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See You in the McFunny Pages

Newsletter Posted on Tue, June 01, 2021 09:58:23

Due to the pandemic eliminating personal appearances at conventions, some things had to take a back seat. Our comic distribution agreement went belly up on the carpet and we had no viable venues to sell in anymore. Not to be a Debbie Downer, but prospects weren’t looking all that good.

But, as they say, when one door closes, open a damn window. Hadithi Sambamba Comix partnered with a couple other indies, helped assemble a list of over three hundred stores that sell indie comics, and then we met, virtually, to discuss the best method of rolling things out.

After some back and forth, we came up with a solid plan. Hadithi’s owner, Brian “Bigger Lion” Daniel has made arrangements to appear at multiple pop-ups to sell off back inventory and start ordering re-branded comics with the new, exclusive, Hadithi logo.

Plus, and this is the truly exciting part, we, once again, have new comics in the pipeline.

First up will be Bob: Sins of the Son. The story of the son of Death who wants to be a superhero in Chicago. Unlike my usual fare, this is aimed firmly at teens. So, money changed hands, concept art got approved, and this bad boy is on it’s way. Look for it around the end of summer.

Next up is Pestilent. This is more in my wheelhouse. The story is about a distant future where Earth has been abandoned and humans search the galaxy for aliens to eat since alien essences prolong human life. It’s a dirty, wild, head trip. Warren Belfield, the editor, made a note at one point that sums this up nicely; “Honestly I think the anal sex joke later in the story is much stronger than this one. I’d maybe skip it here or come up with a different act to cause the private to blush in order to not steal any thunder from that one. As a secondary note, I’m not sure I thought I’d ever write the preceding sentence.

Plus, negotiations have already begun to bring Svarozic to life as a full length comic. The story of a woman trapped inside a man and a god trapped inside a human gave people their first, true, transgender superhero. We’re letting people read it FOR FREE ONLINE in the hope of getting as many people as possible familiar with the character.

Not to worry, the cult phenomena Legends Parallel and Hybrid Zero will be adding to their, Rated “M” for Mature, multiverses as well.

After the disaster known as 2020, it’s good to see things moving in a positive direction.

That seems to be enough for today. Until next week, stay safe, sane, and inside. Oh, and wear a mask.

Getting McSocial

Newsletter Posted on Tue, May 25, 2021 11:01:50

Today’s just gonna be chill. There’s stuff percolating behind the scenes but none of it is ready to be shared. Even so, there’s fun to be had. And, oddly, all of it relates to our Armed Forces. So, that’s new.

If you scroll to the bottom of this newsletter, you will be greeted by a series of pretty icons. Each is a link to one of my social media sites. In the middle is a brand new link to TikTok. Don’t worry, I’m not going to be twerking or anything like that. But, the nice people at TikTok have made it easier for authors to connect with their audiences. My page is only a couple of days old but I’m hard at work creating content that will be used to target SPLICE: HIT BIT TECHNOLOGY to the United States Military. Fully a third of the book revolves around Splice’s tour as a U.S. Marine. And, while the sample size isn’t the largest I’ve seen, vets and active troops really seem to like the book.

SPLICE is a non-stop thrill ride, taking the reader on an edge-of-your-seat experience through the military and organized crime worlds. Bill McCormick absolutely captures the senses of the military and combat from sight to sound to smell and leaves you only wanting more at the turn of every page. This book gets it right and keeps it coming!

Josh Grenard
Former Infantry Captain/Combat Veteran
U.S. Army

As those who follow closely know, I put a lot of research into my books. I talk to those who know what they’re talking about so I can sound like I do too. I don’t. I’m more like a cool parrot that can type, but it gets me where I need to be.

Many years ago, when I was first starting to assemble what would become The Brittle Riders I interviewed several people in the military. Former combat nurses gave me the best insights into the ravages of war. However, one man, a Brigadier General with the U.S.M.C., was kind enough to let me buy him drinks while he discussed common, and not so common, battle strategies. I gave him the technical abilities of my creatures and he gave me reams of information on how they could engage in combat. Of course, this was years before the book came out so he’d never read it.

Until now.

A couple days ago I got a brief email from him reminding me he was still active duty so I can’t use his name in advertising or promotion. Nevertheless, he’d just finished reading The Brittle Riders and had this to say about that.

