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McSciFi’s McSecond McStupid McContest

Newsletter Posted on Tue, June 23, 2020 09:05:52

Welcome New Peeps.

Since the last few weeks have seen a dramatic rise in the number of people reading my scribblings, I have to remind myself that not everyone has a clue what the hell I’m babbling about. Take the bizarre title of today’s happy e-blast. Back in December of 2018, I accidentally received two, women’s, Bill McSciFi T-shirts that did not fit my girlfriend. My choices were simple; either get a girlfriend who could wear them, or do something stupid. After a considerable amount of prayer and self reflection, I decided to do something stupid. 

And, boy oh boy, did I do something stupid. I held a month-long event called McSciFi’s McStupid McContest. Anyone who was on my mailing list was automatically entered. Just in case others might want to join the fun I added the contest to sites like Contest Chest, that’s where you can win all expense paid trips to Utah or time shares in Tulsa, and sat back to listen as the crickets ignored me. Instead, almost a thousand people entered, most are still around, and the shirts, along with some autographed comics, were duly delivered to ecstatic beings whom, publicly anyway, species identify as human. 

After the prizes were delivered one unlucky loser went on an epic Twitter rant about how she would have posted nudes of herself reading the comics and pics of her wearing nothing but the shirt. While that level of enthusiasm is appreciated, it wasn’t required then and isn’t appropriate now.

Which brings us up to date.

Now, thanks to an honest mistake by Spreadshirt, I now have two children’s face-masks that I need to do something with., So here’s the deal. 

  1. You will need a child aged four to nine who lives somewhere in the continental United States.
  2. Said child has to be willing to be photographed wearing the mask (it hides a large amount of face, so don’t worry about them being recognized on the internet).
  3. You are responsible for sending me an adorable pic of the putative child wearing the mask so I can use it in an email blast and post on social media.
  4. The child’s identity will remain secret. Kids have enough problems.
  5. If the child isn’t yours, I will need the parent(s) or guardian(s) to sign off.
  6. Above and beyond the children’s mask, winners will also get a signed copy of Svarozic (which is rated T for Teens), an autographed copy of the limited edition manga print of Jungle Grrl (which is rated M for Mature), and autographed copies of the first three issues of Legends Parallel (also rated M for Mature).
  7. In other words, the comics are for the big kids and the masks are for the little ones.

All you need to do is send me an email at, with the name and address of the child. The first two entries I get win. Everyone else gets a warm email of appreciation.

More stuff below that requires no effort on your part.

I’ve been talking a lot about SPLICE. As the author of both the movie script, and the subsequent novel, I must admit I’m, not  only, deeply invested in the project but also quite proud of it. For the last eighteen months you’ve had to take my word on it unless you were one of the lucky beta readers.

However, that’s about to change.

This week, Azoth Khem is doing a soft launch. For those of you who don’t own small publishing companies, that means the book will be available, digitally only, for four weeks on Amazon. It’s a convenient way for them to get interested distributors, and other potential buyers, all the legal info without having to keep track of a zillion emails. For indie companies, it’s a great way to save time and pick up some extra sales while prepping for the real release. 

You can respond to this email letting me know you want to be the first kid on your block with it, and I’ll send you a link as soon as it’s live, or you can stalk Azoth Khem or me every minute of every day until the link is posted. 

It’s all up to you.

More below.

Several of you have written to inquire about my social media presence. I certainly have one. Feel free to click on any link to join the fun.

I do have a You Tube account, but I rarely use it. Putting up a bunch of videos of me chatting isn’t how I wish to invest my time. But, if you really need to see me speak, CLICK HERE and have fun.

A little more below.

Lastly, as much as I enjoy conventions, and as much as I enjoy making stupid amounts of money at them, I will not be attending any in the 2020 calendar year and, maybe, not for a while after that. I need to be convinced our government has the pandemic situation under control and I won’t bring home a disease that will kill my girlfriend.

Killing her seems, somehow, impolite.

If there’s any McSciFi stuff you need, just go to MY STORE and browse the racks. 

