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McSciFi -vs- Grammarly

Newsletter Posted on Tue, April 28, 2020 08:40:17

Welcome New Fans!

I hope everyone is riding this out as best they can. Here in Illinois the “shelter in place” order has been extended until May 31. And some companies that have been able to have people work from home look to continue to do so beyond that date, for all the right reasons. As I’m writing this there are over one million infected and fifty-six thousand, plus, dead. That’s a five percent lethality rate and that HAS to be taken seriously. Add in the fact that testing is spotty, at best, and supplies are short all over the country, and this is going to get worse before it gets better. 

So, please, stay inside.

Now, on to the fun stuff. SPLICE has been offered the chance to be translated into French, German, Italian, and Spanish, at the moment. That’s great news, but means I have to conform the grammar to a standard translators use. And that’s where the fun begins. 

The entire introductory section of the novel is a collection of faux hip hop lyrics, which are designed to be painful to read. Think HIPPITY HOPPITY TIL YOU DROPPITY kind of painful. Grammarly hates every single one. Also, Grammarly isn’t fond of informal speech. So, when I have a twelve year old homeless kid say “ain’t gonna do dat” Grammarly wishes it were “I am not interested in participating in this.” When I introduced a character known only as “old man” Grammarly suggested I consider something not as ageist and possibly gender neutral. Yeah …. no.

There are some placements of commas I can do to make it happy but, after that, it is what it is. SPLICE is an American book, steeped in urban patois, built around military jargon. None of which makes Grammarly pleased. And, since I speak a sprinkling of all the languages, I’m completely befuddled as to how anyone will make it work in them.

But all of the stuff Grammarly hates rocked the hell out of our beta readers. So, I’ll find a happy middle and move on.

Oh, and there’s an official cover now. Peep dat bitches!

More below.

Last week marked the third time in my life that someone bought one of everything I had available, as far as my writing is concerned. Besides being amazingly honored I’m also humbled. To think someone read my stuff and said, “yep, gotta get me some mo o’ dat” (fuck you, Grammarly) is truly the kind of thing that makes this all worthwhile.

Now, that being said, I do need to clarify what can, and cannot, be purchased at the moment.

If you CLICK HERE you can order merchandise I have in stock. It’s all clearly defined online and ships next business day. The Legends Parallel graphic novel ships directly from the printer, but everything else is in my dining room. The last graphic novel I had in stock shipped to the nice lady who bought everything.

That being said, if you CLICK HERE you can order all the cool T-Shirts, onesies, coffee mugs, and so on you want (“desperately need,” I mean), but they won’t ship until Spreadshirt opens their factories. Those factories are located in Pittsburgh and Las Vegas. 

My guess is Vegas will open first, but that’s just a guess at  this point.

Until then, here’s a great video of me holding stuff up and talking to myself, if you’re into that sort of thing. I made it for CyberCon

More fun below, so don’t leave now.

I have received some confusing emails concerning the Bill McSciFi Gift Card. So, to simplify, it’s a gift card. Just like the ones you buy at a store or order online to give as gifts. The only thing different is that, instead of saying Visa or MasterCard, it has my logo and images on it. That’s it. So, if you give someone a $20.00 McSciFi Card they can turn around and buy $20.00 worth of booze, porn, or religious trinkets. Literally, just like they could with any gift card. It’s backed by the people at Square, one of the largest online credit card companies in the world. It’s not something I knocked up in my living room while watching TV.

Hopefully that clears that up.

Lastly, I have been asked to join the gang over at the Sci-Fi Roundtable for a series of podcasts. All of which will focus on real science, uses thereof, and so on. I’ve already recorded one, which is being edited as I type, and am slated for three more. They’re fun, freewheeling, and informative. When release dates become available I will happily share.

Until next week here’s a pic of me and a pretty girl. Please, stay safe, sane, and inside.  See you soon.

Surviving McCOVID

Newsletter Posted on Tue, April 21, 2020 09:50:19

Welcome Back!