So, if I get this, you’ve got lesbians, poly amorists, Muslims, sorry Muslim cows, giant Christian cockroaches, and so on, fighting for the betterment of all who live? I’ll never admit this publicly, but I’m glad we’ve got a president who thinks you’ve got the right idea. Great story, kept me buried in it, and I just ordered hard copies for the den. Some day you can sign them. You’re a strange guppy, but you do write like a pro. Semper Fi crazy stranger.

So, another satisfied customer.

That seems to be enough for today. Until next week, stay safe, sane, and inside. Oh, and wear a mask.

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Cool McNew Stuff Coming

Newsletter Posted on Tue, May 18, 2021 06:00:33
First off, I want to thank everyone who took part in C. L. Cannon’s Bookfest. For my part I had a lot of fun, met some great new people, and expanded my To Be Read list exponentially.

They say that life is a marathon, not a sprint. They say good things come to those who wait. They say lots of stuff. None of it’s pertinent here today.

Last year, after we got all our ducks in a row and got SPLICE: HIT BIT TECHNOLOGY released, the nice people at ©Watch Dog Entertainment™LLC asked me to create an audio book. That’s where the fun began.

Just for the record, I have produced audio and video at the professional level. So, ability issues were not the problem. Nope, the problem is that my apartment has reflective surfaces everywhere. I sounded like I was in an echo chamber.

Not appealing.

Finally, after several local studios couldn’t fit me in, Stan Skora from Black Parrot Music offered to record me. The only problem was scheduling. His Illinois studio is a forty-five minute drive and I don’t have a car. Or a driver’s license. So we worked it out that my fiancée would drive me. This meant we could only record on weekends since she has a job.

It’s even one she wants to keep. Nice people, good company, plenty of room for advancement, and so on. She’s not going to throw that away so I could sit in a small room and listen to the sound of my voice.

Simply put, it was slow going, but it progressed. However, as time went on my injured knee kept getting worse, as in standing for more than five minutes was painful, and my doctors couldn’t schedule “elective” surgery due to the pandemic. Toss in lost weeks due to each of us getting exposed to COVID-19, end of the year holidays, and me finally getting put under the knife, things crawled to a stop.

Post surgery I, stupidly, thought I could be back at full strength in a few days. However, when they used the phrase “here are the bone fragments we found floating in your leg” I really should have known better. It took four weeks for me to be strong enough to enter physical therapy. By then Stan was getting ready to return to his home in Melbourne. That would be too much of a commute from Chicago.

We ran some options through our squishy brains and came up with a solution. Essentially a way for me to have a home studio and not sound like the voice in a 1950s horror movie ad. Now, having completed physical therapy, as in I can stand and walk up and down stairs – not run a marathon, we are finally back in business.

In other words, this a long-winded way of saying you’re going to get an audio book of SPLICE: HIT BIT TECHNOLOGY later this year. Since this is a whole new process for me I don’t want to put a hard time-line on things, but please know this bad boy is getting made.

One thing I have learned from this whole ordeal is that I’ll never do something like this again. People who do this professionally will happily take my money and I’m more than willing to give it to them. Heck, if something like this darkens my doorstep again I’ll even be a little anxious to do so.

I think that’s enough for one day. I’ll be back with more good news next week. Until then, stay safe, sane, and inside.

McFun on the Interwebs

Newsletter Posted on Tue, May 11, 2021 07:59:31
Greetings and salutations. As some of you may have heard Kim, my fiancée, and I were in a nasty car wreck Sunday. While neither car was drivable, no one was injured. We’re taking that as a win and are now beginning the joyful process of dealing with insurance companies.

Last Friday I plopped on to the internet to be interviewed by Jude Matulich-Hall for her show Titles, Talk, and Tipples. Read that carefully. I screwed it up the first time I saw it. Fortunately Jude has a sense of humor. We ended up doing two interviews.

The first one focused on my novels. We took a look at each release separately so that viewers would have a basic idea of what each title was about. The second focused on comics, supporting human rights, and a little bit about my life.

The fun part about the interview was the Tipples portion. Jude makes it a point to drink what her guest drinks. So, there we sat, two time zones apart, day drinking vodka on the rocks.

