ll fill it with a couple of bracelets. Great, if confusing, gifts for the holidays.
Nationally renowned publicist, Desirae Benson, took pity on me and began telling her audience I was worth knowing. That prompted award winning blogger, Marc Polite, to interview me. If you click on his name it will take you directly to the interview which was brief, thorough, and fun.
In non-narcissistic news today, as you’re reading this I will be in the hospital having a through and through performed. For the uninitiated that’s an endoscopy, camera down your throat, and a colonoscopy, camera up your butt. If they meet in the middle I’m in trouble.
I have been having gastrointestinal issues since April resulting in my being briefly hospitalized in June. My doctor wanted to do this procedure by August but, thanks to COVID, beds for elective surgery have to be booked months in advance. So, after months of discomfort, I am finally going to start getting some answers.
Once we get these answers then my other docs can get started on a plan to strengthen my knees and hip, which are weaker than kittens at the moment, then, hopefully, I can go on a diet and lose weight so I’ll be hella sexy when I get married on July 9th.
While I used to be cavalier when it came to my mortality I find, now, I have reasons to live and I’ll be marrying one of them next summer. Plus, my writing is finally starting to get the attention we all hoped it would. Simply put, now would be an inopportune time to cash my final ticket.
Consider me greedy, but I don’t want to be posthumously famous. I want to live long enough to enjoy some good things in life. And that means I need to take better care of myself.
Next week I’ll dive into the holiday stuff everyone knows and loves. But, until then, stay safe, sane, and inside. Also, GET VAXXED!
I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving. While the history of the holiday is problematic, the chance to share time with family and friends is not to be discounted. Kim, she’s my fiancée, and I finally convinced skeptical humans we are finally getting married next July 9th. We’ve picked the church, the minister, the processional music, the organist, and the outfits. I wanted to wear a tux featuring pink skulls but was outvoted, infinity to one, against that. Oh well, a boy can dream.
As I’m typing this Marcie’s Marvels is taking advantage of a national promotional campaign, run by Desirae Benson, and meeting with multiple representatives in the entertainment industry. While nothing is ever guaranteed, this kind of notice for a first issue is unprecedented.
The real story of Marcie Jonea Gerald is tragic. She committed suicide at fifteen years of age after being sexually abused and later harassed. Her mother, Elizabeth Gerald, didn’t want that to be her daughter’s final legacy. She started the MJG Movement which is dedicated to serving as a resource for children and families who are victims of sexual abuse and suicide. They welcome you to join them on their mission to educate, encourage, prevent, and heal!
More below.
In other comic book news, Cyril Brown the creator of the Hybrid Zero multiverse, has started a new sideline. He will be creating custom pin ups of his characters as well as anything your little heart and wallet desires.
Here’s what British comic book reviewer, Zak Weber had to say about Hybrid Zero: Juggernaut.
Hybrid Zero from writer Bill McCormick and storyteller/artist Cyril Brown is a comical tale for mature readers (McCormick also brought us the boob-tastic Legends Parallel) but there is much more here than just sex jokes in space. We are introduced to a complex interspecies society with a variety of different cultures, rituals and social norms. All is not rosy in this grand arena; human separatists are protesting for the preservation of the human body from technological modifications. On planet Cerks the Quterion troops are accused of excessive use of force in quashing a rebellion, earning themselves a reputation as aggressive demons… which might explain Zoe’s penchant for destruction whenever she is given half a chance, as the robot defenders of her grandfather’s garden soon discover.
How will she fare against whatever mysterious being has stepped through the portal her aunt has ripped in the fabric of spacetime? If she fails, what are the consequences for the fate of the universe?
Central to the story are the relationships between Zoe and her parents, in particular their unconventional marriage and somewhat questionable parenting: what kind of mother designs her own child’s body as a weapon?