It’s good to see you. Hopefully you’re managing to stay safe, sane, and inside, as this nightmare continues on. Today seems like the perfect time to catch up on some stuff that may have fallen by the wayside. 

Bill McSciFi Gift Cards – Yep, they’re real. Just CLICK HERE to get yours. They work exactly like any normal gift cards you get at a store, except they look much cooler. You can order them online, give them as gifts, and use them for anything you want, not only McSciFi gear. Just imagine how wonderful it would be to order your favorite booze for delivery using a McSciFi gift card. Or how impressed your special someone will be when they find one of these in their inbox instead of your usual squirrel memes.

Bill McSciFi Merchandise – If you CLICK HERE you will see an awesome array of delights no home should be without. Since I stocked up for spring conventions, and there aren’t any right now, I have a dining room full of stuff. If you buy anything via this portal it will ship next business day. You can even use your gift card to pay for everything if you wish. This is good for me, good for the post office, and good for your soul.

Bill McSciFi Free Stories – All you have to do is CLICK HERE to enjoy, previously published, short stories, interviews, articles and more. It’s a great way to kill some time, have some fun, and destroy brain cells without alcohol, delivered or otherwise. It’s also the perfect link for you to share with people who may be interested in checking out some McSciFi but not wanting to make a financial commitment at this time.

Bill McSciFi Free Comics – In order to help people stay saner than an emu on acid during the pandemic Nerdanatix is allowing anyone who wishes to preview their entire catalog, online only, for free. That includes all your favorite McSciFi titles; Legends ParallelHybrid Zero: JuggernautHybrid Zero: Jungle GrrlHybrid Zero: Cassandra and the Changeling SwordSvarozic, and Ruh Roh Rangers. Above and beyond all the cool McSciFi joints there are some other incredible talents up there.and there are far worse ways to spend your time. If at all possible, view them on a larger screen. The art is amazing.

Actual news below.

All of the beta reads are done for SPLICE.There were a couple of things readers pointed out that I will add, which will make the book better than it was, but, across the board,  they loved it. Instead of using the format I created for The Brittle RidersSPLICE has chapters, is a quicker read, and is linear. I know, I know, what was I thinking? 

The story, a tale of a young boy abandoned in Omaha who grows up to be the greatest super-villain the world has ever seen isn’t what you might expect. He’s not mentally ill, doesn’t hate everyone, or any of the usual tropes. He makes connections, and choices, as he grows, and is in complete control of who, and what, he becomes. This, near future, sci-fi tale has elements of military fiction as well as traditional thrillers. It was a hell of a lot of fun to write. Hopefully it will be a hell of a lot of fun for you to read.

In any case, this will be finished this week and then sent to the publisher for official cover art (below is just a mock-up), formatting, and placement on the release schedule. Once I get a date you will too.

More below.

The Legends Parallel graphic novel is out and shipping to happy abodes around the country. Two major review sites have added it to their list of awesome things to share and I will post those links once they go live. Right now you can exclusively order copies by CLICKING HERE but, as things return to normal, most of my comics will be available in stores around the country. Nerdanatix has been using this opportunity to introduce buyers around the U.S. to the joys of indie comics. Usually those buyers are too preoccupied with The Man, either Iron or Bat, to pay attention to much else. So, that’s one good thing to come out of this mess.

The people who’ve gotten their copies already have enthusiastically raved about how cool it is. One hundred pages of stories, fan art, original cover art, promo pieces, and a six page photo shoot featuring Phystee Nicole Brown, the body model for Oshun in the comics. 

Just a bit more below.

If all the McSciFi stuff isn’t enough to keep you entertained, the nice people over at Solitaire Paradise have added hundreds of games you can play for free online. I’m addicted to their version of Pyramid Solitaire

Whatever it is you do to keep yourself going doesn’t really matter. What matters is that you find something, enjoy it, and plan on getting used to it. As more and more people shun the sheltering inside orders more and more people will be spreading the disease. Which means more and more people will needlessly die. I don’t want you to be among that number, so please keep staying inside.