More below.

Don’t forget, this is the last week you can enter C. L. Cannon’s Sci-Fi and Fantasy Bookfair.

If you’re a fan of either genre, and I assume you are since you’re reading this newsletter, this is a great way to get your hands on a gift cards, books, and more. It only runs until the fourteenth and then it’s gone. So click that link and join the fun.

Just as a selfish aside, over one hundred people decided to sign up for this newsletter above and beyond participating in the Bookbub promotion. It’s that kind of stuff that warms the cockles of my heart.

More below.

Goptri of the Mists: Kitaab Ek is now out in paperback. Just CLICK HERE to get your hands on a copy. If you want to know about the Goptri’s universe, before busting out your credit card, I created a fun video to help you immerse your mind in its awesomeness.

This world is our world and not. It is our future, and not. When multiple nuclear missiles can rightly be used as an example of subtle persuasion it becomes a testament to the deep, and twisted, humor that permeates this series. The fact that a gay wedding is the capstone for a bloody revolution is a perfect example of how dichotomies constantly intertwine to tie every story thread together. All in all, this is world building, and story telling, at its finest.

Sarah Z. Gallagher, PHD

More below.

SPLICE: HIT BIT TECHNOLOGY continues to wow new fans every week. If you’re not sure if SPLICE s for you, click here to watch a brief video which lays out the basic plot.

All you need to do is CLICK HERE for all your purchase options. Or, if that special someone has a special day coming up, you can CLICK HERE to get an autographed copy. I recently restocked my shelves, so you’re good to go.

SPLICE is a non-stop thrill ride, taking the reader on an edge-of-your-seat experience through the military and organized crime worlds. Bill McCormick absolutely captures the senses of the military and combat from sight to sound to smell and leaves you only wanting more at the turn of every page. This book gets it right and keeps it coming!

Josh Grenard
Former Infantry Captain/Combat Veteran
U.S. Army

I think that’s enough for now. Until next week, stay safe, sane, and inside.

Lots of Pretty McColors

Newsletter Posted on Tue, May 04, 2021 08:14:54
“It’s got lesbians and math? I’m in!” – Sheila K.

The, summer of 2016, launch of Legends Parallel was not a smooth one. No one’s fault, we were just new at this and learning as we went. But, as the initial year rolled on people began discovering, and liking, it. By the second, we were being invited to conventions and getting introduced to new fans. The above quote was courtesy of Fantasy Con 2018 and it was squealed loud enough that it attracted more customers.

2020 saw the release of a full Trade Papaeback with a custom photo shoot featuring Phystee Nicole Brown. One hundred ages of coo-coo coolness, pages dedicated to new merchandise, and critical acclaim arriving daily.

There is much to ponder here in terms of thought-provoking issues of race, sexuality, culture and society’s attitudes to history and relationships. You want anthropological context and sociological commentary? This has jugs of it.Sci Fi Comic Nexus

While I was toiling in that multiverse I got tagged to work in another. Cyril Brown’s Hybrid Zero had been around almost a decade but he wanted a new voice, and that was me. The timing was perfect. Legends Parallel had just signed a distribution deal with Nerdanatix and they were aggressively recruiting new titles.

We brought the title into the fold of Hadithi Sambamba and began repackaging everything for physical distribution. Within six months we, literally, had people shoving others out of the way at cons to get their copies. While none of us are prescient, the debut title, Juggernaut, nicely summed up what we’d created.

As time went on the Hybrid Zero multiverse continued to expand. While Juggernaut remains the flagship, Jungle Grrl and Cassandra and the Changeling Sword are bringing new fans every day.

Brown’s art is an unrestrained explosion of Expressionist fervour, portraying hyper-expansive worldbuilding and surreal sensuality. He also created the characters and conceived the original story, so this is from the heart, and it shows. It’s not all cartoony spectacle, though, he also excels at vast, atmospheric futuristic cityscapes and complex exotic architecture and infrastructures. There is plenty here to delight the eye. Sci Fi Comic Nexus

Above and beyond these behemoths, I have written for a wide variety of titles and have more coming out. All you need to do is CLICK HERE to get all the latest news.

I think that’s enough for now. Until next week, stay safe, sane, and inside.