I’m truly sorry I won’t be mad pimping my stuff in public, but the safety of my family has to come first.

Until next week, stay safe, sane, and inside.

McNews Ewe Ken Use

Newsletter Posted on Tue, June 16, 2020 09:58:09

Hi Everyone.

Two days ago marked the three month mark since I last smoked a cigarette. I have been smoking, on and off – mostly on, since I was eleven. Forty-seven years for those playing along at home. According to medical professionals this is long enough for me to stop having cravings. They are wrong. So very, awfully, wrong. The things I would do for a menthol are legion, and not necessarily legal. Still, I persist in trying to stay healthy and live. And, when I think I should just go buy a pack and say the hell with it, I look at my girlfriend and remember why I quit. So we can grow old together.

Another reason I should stay healthy is my 2020 release schedule. Can’t reap the rewards of my labor if my ashes are parked in an urn.

SPLICE is coming out and I couldn’t be more excited even if I was a puppy on meth. Azoth Khem, the publisher, is finishing some deals to get it the widest possible distribution, and Watchdog Entertainment is well along the path to make this a feature film. The story of a young boy, abandoned in Omaha, who grows up to be the world’s most feared super villain, is unlike anything you’ve ever read. Every move he makes is a conscious decision. The path he takes to get where he does is twisted and thrilling. And, just for fun, involves the old gospel classic This Little Light of Mine.

Also in the pipeline is Goptri of the Mists. The prequel/sequel to The Brittle Riders cuts through time like a hot knife through butter. At its essence it’s two, linear, stories told simultaneously. One is of the times before Geldish and his merry band of hyper-violent miscreants roamed the world, and the other is shortly after. Beta readers really liked it, always a good sign, and none were confused by the back and forth threads. And, bonus for the kids in the cheap seats, it’s got a lot more sex and violence than The Brittle Riders, so you’ve got that to look forward to.

Stuff About Things may get pushed back a little. The collection of short stories, essays, nonfiction articles, and so on is a lot of fun, but we all need to concentrate on the bigger releases right now.

If you want something to prime the pump for you, you can do no better than The Brittle Riders Omnibus Edition. At twelve hundred pages it’s either an excellent summer read or convenient weapon to use when you need to bludgeon interlopers. Honestly, it can be both. As one reviewer noted, “If David Brin came off a three day tequila bender, and dropped acid, he would have written this.

That was meant as a positive review.

More below.

In sad news, Hadithi Sambamba‘s distributor, Nerdanatix, was forced to close its doors last Monday due to the Cornonavirus. Three months with no sales, and a staff that needed to be paid, without getting a small business loan, combined to lay them low.

We will miss K.J. and the crew. They got our comics in brick and mortar stores, thousands of views online, and more. They made us look good every time they stepped out. I know they’re hoping to regroup and give it another shot, but that’s going to take time. Certainly everyone at Hadithi Sambamba hopes they succeed and wishes them the best. 

Now, all that being said, we still have the contract with our printer which allows us to keep costs competitive with all the major companies, we have a store, where people can buy hard copies online, and we have the ability to ship bulk if need be. Overall, we’ll be fine, but we’ll still miss Nerdanatix.

More below.

Once again, if you’re an indie creator who would like to be featured in a national magazine, I know a guy who can make that happen. He’s, quite possibly, the coolest human walking.

Obviously, he’s me.

I’m the Assistant Editor for ICC Magazine. Every three months we release an issue focusing on a variety of aspects of the indie scene. Whether you’re a cosplayer, artist, author, or something else entirely, feel free to reach out to me, via BillMcSciFi (at), to see if we can work something out.

Besides being humble, I’m also easy going.

Until next week please stay safe, sane, and inside.

Welcome to McSciFi-Land

Newsletter Posted on Tue, June 09, 2020 09:50:20

Welcome One & Welcome All!

To everyone who joined my email list by signing up for LA Book Fest, thank you and welcome. If, heaven forbid, you’re not thrilled to be here, you can unsubscribe via the link at the bottom.