My girlfriend has relatives, and I have friends, who are front line medical professionals. They are universal in their disdain for those who deny reality as well as in their fear of this disease. It’s not the flu. You do not drown in your own blood, while your body is wracked with convulsions and brain melting fevers, with the flu. You do with COVID-19.

So, from my family to yours, please, stay safe, sane, and inside.

I’ll see you next week.

McMore McMeet and McGreets

Newsletter Posted on Tue, April 14, 2020 09:27:35

I hope everyone is sheltering in place, staying safe, putting on some weight, and having stupid amounts of nookie. May as well make the best of an odd situation. 

Last weekend I was a featured guest at Geek Out Comic Con and had a blast. On Saturday, I was teamed up with my friend, author and baker extraordinaire, J. Steven Young. We were part of an Authors’ Panel that covered a wide variety of subjects. It was fun, informative, and became a nice way for us to introduce ourselves to tons of people who’d never even contemplated meeting us. Then, on Sunday morning, I sat down with one of the owners of Geek Insider, Matthew, and spent about fifteen minutes spreading the Gospel of McSciFi (KJV). I magically appear around the one hour mark. 


Sunday afternoon I joined the staff of ICC Magazine for a rollicking discussion about the indie comic scene, plans for the magazine, and the joys of cosplay. It was, and this is odd, the first time I’d ever spoken to any of them. Until now all of our business has been conducted via text. Anyway, CLICK HERE if you missed it and feel free to join the fun. The comments section is still open.

Make sure to check out the awesome ad page Geek Insider did exclusively for me. They did one for every creator, which is the kind of effort that makes me balk, but mine is the cutest.

Much more to come.

Since I know you can never get enough of me, and I can’t blame you, this weekend I’ll be appearing for three days at CYBERCON. This is the largest event I’ve done, by far, so I’ll  let them tell you about it.

WebTV, the Hangin With Web Show and NSC Live TV with JBauerArt, MBL Entertainment’s Marc B Lee, in partnership with Space Coast Comic Con and HarlequinArts Cosplay & Crafts, are pleased to join together to host CyberCon 2020.

From April 17 thru 19, 2020, CyberCon is a virtual and social media convention, ala “Telethon Style” experience, featuring pop culture artists, authors, comic creators, celebrities, and more packed into a 3 day LIVE Facebook Watch broadcast. No Ticket Required!

Using the latest LIVE broadcasting technologies from BeLive TV, and a fan-based social media sharing strategy, HWWS WebTV and its partners are poised to entertain, share and promote the creative arts, while encouraging our popular culture community to help neighbors and others affected by this terrible health and economic threat.

Stay At Home! Let us bring you: Music, Art, Cosplay, Performances, Guests, Vendors and more right at your fingertips! (April 17-19, 2020) It’s CyberCon 2020 and it’s your time to shine from the warmth of your own home! Join the fun LIVE on Facebook Watch!

If you don’t have Facebook, or just hate it like some of my fans, you can CLICK HERE to watch it on a dedicated web page. How cool is that?

Also, fun side note, all proceeds raised from this event will be donated to the Center for Disaster Philanthropy’s COVID-19 Response Fund, As of this writing the fund has raised over one million dollars. So that’s ever cooler!

More to come.

I’ve been talking about the Legends Parallel graphic novel for a while now. I, fina-fucking-ly, got my copy. Just CLICK HERE to see it sitting on my computer or, if you’d prefer to see me with pandemic hair holding a copy, you can CLICK HERE

You can order it, and much more, just by hitting up my store. For now, that’s the only way to get anything McSciFi related. You go to my store, order something, and then I go down to the post office and mail it to you. I’m happy to do this; I need to get this shit out of my dining room, I need the exercise, and the post office needs the money. It’s a big WIN for everyone.

Until the pandemic passes the shops that make Legends Parallel and Bill McSciFi T-shirts and gear are shut down. However, you can still order now for later delivery.