This is McBoring

Newsletter Posted on Tue, April 27, 2021 10:07:19
This is going to be a low key newsletter. There’s not a lot of hip-hop-happening McSciFi news to share. And, I suppose, that’s not a bad thing. Not all of the universe revolves around me. And it’s not like I’m going to delve into a dissertation about the demise of Dodger Dogs. I mean, sure, they were cool while they lasted, but that company’s been sold more often than bit coin in Nigeria. It wasn’t the same product.

Back on February 20, 2021, my publisher received notice that Goptri of the Mists: Kitaab Ek was available as a paperback. While Azoth Khem isn’t a major publisher, they do allow me to pay my bills. So I started promoting the PROMO VIDEO I’d created. But, and this is always fun, the paperback sat in limbo. No reason was given. No emails were answered. It just sat in the purgatory of Ingram Spark. Until yesterday. We now have confirmation that the paperback is being released, will be made available to brick and mortar stores, and will not carry a demonic possession warning. All good things.

This Friday I will be recording an interview with Jude Matulich-Hall for her show Titles, Talk, and Tipples which I read as Titties, Talk, and Tipples when I first got the invite and I was terribly excited. Oh well. I’m still allowed to teach Sunday School. So the important things are still in place. Once the show has been edited, most likely to remove all my F-bombs, I will share a link to the finished product.

Recently I was interviewed by Anastasia Washington and Jenna Busch for the Spring 2021 edition of The BookFest. If you click the link you’ll be transported to a whimsical land of merriment and joy. Not too much merriment and joy, however, as we all wore pants.

You know what? I think that’s enough. Next week I’ll have links to all the cool new stuff you can buy. I’m sure I don’t have to remind you that you can buy AUTOGRAPHED STUFF when you click that link. Nor do I have to bring up the fact you can buy COOL GEAR if you click this link. You’ve been here long enough to know all that.

Until next week, stay safe, sane, and inside.

People are McTalking ‘Bout Me

Newsletter Posted on Tue, April 20, 2021 09:55:06
Hail and Hello everyone! A funny thing happened between newsletters. I found out a major comic con is using this weekly missive as an example of how to do things right. While there’s nothing wrong with linking to a public website, that is what it’s there for, it is a little odd no one asked. Since I reached out to them and no one reached back, I won’t name them. That said, if you want to share this newsletter with your friends, feel free to send them THIS LINK.

Also a big hello to the contestants at C.L. Cannon’s Spring Fantasy & Sci-fi BookBub Giveaway. If you think you got here by accident you can CLICK HERE to unsubscribe. The contest runs until May 14th so you can still join in the fun. Just create a free BOOKBUB account, CLICK HERE to access the contest, and follow the instructions.

As you know I was a guest at THE BOOKFEST last weekend. As always, it was a wonderful mix of internationally famous authors and writers like me. I was interviewed by Anastasia Washington (no relation to the Russian Anastasia) and Jenna Busch (no relation to G.W.). If you missed it you can CLICK HERE to view my segment. Or click on the Bookfest link to watch it all. It explains why I can no longer travel to Russia.

More below.

I have been getting complaints from people who tried to leave reviews on Amazon only to see them disappear. Several calls to the Mighty Zon have only left me baffled. So, if you want the world to know what you think about my writing – good, bad or indifferent – head on over to my GOODREADS page and have at it.

While you’re here, make sure to check out the masterpiece voted Best Sci-fi novel of 2020 by the CRITTERS’ READERS’ POLL. Yes, I’m talking about SPLICE: HIT BIT TECHNOLOGY. What can I say that readers haven’t? Nothing.

SPLICE is a non-stop thrill ride, taking the reader on an edge-of-your-seat experience through the military and organized crime worlds. Bill McCormick absolutely captures the senses of the military and combat from sight to sound to smell and leaves you only wanting more at the turn of every page. This book gets it right and keeps it coming!

Josh Grenard
Former Infantry Captain/Combat Veteran
U.S. Army

More below.

Speaking of reviews, a fan who’s read the entire BRITTLE RIDERS trilogy, recently finished GOPTRI OF THE MISTS: KITAAB EK and had this to say about it.