Thanks to Desiree Duffy, the creator of LA Book Fest, I already know all you new beings, who species identify as human, are wonderful, kind to kittens, and smell good. I guess that means I need to let you know about me. For those of you who’ve been here for a few years, this is going to be like a Greatest Hits email. 

My name is Bill “McSciFi” McCormick. I got the nickname when Amazon screwed up my author account so bad there was a period of time when it appeared I was a country music singing tennis instructor. As you get to know me you’ll realize not much could be further from the truth. 

If you want to read the whole, sordid, tale just CLICK HERE and enjoy. A quick head’s up; it has “naughty” words and mentions porn.

Long story short, as you may have guessed, I write sci-fi. I aim for hard sci-fi but am not above messing with people’s minds from time to time. But, because I aim for it, I’m constantly picking the brains of exceptionally smart people, researching the snot out of topics, all so I can get emails saying “That’s not possible, it said so on You Tube.”

Then I go drink vodka, lots and lots of vodka, and try again.

Above and beyond my sci-fi stuff, I write a nonfiction blog at World News Center which forms the basis for my weekly guest appearance on The Big Wakeup Call with Ryan Gatenby on WBIG-1280 AM. That’s a free wheeling look at pop culture, science, and a comprehensive compendium of all things related to not drinking bleach.

Please, please, don’t drink bleach.

Lastly, I’m the assistant editor of ICC Magazine, which is part of the Independent Creator’s Connection. It’s a, nationally distributed (by Diamond), magazine dedicated to indie authors, creators, artists, cosplayers, and anyone else who is part of the indie community. If you want to be cooler than your friends, feel free to respond to this email to find out if I’ll write an article about you. It’s kind of what they pay me to do, so I’d be happy to work with you.

In general, the people who follow me, and claim to be fans, are all pretty fun. I wrote a humorous look at a future dystopia, which you can hear me read a sample by CLICKING HERE. The kind of people attracted to that are bound to be amazing.

Bonus, they don’t just buy my books, they do some fun stuff. For example, when a group of English fans found out I’d opened an online merchandise outlet in the UK, they posted THIS TWEET less than an hour later. I can promise you it’s the second cutest thing you’ll ever see on the internet.

The cutest thing you’ll ever see on the internet is this pic.

More below.

Yeah, her mom’s starting her on the right path early. I heartily approve.

If you’re not sure if McSciFi is right for you, I’ve set up a permanent blog page with free short stories, interviews, and nonfiction articles. There’s a lot of stuff there, so feel free to bookmark it and circle back when you have some time.

Lastly, if you’re intrigued, check out my web site for a complete list of novels, comics, and graphic novels I’ve written as well as anthologies I’ve appeared in. There’s a bunch. The good news is I don’t self publish, so any mistakes you find are someone else’s fault.

That’s my story and I’m sticking with it.

Thanks for playing in my squishy brain. Please, stay safe, sane, and inside.

I’ll see you next week with all the cool updates on the movie, new novel, and so on.

Meet McSciFi McSafely

Newsletter Posted on Tue, June 02, 2020 09:29:11
Yesterday, after the imaginary marching bands and requisite – scantily clad – cheerleaders did their thing, Kankakee Fantasy Con opened. Not only did they open, they brought out their big guns right off. They wanted to make sure people knew they were serious and only the best of the best will be on their roster. 

Obviously, I was their first featured author.

Of course, they may be saving the best for last, in which case ….. I’d rather not dwell on that.

Either way, you should take some time out of your day to wander over. They have crafts, custom made wands for the Potter-philes among you, cosplayers, and more. Oh, and books. They have lots of books. Fantasy books, science fiction books, comic books, graphic novel books, and those are just what I’m offering. Insert LOL here.

There are others with more. And better.

The event is sponsored by the Kankakee Public Library and has consistently been one of the more diverse, and pleasant, cons I’ve attended. Just CLICK HERE to join the fun and check out some amazing creators, including Little Alice (pictured below). 

More below.