That said, the print shop which handles all of the Hadithi Sambamba Comix line is family owned and the family lives on the premises. So there are no issues getting you what you want. This means the entire Nerdanatix line is still available and being placed in stores. Believe it or not, there are some still open and the major comic book distributor shut down. In other words, someone’s got to fill those shelves, may as well be us and the rest of the gang at Nerdanatix

As always, the graphic below represents both sales and views and shows what happens when clinically repressed people discover a scandalous version of Scooby-Doo

Currently, you can view everything for free online at Nerdanatix. It’s not as fun as owning it, but it’ll give you something to read and keep you from going bat shit, pardon the pandemic pun, crazy.

Just a little bit more below.

Thanks for taking the time to read all this. I truly hope you’re staying safe, sane, and inside. Until next week, here’s a pic of Kim, the world’s greatest girlfriend, and me prepping for a virtual Easter service.

See you next week.

Much More McSciFi

Newsletter Posted on Tue, April 07, 2020 09:13:59

I hope you, and your loved ones, are sheltering in place, staying safe, and riding this out. My little corner of the multiverse already contains two dead and seven more infected. One of those was told to get her affairs in order but lived anyway. As she later told me “I suck at taking  directions.”

On a related note, if you see a meme or message or post that includes “drink warm water with lemon” to cure, or avoid, Coronavirus, please discard it. It’s a bit of hokum originally foisted on the uneducated back in the 1920s. It wasn’t true then, and it’s not true now.

Also, despite what the president has said, hydroxychloroquine has not shown any efficacy in more stringent tests. In fact, when it works at all it’s mostly in mild cases which, since people survive those anyway, could also be cured by a grape Nehi and a bag of Skittles.

In other words, science is not impressed with the claims. A side note, hydroxychloroquine can kill you if you have a pre-existing heart condition. So, please don’t take it unless you have lupus or malaria and a doctor’s prescription.

Okay, happy stuff below.

Since I’m spending all my time writing, and not being able to sell stuff at conventions, I’ve had to get creative. Last Sunday, the lovely and talented Shelly Lopez, editor extraordinaire, asked me to join her online book fair as a guest and I ended up having a lot of fun. Cool group of people, interesting stories on their varied paths to getting published and, of course, a lot of praise for Shelly. 

To be fair, except for me, they were all her clients. I weaseled in since I’d worked with her husband on The Chronicles of Edgar Allan Poe, one of my better sellers at cons.. 

But, on the subject of cons and lost sales, I have been in talks with a variety of different companies and have come up with some fun things I can share.

Here’s the list:

  • Gift Cards – You can now get Bill McSciFi gift cards that can be used on any McSciFi purchases, and the list that applies to has grown. The cards work just like regular gift cards you buy at the store, so I’m not reinventing the wheel here. They are, currently, digital only, but I will have actual plastic ones you can buy once I can get out and sell them at cons.
  • Autographed Books & Comics – I now have a portal set up through a bank that is secure and easy to use. You simply CLICK HEREpick what you want, pay the amount shown, and off it goes to you the next day. Most deliveries happen inside a week, but I’m asking you to allow two weeks while all this is going on.
  • McSciFi Merch – Just CLICK HERE to get everything from T-shirts to coffee mugs to onesies for your infant. While they are not shipping now, due to the fact Spreadshirt’s facilities have been shuttered temporarily, there are discounts to be had if you pay now and accept delivery after the pandemic passes. 

But wait! There’s more!

As you know, the Legends Parallel graphic novel is out and shipping in the U.S. And, thanks to the efforts of Phystee Nicole Brown, both the body model for Ms. Oshun and our biggest fan, the graphic novel features a fun photo spread of her, exclusive to Hadithi Sambamba, a plethora of fan art, and more. It is a “must have” for any fan. It’s even better as an introduction to the multiverse, since you can read all three stories without interruption. 

As I noted on Facebook the other day, every title in the series, thus far, has posted at number one, sales and views, at Nerdanatix. There’s a reason for that. 

But what fun is having an incredible graphic novel if you can’t promote it?

So, this weekend, I’ll be virtually appearing at Geek Out Comic Con sponsored by the amazing peeps at Geek Insider. For those of you who missed their part of the internet, GI is a pop culture site which covers everything from indie creators, like me, to the vagaries of online gambling. 