Brown’s art is an unrestrained explosion of Expressionist fervour, portraying hyper-expansive worldbuilding and surreal sensuality. He also created the characters and conceived the original story, so this is from the heart, and it shows. It’s not all cartoony spectacle, though, he also excels at vast, atmospheric futuristic cityscapes and complex exotic architecture and infrastructures. There is plenty here to delight the eye …
Especially if you like extremely over-the-top space operas that include characters with unfeasibly large body parts.
That’s enough for today. Until next week please stay safe, sane, and inside as much as possible.
First, some good news for the beleaguered among you. I will be taking next week off. Of course, if you find yourself craving some red-hot McSciFi, you can just CLICK HERE to wallow in the awesomeness of it all.
Last week we began the Azoth Khem library promotion. Even after removing duplicates, and people who have other things to do, we still have a list of over 17,000 active librarians and book buyers. Since Azoth is listed in Baker and Taylor, America’s premiere book seller for libraries, librarians know they can trust the seller to deliver promptly and at a fair price.
Last week we introduced them to SPLICE: HIT BIT TECHNOLOGY. If you click that link you’ll see the same promo page librarians see. You’ll also note there are no purchase links. That’s because the only way you can buy is to have your library in the Baker and Taylor system. Since librarians know that, and there’s a reminder in the cover letter just in case, all they need are the ISBNs to plug into the search engine. Once they do that all the coo-coo coolness surrounding the title will be revealed.
This week they will be introduced to The Brittle Riders. Since the Omnibus is not available in print in most countries, we are just offering the trilogy. Nevertheless, people seem to like that option. Carrying around a normal sized book, as opposed to 1,200+ pages of a dystopian hellscape, is easier on the biceps I’m told.
When I get back we’ll introduce them to Goptri of the Mists: Kitaab Ek. That will complete their immersion into all things McSciFi for a while. After that we’ll introduce them to the rest of the Azoth Khem catalog.
Then it just becomes a slate of monthly updates to remind them we’re still alive and kicking. While this is a slow process, as libraries all get funding and make purchases on different schedules, the end result should be worth it. Besides, like any task, you can’t succeed if you don’t start.
Until next time, I wish you all nothing but good health, success, and happiness. Oh yeah, wear a mask, social distance, and get vaxxed. The world will like you more if you do.
I recently participated in a fun interview with Karina Kantas, of Behind the Pen. She interviews people she knows nothing about and tries to find out about them as the interview progresses. Lots of fun tangents here. I can promise I’ve never done another interview quite like it. Listen and enjoy.
As many of you know, I partnered with Spreadshirts, owners of Spreadshops, a couple of years back to create my merchandise. And, to be honest, it’s one of the few smart things I have done in my life. People order stuff, they handle manufacturing and delivery, guarantee high quality goods, and I don’t have a living room full of T-shirts and crap. A win/win situation as far as I’m concerned
Now, they’re teaming up with TeamSeas on a mission to remove 30 million pounds of trash from the ocean. Every $1 donated = 1 pound of trash removed! Can we all band together to raise $30,000,000 in 2 months?! Of course we can.
You can donate directly at Team Seas Dot Org or, and this is the fun part, Spreadshop is donating $1 for every water bottle sold in Spreadshops worldwide from October 29th – December 31st, 2021.
Hey, it’s our planet too and there is no second option at the moment.
More below.
Two fun things I need to share and then you can get back to your coffee.
First, as you read this, my publisher, Azoth Khem is launching a promotion to almost twenty thousand libraries across America and making discounted copies of their catalog available to them. To avoid confusion they will be promoting one book at a time. Today they’re promoting SPLICE: HIT BIT TECHNOLOGY.
Second, this Thursday, November 11, 2021, at 11 AM (UTC), Catpunk will be going live. This is an exciting opportunity for investors to get a brand new NFT and have it supported by a stable cryptocurrency, Solana.
Plus, and this is the fun part, you can now read up on the entire universe I created as a backstory. When you CLICK HERE you’ll be taken to a world unlike any you’ve ever encountered. Microchips, gangs, ninjas, and strippers are only the beginning.