As you noted in the pic above, they are pointing people to my site so they can buy my stuff. The couple of good things to come out of this stupid pandemic are, (1); I’ve really thinned my friends and followers lists on social media, and (2), I’ve turned my online store into a well oiled machine. Books and comics ship next business day and shirts, mugs, and the rest ship within a week. 

The thinning of the herd has, kind of, bothered me. When I write for World News Center, or appear on The Big Wakeup Call, I have to have my i’s dotted and my t’s crossed. I have to have supporting, verifiable, links for every fact I spew. I do not have the luxury of just making shit up and hoping for the best. And, yet, week after week, someone I know, in some cases for many years, will pipe up about this or that conspiracy theory they found on You Tube or some such place and, when challenged, get violent about it. Since COVID-19 kills people I think having useful facts, as opposed to baseless rumors, is important.

But I guess that’s just me.

If you want some of those tasty facts, just click on the World News Center link above. The site’s festooned with them.

As to the store, suffice it to say this is one of the better ideas I’ve had. It’s truly my happy spot in the middle of this mess. With everything set up through an online bank it couldn’t be more secure if I tried. Plus people can contact me via the site and request custom clothing and gear; which I add and then they buy. It’s been a win/win for everyone. Just CLICK HERE to check it out. 

Still more below.

That’s a lot for one day. I will have updates on SPLICE next week, so you can start planning your summer reading. One fun note I would like to share, every single beta reader of SPLICE had the same question; “When’s the next book coming?”

No matter what I could answer, which is not much without an option being picked up for a sequel, it still wouldn’t be soon enough. Still, having people banging on your door wanting to buy your stuff isn’t the worst problem a writer can have.

Not even in the top ten.

Until next week, stay safe, sane, and inside.

Spend a Week With McSciFi

Newsletter Posted on Tue, May 26, 2020 09:28:33
For the last two years I have had the honor of being a vendor at the Kankakee Fantasy Con. I have made new friends, sold stuff to strangers, and discovered creators I would otherwise have been denied. I was looking forward to being there again. Obviously, despite what you may have seen on YouTube, it’s not safe yet to jam a ton of people into a confined space and have them paw other people’s stuff. 

So, this year, they thought way outside the box and came up with a way to hold a week long cyberfest. From June 1st through the 6th there will be online booths, kiosks, meet and greets, as well as cosplay events, music, and pizza.

Well, I’ll have pizza. That’s close enough.

You’ll be able to check stuff out, chat with creators, and (hopefully) spend a couple of bucks. Just bookmark THIS LINK to join the fun.

And, if you join in, you can win free stuff. How cool is that?

More fun to be had below.

In other exciting news, Hybrid Zero: Juggernaut #2 was delivered to the printer and is being prepped for sale. The popular series about a family of genetically modified soldiers cum assassins who live in a multiverse where sex is lauded and violence is taboo, continues to rack up new fans every week. It also opened up the possibility of getting Hadithi Sambamba Comix licensed in the United Kingdom.

That’s one of the reasons I opened a merchandise shop in England two weeks ago. An event which led to the greatest tweet in the history of tweets. If you missed it, just CLICK HERE for all the coo coo coolness the internet has to offer.

Nothing can get finalized until the pandemic subsides and people have a better idea of what can, and cannot, be done. But the door’s been opened, contact info exchanged, human sacrifices arranged … you know, the usual boring business stuff. 

As one young lady informed me, “British chicks gonna dig the Hybrid Zero.”

More below.

Now that the Legends Parallel Graphic Novel is out, and in the sweaty hands of fans, we’re prepping to get issue four completed and released. The story of five earths, each radically different from the others, and the one woman who’s attempting to stop evolution and control them, keeps adding fans every week. I know some people are not happy since we don’t pump these comics out like a major publisher does. Unfortunately, no one’s rich here. We have to recoup what we’ve spent first before we can sink more money in. And that takes time. 

When someone buys our comics that money goes to the distributor who then sticks it in an account and, a few times a year, disburses it to the creators. Which is fine, but, like I said, it takes time. 

In the meantime, if you’d like to see what all the fuss is about, our distributor, Nerdanatix, is allowing people to read comics online for free during the pandemic. CLICK HERE to check out Legends Parallel.