The coolest part to me, since I’m a needy geek, was seeing me listed as a special guest in their newsletter this week. Seriously, how cool is that?

This is going to be a great event and already has some big names attached. I feel cooler just being in the same digital room with them. Please come on by and say hi.

A little bit more below.

All of my other projects are moving along apace, and I’ll have some fun news for you next week about a series of online radio shows, a/k/a podcasts, I’ll be doing along with real scientists. So you have that to look forward to.

Until then, you can CLICK HERE to read some of my stuff for free. And, please, go ahead and share that link with people. It’s a great way for them to decide if McSciFi’s right for them. You may be shocked to learn, I know I was, that not everyone thinks they need McSciFi in their lives.

Those people are wrong, but who am I to judge?

Until next week, stay sane, stay safe, and stay inside.

We’re McHale and McHearty

Newsletter Posted on Tue, March 31, 2020 09:10:00

As our government, based on the advice of one doctor, who has a You Tube video – no, I’m not drunk, is rolling out a treatment plan for COVID-19 that has serious, i.e., lethal, side effects for people with heart conditions, and can do bad things to healthy people if dosed incorrectly, I strongly advise you to ensure your doctor did not get their degree from an online university cum adult dating site.

Here in McSciFi-land, the multiverse’s coolest amusement park, we’re hunkered down, following the instructions from the adults in the room, a/k/a the CDC and WHO, and we’re doing okay. Our primary concern derives from the fact we’re both excellent cooks, and we’re bored. By the time this pandemic passes we may look like parade floats. Still, we’ll get through this and you will too if you just follow the simple directions; stay inside, stay away from people, and wash your hands.That link will take you to a variety of musical alternatives you can use instead of singing Happy Birthday twice into a mirror. 

I’m here to help.

Okay, so last weekend I appeared, virtually speaking, at Stay Home Con and Con From Home. Due to the international nature of the events, and lack of a defined payment portal, sales didn’t happen. At least not directly. People did go to Amazon and buy stuff. And that’s great. Kind of. You see, if I sell a novel directly I earn about $10.00. If it sells through the Zon, I take home less than a buck. Oh well, there were upsides.

Here’s my breakdown of positive interactions:

  • 30+ new followers on Twitter
  • 18 new followers on Instagram
  • 1 new follower on my Facebook fan page (no one uses Facebook for anything other than family any more)
  • 3 new followers on my Twitch channel (which I just started four days ago)
  • 60+ new subscribers to this email list. I have not compared that number with people who added me on social media, but some are obviously exclusive to this total.

So, hi newbies. Here’s hoping you enjoy all I have to offer.

That said, my interactions with people were fun, occasionally informative, and helped kill some time. All of which means … drum roll please … I’M DOING IT AGAIN!!!

On April 11 & 12, I’ll be a featured guest at Geek Out Virtual Con, sponsored by Geek Insider, an internationally renowned web site dedicated to pop culture. I’ll be giving away some cool SWAG to lucky winners and hanging out with the happening hep cats around the virtual water cooler.  Hope to see you there.

Some cuteness below … but you were hoping for that, weren’t you?

I debated on sharing this, but it’s too fun, and kind of sweet, not to. I found out a young Japanese lady is using The Brittle Riders to learn English. While that struck me as an odd choice, since I make up some words and horribly bend others, she’d already dove into it and had questions.I quickly figured out her grasp of the language was solid, she just never learned to read or write it. Okay, I can work with that. And I did.

Nonetheless, discovering the hyper violent, and dismissively sadistic, scenes featuring the villain sound cute as the Dickens when read aloud by a young lady with a Japanese accent (think Sailor Moon reading war reports), just tied it all together in a pretty bow.

Seriously, she has the perfect voice for anime, which makes my dystopian nightmare sound kind of awkwardly innocent.

For the record, I’ve set up a Google Hangout with this email if you want to say hi. That”s how she contacted me. Just give me a head’s up before you call, if only to make sure I’m wearing pants and not working on my twerking skills.

A little bit more below.