I had a blast creating this world and I hope you’ll enjoy it. If nothing else, it’s a rare chance to read my stuff for free.
Until next week, stay sane, inside when possible, and get vaxxed. I’m kind of fond of you and would like to keep you around.
Regular readers of my weekly missives are already aware that I’ve been creating a fictional universe for the Vietnamese owned NFT Cryptocurrency Cat Punk. Even though it hasn’t gone completely public, that happens on November 11, people are already writing fan fiction based on my stories. This is an exciting project and one I’m honored to be a part of. Thanks Internet!
In the “No way I saw this coming” department I have been hired by Chief Doctor Quinton Tamba Taylor de’Alexander of Luffa County in Liberia to create a comic book based on his incredible journey from, internationally renowned, Chicago fashion designer to Chief of one of the largest tribes in Liberia and a sponsor of four elementary schools. It’s a story unlike any other and it’s turning out to be a lot of fun to write.
Project “We Live And Remember In Color” groundbreaking mission is to unify the awareness colors of health and humanity in one ribbon. Our objective is to stress the importance of knowing your color. Knowing your color is the key to mind and body support, disease prevention, and humanitarian assistance. Because people give most to what matters to them, the project “We Live And Remember In Color” intends to showcase events in collaboration with other organizations in fund raising efforts toward the many “Colors” that affect us all the many COLOR‘sthat affect us all.
As you can tell by the logo below, they are talking about far more than the levels of melanin we each have. To accomplish their goals they feed the homeless, host charity galas, and much more. You can get a better idea by clicking here.
More below.
Last week I talked about the great reviews Marcie’s Marvels is getting. The real story of Marcie Jonea Gerald is tragic. She committed suicide at fifteen years of age after being sexually abused and later harassed. Her mother, Elizabeth Gerald, didn’t want that to be her daughter’s final legacy. She started the MJG Movement which is dedicated to serving as a resource for children and families who are victims of sexual abuse and suicide. They welcome you to join them on their mission to educate, encourage, prevent, and heal!
To help facilitate getting the word out, Marcie’s Marvels is now being handled by a 5-Star rated publicist, Desirae L. Benson. Desirae, I can call her by her first name since we bonded over an email, brings a wealth of experience and accolades to bear on Marcie’s Marvels and has already begun securing interviews for Elizabeth so she can tell her daughter’s story to a wider audience.
If you have a blog or magazine and would be willing to review a digital copy, just respond to this email.
As you can tell, things are getting busy in McSciFi-Land, still the world’s oddest amusement park, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I’m sorry I’ve been AWOL for the last two weeks but I was neck deep in adulting and had no choice. One fun thing that happened while I was gone was that I was named science fiction author of the month by the Knights of the Science Fiction Roundtable. That was a pleasant surprise.
Anyway, Marcie’s Marvels is out and starting to get noticed. There are two video trailers; one done by Zak Webber and the other by me. Although both were labors of love, I can honestly say Zak’s is cooler.
Zak not only cut a teaser for Marcie’s Marvels he also wrote a great review.
In the story, Marcie lives with her blind mother who knows nothing of her daughter’s alter ego (or does she?)… Being able to literally fly in and out of your bedroom window makes sneaking around even easier than usual, but mothers – even blind ones – can be more perceptive than they appear.
Prihanto illustrates the proceedings with a light, fresh touch. Our heroine is superhuman but also human; a believable teenage girl rather than a stereotypical Amazonian goddess. This is no lycra-clad athlete with an improbably buoyant bust (so beloved of comic fanboys of all ages), rather a very normal looking kid who could be your own sister or classmate… but with a secret life.
Her associate – a mysterious older guy who acts as researcher and protective mentor (kind of like Batman’s Alfred and James Bond’s Q) – provides her with her suit and various gadgets to help her in her missions. She sets off to hunt for possible locations where the missing kids are being held. She runs into plenty of trouble along the way, but nothing she can’t handle.