Bit more below.

In news about books without pictures, both SPLICE and Goptri of the Mists are in the hands of the capable people who will be foisting them on an unsuspecting public. Without tooting my horn too much, I have to say I’m well pleased with both books. SPLICE is a nonstop thrill ride that rockets the reader from event to event so quickly that people are stunned when it ends. It’s like driving into a wall. 

Fun fact: When SPLICE was being peer reviewed, people missed critical errors because they were so caught up in the story. If you’re going to have problems as a writer, those are the kind you want.

Goptri of the Mists is a different animal all together. It has two disparate time lines, three interwoven stories, a made up sub-language, and enough science to choke a goat. If goat choking is your thing.

But, as with SPLICE, beta readers and the rest got so caught up in the story they blew by errors. 

The reason errors did get caught is someone would note one, someone else would note another, and so on. Not one reader caught the same ones as another. Which led me to go back and pick everything apart line by line.

The end result? Two of the best pieces of writing I’ve ever done. 

I can’t wait to share them with you.

In the meantime, stay safe, sane, and indoors. I’ll see you next week.

Big McFun in the McCity

Newsletter Posted on Tue, May 19, 2020 08:35:31

Welcome Readers Old & New!

Well, SPLICE has been formatted and is being prepped for publication. The movie script has been adjusted to conform to the novel and the powers that be are entering financing meetings. I know things are scary outside, but the world will recover and move on. And, when it does, it will need the balls out thrill ride which is SPLICE. I’m champing at the bit wanting to share this with you. But I, like you, will wait until Azoth Khem has all their ducks in a row

I promised you there would be some promotions beginning this week and I shall not disappoint. Once I get done typing I’ll be sharing promos for everything I’ve got coming out in 2020.

It’s kind of an impressive presentation.

My digital stores, for books and clothing, have been attracting humans and I’m well pleased with them. Both the stores and the humans.

In the meantime, if you go to my MERCH page to buy books and comics everything ships next business day. If you go to my GEAR page to get clothes and gear everything ships as soon as it can be printed. Usually within three or four days. Bonus, now that we got all the cool stuff to work, if you’re in the UK and click on GEAR it will automatically take you to the U.K. site so you don’t get charged international shipping.

Also, lest ye forget, we’re still offering Bill McSciFi Free Comics. In order to help people stay saner than an emu on acid during the pandemic Nerdanatix is allowing anyone who wishes to preview their entire catalog, online only, for free. That includes all your favorite McSciFi titles; Legends ParallelHybrid Zero: JuggernautHybrid Zero: Jungle GrrlHybrid Zero: Cassandra and the Changeling SwordSvarozic, and Ruh Roh Rangers. Above and beyond all the cool McSciFi joints there are some other incredible talents up there.and there are far worse ways to spend your time. If at all possible, view them on a larger screen. The art is amazing.

Also, for those who missed it, I moved my reading of a scene from The Brittle Riders to my You Tube page so there are no more onerous age restrictions. Think of it as PG-13 and you’ll be fine. 

You know what, that should keep you busy enough for now. I’ll wish you well and let you enjoy the promo pieces.

Stay safe, sane, and inside. See you next week!


Newsletter Posted on Tue, May 12, 2020 07:53:46
First, I truly hope you’re staying safe, sane, and inside. While New York, Illinois, California, and a few other states are seeing the number of cases begin to decline, the same is not true for the entire country and it will continue to get worse before it gets better. Make sure to avoid any “miracle cures,” “evil conspiracies,” “investment dreams come true,” and other scams. Also make sure to only pay attention to the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization for your Coronavirus updates. There are still too few tests available to even think about opening up the country, so please tell people to stop trying to do that.

Okay, on to the fun stuff.

Last week, after a couple of fits and starts, I was finally able to get the Bill McSciFi UK shop up and running. It features all the McSciFi gear plus the Legends Parallel line and all the latest Hybrid Zero threads. It had to be done that way unless I planned on opening up actual lines of clothing and investing in serious promotions (which I am not). As of right now, you can only buy customized face masks in the UK shop, and someone has already ordered one, but I’ve been promised they’ll be coming to America soon.