One fun note, I was described, at Con From Home, as a “Creator of fun apocalypses and bent multiverses. Not for the faint of heart.” That works.

I’m stealing it.

In the meantime, I know you’re going a little stir crazy. I can’t really blame you. While my twerking skills are developing nicely, I think you might be better served by reading some of my stuff for free. Just CLICK HERE to read short stories, interviews, and some nonfiction.

You can also go to NERDANATIX to read a ton of comic books for free, online only. Obviously, I want you to read mine, and then buy them as gifts for your 100 closest friends, but there are some amazing talents up there and now’s a good time to discover them.

Thanks for following along. I’ll see you next week.

Oh, yeah, this is me without hair care products, dye, or any shame.

Happy Pandemic Everyone!

Con Updates & Schedules

Newsletter Posted on Thu, March 26, 2020 07:22:14

The people putting together the two cons I will be appearing at this weekend have been juggling flaming bowling balls to make it all work. And they have managed to do this without even getting singed.

So, here we go:

For Con From Home I will be available from 12:00 until 5:00 PM (CDT) via Google Hangouts. There’s even a QR code, below, if you’re feeling sassy. The link takes you directly to me. I will have video chatting turned on so you can see my natural hair color, thanks COVID-19, and also see the stock I have stored throughout our home.

For Stay Home Comic Con I’ll be available by email,, all weekend and will be hosting a live stream about writing at 9:00 AM (CDT) on my Facebook page which will be carried on several other streaming platforms that you can access via their site. 

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. I’ll be setting up my apartment to look like a convention booth for the next couple of days, as well as recording another exciting episode of The Big Wakeup Call with Ryan Gatenby, so I’ll have nothing but free time to share recipes and so forth. 

Just kidding. I’ll happily make time for you. It’s that other jerk I’m avoiding.

Okay, back to the grind. See you next Tuesday.

McTwice as Nice

Newsletter Posted on Tue, March 24, 2020 10:26:54

Nothing’s Keeping McSciFi Down!

Strap it in kiddies, you and I’ve suddenly got a ton of stuff to share. As you may have heard, there’s this thing called COVID-19 which is rudely traversing the globe and killing people without their permission. It’s even been so mean as to infect people who don’t believe in it. 

That said, it’s also put a crimp in my appearance schedule. I was planning on cutting back, a little, but not so much that I ended up living in a room surrounded by cartons of my own creations. Which is kind of where I’m at right now. I tend to do well at conventions so stocking up when I could seemed prudent. Of course, way back in those innocent times, the world was a hair more sane. Not much, but still …

Anyway, this weekend, March 28 & 29, I will be appearing, virtually, at two separate conventions. Each has a slightly different focus and different methods of presentation. The first, CON FROM HOME, is set up a like a traditional con. There are vendor booths you can peruse and presentations you can attend. Your mouse is your gateway to all the fun. Hover and click, baby, just hover and click.

The second convention, Stay Home Comic Con, is based in the Netherlands and is aimed at commercial buyers, such as licensors and distributors, as well as you and your friends. I will be live streaming on Sunday Morning at 9:00 AM (CDT) and discussing common writing mistakes. Since my Facebook page is public, and I’ll be using that for the root stream, all you need do is click THIS LINK Sunday morning (feel free to bookmark it now if you wish), and follow along. You need not be my Facebook friend to enjoy everything. While I won’t be able to see people, I can interact with everyone who types in a message. So you can be as naked as you want to be and I’ll never know.

Actually, that applies most of the time now that I think about it.

One fun thing, that you can check out now, is that I was required to update my Instagram page so it has a big old ad for all things McSciFi. They will be using it as part of their promotions and the panels I put up are really kind of cool. 

All sales will be the cost of the book (or books) plus shipping. The deal is I have to ship anywhere in the world, and I will be doing that. I have basic postal rates for the planet and will let people know what they’re in for before I take their money. And, since everything’s here, it can be autographed upon request.

Even if you’re not buying anything, I’d love if you dropped by and said hi at one of them.

More below.