This world is our world and not. It is our future, and not. When multiple nuclear missiles can rightly be used as an example of subtle persuasion it becomes a testament to the deep, and twisted, humor that permeates this series. The fact that a gay wedding is the capstone for a bloody revolution is a perfect example of how dichotomies constantly intertwine to tie every story thread together. All in all, this is world building, and story telling, at its finest.

Sarah Z. Gallagher, PHD

More below

Finally, if you scroll to the bottom of the email version of this newsletter you’ll see a variety of symbols. Much to the surprise of many, or so it seems, they are not a means of sharing a hidden message. Nope, they are simply pretty links to all of my social media pages. You’re welcome to follow all or none of them at your leisure. I will note that my Twitter feed is kind of like the Wild West, so proceed at your own risk there.

Until next week, stay safe, sane, and inside.

Big McWeek For Me!

Newsletter Posted on Tue, April 13, 2021 06:00:52
I’d like to thank, and welcome, all the contestants at C.L. Cannon’s Spring Fantasy & Sci-fi BookBub Giveaway. I’ll be doing a summary of what the hell’s going in this newsletter in May when the contest finally ends. If you think you got here by accident you can CLICK HERE to unsubscribe. For anyone else wishing to join the contest, you’ll need to create a free BOOKBUB account, CLICK HERE to access the contest, and follow the easy instructions. There are hundreds of free or discounted books available. There are also numerous ways to win a variety of prizes. Simply scroll to the bottom to see them all.

This weekend I’m getting my second COVID shot. Kim and I – she’s my better half – went with the Moderna flavor sponsored, in part, by Dolly Parton.

I’ll also be appearing at The Book Fest this weekend. Complete details below. This will be my third appearance and each of the previous times I’ve had more than a thousand people sign up for this newsletter. And, unlike other stodgy events, I’ll have a glass of vodka or two and a hot mic. You don’t want to miss it.

More below.

On the good news front Hadithi Sambamba’s contact with Nerdanatix has been reactivated.

As many of you will remember, Nerdanatix was unable to secure a PPP loan and closed due to the pandemic last June. They have come up with some creative solutions, cobbled together investors, formalized their relationship with Valor Printing, and are already getting books, including ones I wrote, placed in brick and mortar stores.

Currently they are focusing on the American Southwest, since they’re based in Houston, but should be nationwide by the fall. They’re working on building a new website to reflect their new reality. I will share a link when it’s live.

More below.

Many of you have asked if I was going to be part of THE BOOKFEST again. The answer is a resounding YES!!! I will be joined by international, best selling, authors James Rollins, Danny Trejo, and many more. Not that either of them could pick me out of a one person lineup, but we will all be there.

Sat. April 17th – 6:00pm to 8:00pm CDT

Live Author Chats – Hosted by Jenna Busch and Anastasia Washington

Part afterparty, part networking, and part authors doing whatever the heck they want, this fun interactive event presents authors and literary folks in fast-paced chats with hosts Jenna Busch and Anastasia Washington. Some authors may do readings, some may take audience questions, some may make recipes, or do a performance. One thing we know for sure, there will be a lot of surprises. Plus, the winner of the Grand Prize Spring Picnic Giveaway will be announced, along with the Owlcrate and Amazon gift card winners.

Host: Jenna Busch, Writer/Host for sites like SYFY Wire, Vital Thrills, Metro, The Washington Post and more. Contributing author to 11 books including Star Wars Psychology. Co-hosted Cocktails With Stan with the legendary Stan Lee.

Host: Anastasia Washington, Actress, comedian, filmmaker, director and podcast host. Produced and starred in her One Woman Show, 50 Shades of Mixed: Confessions of Your Ethnically Ambiguous Best Friend.
CLICK HERE to sign up for everything.

More below.

Finally, I wanted to let you know that I’m offering select quantities of autographed books and comics for sale. All you need to do is CLICK HERE to peruse the selections and place your orders.

Of course, should you so desire, you can also CLICK HERE to festoon your rocking bod, and all McSciFi fans have rocking bods, with McSciFi gear. Each design has over one hundred options. And many of the shirts come in 3X and 4X. I also have onesies for your toddlers. There really is something for everyone.

If you’re cool with it, send me an email and share a pic of you in McSciFi gear. You won’t be the first, but you will be the coolest.

Until next week, stay safe, sane, and inside.

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