My English friend Jin-ah, not the famous one, saw all this happening  and leapt into action. Within an hour of the whole thing going live she, and a couple friends, had put together a promo tweet for the shop, me, and all things good and holy.

Well, “good and holy” by my standards, anyway.

Now, when you CLICK HERE you’ll be treated to something teasingly naughty, cloyingly fun, and entirely Asian. Basically, you’ll be treated to everything Jin-ah stands for. 

This way, no matter which country you’re in, you can go to the McSciFi web site and, when you click on the gear tab, you’ll be taken to the store nearest your country so you can pay the least amount for shipping. Additionally, when you visit the site, you’ll note I cleaned the heck out of it, added the gift card on every page, and made the whole thing easier to navigate.

So, that was fun.

More below.

I had an amazing time at the LA Book Fest last Saturday, met fans old and new, and got to meet a plethora of exciting authors. For those who missed me reading from The Brittle Riders, just CLICK HERE to enjoy your favorite, PG-13, dystoipian bedtime story. One fun note here; if you click on The Brittle Riders, and bring up the individual book options, you’ll note you can purchase each title in Japan. Sadly, they were not translated into Japanese, it’s just there’s a small contingent of fans there who wanted copies so Amazon Japan was kind enough to make that happen.

Now, for  the new people who joined us during, and after, the fest, here’s a sample of some of the cool stuff you can get right now, with the added bonus of much of it being free!

Bill McSciFi Gift e-Cards – Yep, they’re real. Just CLICK HERE to get yours. They work exactly like any normal gift e-cards you can get, except they look much cooler. You can order them online, give them as gifts, and use them for anything you want, not only McSciFi gear. Just imagine how wonderful it would be to order your favorite booze for delivery using a McSciFi gift e-card. Or how impressed your special someone will be when they find one of these in their inbox instead of your usual squirrel memes.

Bill McSciFi Books and Comics – If you CLICK HERE you will see an awesome array of delights no home should be without. Since I stocked up for spring conventions, and there aren’t any right now, I have a dining room full of stuff. If you buy anything via this portal it will ship next business day. You can even use your gift card to pay for everything if you wish. This is good for me, good for the post office, and good for your soul.

Bill McSciFi Free Stories – All you have to do is CLICK HERE to enjoy, previously published, short stories, interviews, articles and more. It’s a great way to kill some time, have some fun, and destroy brain cells without alcohol, delivered or otherwise. It’s also the perfect link for you to share with people who may be interested in checking out some McSciFi but not wanting to make a financial commitment at this time.

Bill McSciFi Free Comics – In order to help people stay saner than an emu on acid during the pandemic Nerdanatix is allowing anyone who wishes to preview their entire catalog, online only, for free. That includes all your favorite McSciFi titles; Legends ParallelHybrid Zero: JuggernautHybrid Zero: Jungle GrrlHybrid Zero: Cassandra and the Changeling SwordSvarozic, and Ruh Roh Rangers. Above and beyond all the cool McSciFi joints there are some other incredible talents up there.and there are far worse ways to spend your time. If at all possible, view them on a larger screen. The art is amazing.

Just a bit more.

I’d like to take a moment to address the couple of nice people who wanted to know what heck was taking so long when it comes to releasing SPLICE and Goptri of the Mists: Kitaab Ek. I especially enjoyed the one missive which contained this bon mot, “My brother wrote his novel last week and it’s on Amazon now.”

Good for him.

Since I don’t self publish, my books go through a, slightly, more stringent  process. They are written, which takes me longer than a week, then they are proofed, edited, beta read, updated, sent to the publisher for a conforming edit and, eventually, the commercial presentation is finalized.

Then, and only then, do promos start to roll out. After several weeks of promotions, the book goes live. 

Anyway, expect to see promos for SPLICE starting next week.

Again, and as always, stay safe, sane, and inside, and I’ll see you next week.