Since I have fans who are raging masochists, and I think all writers should follow my lead in this regard, there are people on this Earth who thought The Brittle Riders trilogy should be compiled in one giant omnibus edition. Because nothing says “I love you” like the gift of 1200 pages of dystopian fun. Seriously. There’s nothing like it. 

Thanks to them, and may God love each and every one, it exists. All you need do is CLICK HERE to get your digital mitts on it. Paperback should be available next week. 

One quick note; if you’ve read the original trilogy, this is different. It’s formatted as a single story, has had gorgeous bio-hazard graphics added where there used to be story breaks, and has been completely typeset differently. It is, as it was meant to be, a completely linear read. I don’t know what they’re going to charge for the paperback but I can promise you it’ll be $5.00 too little. Seriously, I have to give props to Azoth Khem, this thing looks amazing!

A brilliant man hosted a party. It was such a good party that it culminated in the death of all humanity. That story is boring and oft-told. This is not that story. This is the story of what happened next. The Brittle Riders, apocalypses are funny that way.

Just a little bit more below

A few updates on the projects I have forthcoming.

SPLICE is finishing up at the editor’s and will be available for beta reads. If you’d like to be a beta-reader, just email and I’ll hook you up. As always, beta reads need to be done kind of quickly. If you’re looking for a summer read this isn’t it. We need to know what needs to be fixed before it gets published. All beta copies will be in PDF format.

GOPTRI OF THE MISTS: KITAAB EK is close to being completely formatted. While I joke that this is the musical answer to the question no one asked, “What would happen if The Brittle Riders was set in India?” it’s really a stand alone series. Although set in the same universe, it has all new characters, a villain you’re really going to hate, and a wedding scene that made all nine beta readers fall in love again. It also has sex squids and sweetbreads. All I can promise you is that it’s different than what you’re expecting. Make sure to BOOKMARK AZOTH KHEM so you can follow along as things develop.

ENVY, the first of the Seven Deadly Sins series I’m doing for New Wave Comics, is finally out of development hell and headed for a Kickstarter as well as a life outside my mind. In case you missed it when I first wrote about it, this series of comics will be aimed at teens, contain morality stories, and still be rip-roaring fun. It’ll have demons, angels, kids who are smarter than both, and so on. Quite honestly, I had a blast creating it.

JARHEAD, my USMC themed masterpiece steeped in the mysticism of the afterlife, just trust me on this, is being colored and lettered as I type. I will be presenting samples of this title this weekend to give people a taste of what’s coming. It will be the flagship title for Breaking Chains Comics. If you can’t wait, just click the company link to see a few pages. I won’t hold it against you.

I think that’s enough for now. As always, thank you for following along. Your support means the world to me.

See you next week!

More Gnus Ewe Ken McUse

Newsletter Posted on Tue, March 17, 2020 09:43:04

Hi Everyone!

While I would prefer to do a deep dive in the fantabulous multiverse of me, I feel the need to step back and address all of the bat shit information that’s been spewing from the internet. First, the disease has nothing to do with bats. Or their shit. Or anything else bat related. And making fun of a country whose cuisine includes bat soup, when you live in a country that calls deep fried bull testicles a delicacy, is just fucking racist. And, yes, those links are to real recipes.

Last week I appeared on Some Like It Hot with Nakia Niteshade to discuss politics, pandemics, plagues made of poverty, my sex life, and more. It’s all useful information and, occasionally, funny. But, if that’s a little too warm for your form, I also was on The Big Wakeup Call with Ryan Gatenby the week before where we noted the vodka I drink is not the same as the alcohol in hand sanitizers, so you should never waste good vodka on a bad idea. 

Okay, so what should you do?

Not panic is a great start. Seriously, calm your shit down. This is bad, but it’s not Armageddon level bad.

Second, listen to the Google.


Help stop coronavirus

  1. HANDS Wash them often
  2. ELBOW Cough into it
  3. FACE Don’t touch it
  4. FEET Stay more than 3ft apart
  5. FEEL sick? Stay home

Now, here’s where we get to the tough part. Due to our current administration’s limits on information the public is being kept in the dark. Fortunately, a high school kid named Avi Schiffmann created a web site that tracks Coronavirus related information and displays it in real time. It’s more accurate than any government agency’s, feel free to read that again, and all you have to do is CLICK HERE and then bookmark it.