This is straightforward caped crusader fare, but with a dark edge. It does not shy away from the grim realities of the world. Marcie is super-powered but not invulnerable. The ending is not totally happy. The message here is an uplifting one about fighting for what is right, but without the naiveté of a children’s story in which everything turns out perfect once the villain has been thwarted. This is aimed at a somewhat more mature readership. There are dangers out there and you don’t make them go away by pretending they don’t exist. This is also a message about awareness: knowledge is power, and empowerment is essential to young people.
Not to be outdone, critically acclaimed and award winning author, Pam Harrison, wrote a review for ICC Magazine. Like Zak, she liked the art from Eko Prihanto, which is clean and fits the story perfectly.
I know Bill McCormick’s writing style, and by the end of the first issue I was left with a lot of questions. This intro sets the stage for some intense, gritty storytelling, because that’s how Bill rolls: This series supports the MJG Movement, named in honor of Marcie Jonea Gerald. The MJGM is a Children’s Advocacy organization dedicated to serving as a resource for children and families that are victims of sexual abuse and suicide. Bill says of this series, “We decided to avoid the origin trope (in the very first issue of the series). Marcie is who she is. Each issue will tackle different aspects of horrors directed at teens.”
The stage is set. We soon will find out exactly why Marcie is so driven in her mission to avenge abused kids. And she’s good at it. She has passion for what she’s doing, and still manages to get to school on time. She’s driven. She has the tech and the savvy provided by her agent friends, who we know nothing about, either. Seriously, Bill. No origin story yet? We’ll have to wait for the next installment – just like a classic pulp fiction serial – to learn all the back story, one clue at a time, and find out what happens next!
And we’re going to root for Marcie balancing school and superheroing, and getting home in time for dinner. But in the end of that first issue, we already get the feeling that her Mom is not as blind as we think she is.
That’s a lot of drama, tension, and anxious anticipation for just one little comic. I knew, when the first draft was done, I was on to something. It was decided early on to eschew the traditional origin story. I wanted to throw readers into the deep end without a life-vest.
More below
Just a quick reminder that I write books without pictures and some people like them. I will note, that as of this date, you can only buy the paperback version of the Omnibus edition of The Brittle Riders in select countries, none of which are named the United States of America. That is not due to some grand conspiracy. Instead, it’s due to supply chain issues and paper shortages. My author copies of Goptri of the Mists: Kitaab Ek took almost four months to arrive. The comics I write have experienced a twenty percent cost increase for printing. We had to suspend sales of comics to stores for now. Between shipping and printing I would lose .75 ¢ per comic. If you want one you’ll need to order it from my online store. I’ll even autograph it if you wish.
Winner of the Best SciFi Novel of 2020 on the Critters Reader’s Poll. * – A nonstop thrill ride * – Fascinating and terrifying * – The best damn thing I’ve ever read * – The Desert Eagle seems like overkill for a close shot, but I have no complaints * – I’m buying popcorn now for when this hits the big screen
* – Some of the best world building I’ve ever encountered * – It sympathetically manages to bridge the gap between faith and technology * – McCormick packs more in twelve words than others do in twelve paragraphs * – Fuck McCormick, he made me cry when a cockroach died * – When I hit book three I surrendered. I had no clue what was going to happen, but I needed to find out
* – There’s a horny squid and nukes. What more could I ask for? * – I never considered giving my spouse a year’s worth of meat for our anniversary * – Okay, wow, did not see this villain coming * – Relentless and riveting * – He’s always been LGBTQIA+ friendly, but this subtly raises the bar and I, for one, am thrilled
I should also note that I appear in numerous anthologies and there are some shorts you can read for free on that link. Just scroll down.
As always, if I’ve written something you liked, you can always leave a review on my GoodReads page. While you’re there you can also post questions, check out my suggestions, and have more fun than you might imagine.
Until next week, please stay safe, sane, and inside as much as possible. I’ve grown kind of fond of you.