Too McCute for Comfort

Newsletter Posted on Tue, May 05, 2020 09:06:54

Welcome Newbies!

Apparently, once people get done looking for free porn, and discount toilet paper, on the internet they wander over here and sign up for my newsletter. I, for one, am damn glad to have them. Plus, they landed at just the right time. I am a fount of burbling good news today.

In honor of finally being able to print, and deliver, gear to all my fans (and their other clients too, I’m not THAT special), Spreadshirt has increased the number of options people will have for each graphic. In my case, it’s gone from ten to over one hundred. So you can get maternity gear, coffee mugs, onesies (more on them in a moment), T-shirts, and so much more I’d rather you just checked it all out. 

When you go to the Legends Parallel or Bill McSciFi merchandise pages, you’ll see new designs, a wider selection, and a cool new McSciFi logo. It’s the one at the top of this newsletter. I’m partnering up with some PR specialists, cleaning up my brand, although still basing it on the original art by Leslie Tejlor, and letting them pimp me like your favorite five dollar hooker. This should be fun.

BONUS! You can now buy my stuff, both Legends Parallel and Bill McSciFi, in the United Kingdom and only pay local shipping. When additional countries get added, I’ll let you know. Until then, international shipping rates apply for everyone else.

Now, back to the important thing that has you on the edge of your seat; the onesies. I talk about them, I’ve noted people have them, but I’ve never shared a pic. Part of that has to do with my inbred reluctance when it comes to showing images of children on the internet. Too many nights in bars with cops spent listening to horror stories.

But, without getting specific, this mommy is near and dear to my heart, and the heart of my girlfriend, and was kind enough to share some awesome cuteness. So, make sure you’re sitting down, and prepare to say AWWWWWWWW, DAT’S SO KEWT!, loudly and often.

More below, so keep going once you stop cooing.

This Saturday, May 9, 2020, I will be a featured author at the LA Book Fest. There will be virtual booths, where you can buy stuff and interact with media mavens, a reading room, where you can hear me read a selection from Book III of The Brittle Riders, and an interactive moment where you can ask me anything. 

That will happen at 4:45 PM (CDT), for just fifteen minutes, and you can hop in just by CLICKING THIS LINK.

Please swing by and say hi. 

As much as I love being locked in a room with my girlfriend, some extraneous human interaction is appreciated.

Still more to come!

Just a quick clarification, the Bill McSciFi gift card is strictly an e-card for now. For all the right reasons.  If we ever stop sheltering inside long enough for me to interact with humans, I’ll get the hard copies. Still, it works just like any other gift card you can buy online. So go ahead, buy lots of them for those you love, tolerate, or possibly know, and have fun.

Additionally, the Bill McSciFi store has become a more popular destination than I might have expected or hoped. Of course, with conventions cancelling around the country, it’s, pretty much, the only game in town. 

However, if cash is tight, and it is for many, our distributor, Nerdanatix, is letting people read their entire line of comics for free, online only. And, as always, I have a collection of short stories, and articles, you can read for free on my blog.

Hopefully, my squishy brain can bring you a little joy during these turbulent times.

A little bit more.

By this time next week I imagine I’ll have a release date for SPLICE, the novel. This has been a fun ride, putting it all together. Those who have read a lot of my stuff, and beta read this, have called it the best thing I’ve ever written. 

I can’t judge. After spending months with something it’s kind of burned out of my brain. By the time I turn something in it’s been beta read, story edited, content edited, rewritten, and and then finalized one last time. It’s like spending too much time with someone. You like them, certainly think they’re cool, but need to get the hell away and have some alone time.

That’s where I’m at now.

Like everything I write, I’ll revisit it in a year or so and hope to say “Well, cool, I guess that didn’t suck.”

Until next week, I’ll leave you with a bit of fun. Every day I, along with Cyril Brown, post #HashtagBingo promos for Hybrid Zero. They’re NSFW, funny, and irreverent. If you want to see the pictures, you’ll have to risk clicking each tweet.

Until next week, stay safe, sane, and indoors.

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