Or, if you prefer your pandemic survival kit to be narrated by a hamster, just CLICK HERE for John Oliver’s show about the whole thing. Trigger warning, our president does not come off well in this episode, and he really shouldn’t. The promised masks and tests still don’t exist. The promised help for small and medium sized businesses is still sitting on Mitch McConnel’s desk and shows no signs of leaving. The six weeks wasted telling people that this is nothing but a basic flu are six weeks that prevented medical professionals from doing their jobs. 

Lastly, for detailed, and accurate, information about what the virus is and is not, head over to the World Health Organization‘s website. 

Quick summation; COVID-19 (so named since the Novel Corona Virus was discovered in December of 2019, although there’s anecdotal evidence it may have arrived a few months earlier) is not the most lethal virus ever, that would be Ebola which kills 50% of the people it infects. COVID-19 kills about 2%. But, and you knew there was a but, it spreads much faster than Ebola or most any other virus. By comparison, the N1H1 outbreak a few years back infected 50,000,000+ people, killing 12,000+. If COVID-19 hits that mark there will be over a million dead. So, that’s why some very smart people are taking career hits to make sure that doesn’t happen.

More below.

Now, some fun news. My voice has been called sexy, sultry, rambunctiously raspy, and kind of scary. No matter where your opinion lies, it’s my voice and I’ve learned to live with it. Now, in a cool and exciting development, I’ll be turning SPLICEThe Novel into an audiobook. As of this writing it’s exclusively meant for investors and business associates. 

But I know the nice people who like paying me also like making money, so I imagine this will be made public sooner rather than later as long as I manage not to screw it up.

To make this happen I have turned my living room into a pro-level voice over booth. Having worked in radio for forty years I am well aware of what such a beast should look, and sound, like. And this beast does what’s asked of it.

Admit it, you’d pay good money to hear me read aloud the whimsical lines “Hippity Hoppity until you Droppity!” or “Girl gonna need that D, love that D, lick that D, Girl …

Even more below.

This week marks only the second time in three years that a Top 9 list has been released by Nerdanatix without a Legends Parallel title on it. I imagine that will change once we get the graphic novel 100% live. But, as always, $20 plus shipping means you can have it for your very own. It’s 100 pages of awesome! Just email to make that happen.

That said, seeing Cyril Brown get all the love, and then some, is truly something that brings me joy. He’s been developing his, gleefully NSFWHybrid Zero multiverse for the last decade. Seeing people finally being exposed to it, pun intended, and loving it like they do, makes it all worthwhile.

#1 – Hybrid Zero: Jungle Grrl
A nice girl works in a futuristic sex park with her best friend and a dinosaur clone

#2 – Hybrid Zero: Juggernaut
The fun multiverse where sex is lauded, violence is taboo, and a family of assassins is our only hope

#7 – Hybrid Zero: Cassandra and the Changeling Sword
A 96 year old dead woman is now a teenage shinobi on another Earth

#8 – Ruh Roh Rangers
The comic that will ruin your childhood and make your day. Scooby Dooby Don’t!

Just a little bit more below. 

Lastly, allow me to remind you that you can check out a nice collection of  my short stories, nonfiction, and interviews, just by CLICKING HERE. You might want to bookmark that as well. There’s a lot to get through.

Really, it’s a ton.

But, the content ranges from critically acclaimed to award winning, so I’m happy to share.

If you feel the need to justify your McSciFi fetish to others, feel free to send them this link to a video chock full of reviews. It also has pretty colors and a catchy song.

Even catchier than the 1981 masterpiece featuring me, Patswilly’s Psycho For Your Love. That’s the really, extra super, great gosh almighty, kind of catchy.

Again, and as always, thank you for your continued support. I’ll see you next week.

Stay safe, stay in, and stay extraordinary!

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